Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Finding 150 Yuan Becomes an Opportunity to Show the Truth about Falun Dafa
2004-08-09I said that I was not returning money for the sake of a reward, but that my intent was to let more people like them learn the truth about Falun Dafa and that it's not like what the propaganda on TV had publicised. Right at the moment when I was explaining the facts, a group of tricycle drivers came around. Some of them looked at me with admiration, some gave me a thumbs-up, some said, "Falun Dafa is very good", while others said, "Why don't you demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises right here!"
Recognise Our Shortcomings and Strive Forward Diligently
2004-08-06For those of us who make time to study the Fa, many times we cannot calm our minds and focus on what we are reading, but let our mind wander or think about other "important" matters we have to get done. We also let ourselves get disturbed by mixed thoughts, feel tired and sleepy, or interfered with by family members--all of which seriously interferes with our Fa study. Some practitioners cannot effectively eliminate this interference, thus causing them to not be able to improve and keep up with the requirements of this period of time.
Thoughts on the Easily Overlooked Attachment of "Fame" During the Course of Cultivation
2004-08-06I always felt that I was quite a modest person; some practitioners even said that I had a pure mind. Recently however, I have found that I am not so "pure"; instead, my issues are more complicated than others. I realised that on almost every occasion, my each thought, or many of the things that I have done all revolved around the factor of "fame." This was something that had formed deep in my bones and wasn't easily recognisable.
Being Responsible as Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-08-02Sometimes when I saw or heard about something that some Falun Gong practitioners didn't do very well, I would think: apart from first looking inside to see what I had done wrong, I should also write it down so as to share this with other Falun Gong practitioners. If we have done something that is inappropriate, it is likely that we might leave a negative impression of Falun Gong to not only those who don’t practise but also to those who do.
Clarifying the Truth While Working as a Private Tutor
2004-08-02In the end, two envelopes for each class were sent out. Afterwards, Xiao Jie received the packages and brought them to school for her classmates to read. The colourful truth-clarifying materials easily attracted the students. Many students would gather around to read them. They were able to gain a good understanding about Falun Dafa. One student said, "Wow! There are also so many people practising Falun Gong overseas!"
The Distance Between Me and Veteran Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-07-30I participated in activities to help stop the persecution, yet I didn't make diligent advancement in studying the teachings of Falun Gong and the practice, nor did I have a chance to really practice and share experiences with other practitioners in a group. Lacking a solid foundation in my cultivation, I only had a surface understanding of Dafa and Master. Hence I gave in to the police fearing that they might extend my detention terms.
The Problems of Always Insisting on One's Own Opinion, or of Having No Opinion
2004-07-30However, I have noticed a phenomenon: some practitioners mix the concept of "no organisation, no leaders" with the bad behaviour of not following rules and not obeying leaders' orders in everyday society. In some Dafa activities, these practitioners are self-opinionated and even resist the coordinator's advice by using ordinary people's tactics.
Pay More Attention to Our Fellow Falun Gong Practitioners as well as the Cultivation Environment
2004-07-28My story here is very simple, however, it was not an easy thing for her. Thinking about it, I felt that I was far from having her righteous thoughts and actions. I believe that if each one of us can always remember Master's teaching, pay attention to fellow practitioners with our hearts, and give a hand to anyone who falls behind, our environment will become better and better when our righteous thoughts are stronger.
Eliminate the Evil Dark Minions by Uniting Our Righteous Thoughts
2004-07-28They interfere by strengthening these practitioners' attachments, and eventually they take control of them. From the perspective of the surface dimension, for those practitioners who had omissions in these two areas, some of them gave up their practice after the persecution began in July 20th of 1999, and some, although they came through the persecution after nearly dying several times, finally failed in the test of ordinary people's fame, pursuits, and emotion, and could not extricate themselves from it.
Ireland: Activity to Remember July 20th 1999
2004-07-26It was then that I noticed his blue shirt and black tie when I asked him if by any chance he was a member of the Garda Siochana ( the Irish police). His face beamed, "Indeed I am and it was while on duty in Tullamore a few months ago during the Foreign Ministers' conference that I was assigned to keep watch on Falun Gong." He went on to say that he was most impressed by the peaceful nature of the practitioners and the beauty of the exercises were a revelation to him, particularly the small boy who became so still like something from Heaven
Interview with a Wheelchair-Using Falun Gong Practitioner
2004-07-22During some international large-scale activities, I met a wheelchair-using practitioner from Northern Europe many times. I imagined how difficult it was for her to participate in these activities. Last May I was happy to see her again in the famous Stephen Square in Vienna, while she was practising Falun Gong exercises in her wheelchair along with other Dafa practitioners. I managed to talk to her and asked her some questions.
My Understanding of the South Africa Shooting Incident and Fa-Rectification Cultivation
2004-07-22I heard the shooting incident scared some new practitioners and practitioners who didn't study the Fa well, because they think the persecution has escalated abroad. In fact, Jiang's group would have made a grave mistake if they had planned to escalate the persecution. It is impossible to achieve this and will only speed up their own destruction. The more crimes they commit, the more they will reveal themselves.
Talking About Serious Cultivation With Practitioners Who Do Not Know How to Improve Themselves
2004-07-22Everyone is familiar with this phrase, but some practitioners do not really know how we can be serious. I think that in our cultivation we should be strict with ourselves in accordance with the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." We have to check whether or not we tell the truth and do truthful deeds, if we mix selfish motives in with our speech, if we consider others when we speak, as well as if our words are kind and compassionate or ill-willed.
Reflections from Fa Study
2004-07-21In fact, Master had already suggested that we memorise the book. I felt deep regret for not listening to Master in the beginning. If all practitioners in Mainland China had listened to Master--did what Master asked us to do, memorised the Dafa book and laid a solid foundation--could we still not know what to do when the persecution started? Could we not remember Master and Dafa when we were arrested, beaten and tortured, instead of only focusing on our physical suffering?
Letting Go of Our Human Mentalities and Truly Saving Sentient Beings
2004-07-21When a project needs to be done, we usually first ask for help from those practitioners who are more active. However, once these practitioners take over the project, they may have to set aside the projects they have been doing. A better way is to encourage more practitioners to participate; otherwise, when a new project takes off, an on-going project will stop. On the whole, their may be little overall gain.