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Walk Your Path WIth Righteous Thoughts
2004-04-05All of you are either police or people assisting in enforcement of the law, but you break the law. Who gives you this privilege? If your answer is ‘the government’ then please tell me the definition of government and show me a legitimate document. OK, you do not have any document with you, that means that your action is not legitimate. I am going on a hunger strike to protest this illegal action, since this is the only way I can protest.
Showing People the Truth About Falun Gong in Hong Kong
2004-04-04In the beginning I encountered a test that required me to hold a Dafa display board in front of a line of tourist buses. I was conscious of how people would see me and whether they could understand what it was I was doing. With adjustments from time to time, I sent forth righteous thoughts while holding the display board. I also eliminated my mentality of being laughed at and kept the thought that I would let them know the facts no matter how they saw me.
The Power Comes From Dafa
2004-04-04I also realise that in many cases, it seemed as though I was helping others, or that conflicts occurred because of the other person's problems. When I truly looked within myself and cultivated myself under any circumstance, I could look back and see that all these things occurred because of my own heart. The others indeed helped me. Whatever happens around us is truly due to our own attachments.
Prisoners Change Upon Witnessing Amazing Turn of Events
2004-04-03In a few days, we became familiar with the other prisoners in our cell. We shared with them some of our experiences that we had encountered in our cultivation, including the miraculous stories of how Falun Gong improved our minds and bodies. We told them what Teacher Li taught us, including how to be a good person. Two prisoners, Ms. A and Ms. B, began to learn Teacher Li's poems in Hong Yin from us. They were afraid they wouldn't be able to memorise them, so they asked us to write Teacher Li's poems on the only paper they had, that is, on the back of the court verdict.
Remembering Our Sacred Duty and Creating a Benevolent Environment
2004-04-03The foreman of the construction team assigned the practitioner to lead a project. After the project was completed, the project owner paid him a special bonus in addition to the regular payment. The practitioner turned in all the money to the foreman, who was surprised because nobody before had ever turned in so much money. The practitioner said, "I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, and I cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance and try to be a kind person.
Volunteering for Dafa Websites is Also Cultivation--My Understanding of Dafa Website Projects in the Past, Current, and in the Future
2004-04-03Over the past four years, all the first-hand information about the persecution's facts are from Minghui/Clearwisdom. In particular, when the persecution first started in 1999, Dafa websites were resisting the evil propaganda from a whole country. The truth-clarifying materials from Dafa websites have been continuously sent back to China; they are also translated into English, so that people all over the world know about the truth. Dafa websites have a special and important role in the truth-clarification. The stable running of these Dafa websites have made the evil scared and helpless.
Practitioners vs. Disciples
2004-04-03Other practitioners and nearly gave up cultivation altogether after they experienced some frustrations in cultivation or changed to a new environment. Later they recalled the gloomy period of time after they returned to the path of cultivation. They said that they knew that they should not fall behind, and they were in tears each time they looked at Teacher’s photographs, but for some reason they just could not pick up a Dafa book to read and they had no desire or interest to do Dafa work. They thought that they had done a lot of things badly and they were far below the standard of a Dafa disciple. They thought that they were hopeless.
Terrorism and the Human Rights Commission
2004-04-02It may seem that terrorist activities are far away from our Dafa practitioners, at this human level, we always hold the view that terrorism is none of our business or I wouldn’t be bothered. From the perspective of the Fa, we haven’t reached a clear understanding of how terrorism can have a bad effect on what we are doing today. Instead of using our righteous thoughts to clean away the interference of terrorism, we just ignored it.
People Are Looking For Falun Gong
2004-04-02The second person was a policeman. One night he came to me and said, "I have read all of the flyers and booklets you gave me last time. I have read all of them and passed them on. Now I realize that Falun Gong is good." Then he said with embarrassment, "Would you give me the book Zhuan Falun to read? I know you Falun Gong practitioners don't think policemen are good." I said, "No. We practitioners treat everyone equally. Practitioners of Falun Gong cultivate benevolence in their daily lives without concern for any gain or loss.
A Visitor from China: The Public Trial of Jiang Zemin is the Wish of the Chinese People
2004-04-01The Dafa practitioner said to him, "Yes, it is indeed like this. This is precisely the reason why after four years of persecution and suppression, Falun Gong still stands strong. Actually this persecution is happening on a global scale. On the surface, people can only see the physical and mental suffering endured by Falun Gong practitioners. On a deeper level, the persecution has brought about a much bigger disaster, as it destroys humanity and human conscience and ruins mankind's morality..."
Taking Responsibility for Our Own Fate
2004-04-01By the end of my college education I had grown tired of those bad things and started to search the world for something to set me free, or at least to help me see the truth. Then, in December of 2002, while searching around on the Internet for meditation information I came across the web site, Suddenly I felt as if I had been waiting all my life for that moment. I trust that I truly had been waiting for it, for a long time - longer then my life in this society can account for. Soon I finished school and moved back home to Louisiana.
A Sharing on Calling People in China to Clarify the Truth About Falun Gong and the Persecution
2004-03-31On another occasion, I called a corrupt person who was with the “610 Office.”* I called his home phone number and a girl picked up the phone. She hung up the phone three times, but she didn’t hang up the fourth time. She silently listened to me until I finished speaking. She then asked me, “Why did you all go and surround Zhongnanhai [the headquarters of the Chinese Central Government in Beijing]?” She asked many more questions about Falun Gong. In fact, she kept asking questions until I had to leave home to pick up my daughter from school. So I asked for her QQ account number, and we’ve since chatted a few times online.
The Pleasure of Studying the Fa
2004-03-31I remember one early morning, in the beginning of October 2000, when I noticed a yellow banner in the park that displayed the content of “Lunyu.” As I was reading “Lunyu,” I became excited. This was the first time I had encountered Falun Dafa. I immediately went to a bookshop and purchased a copy of Zhuan Falun. I know many people who have read that book more than one or two hundred times in just one year.
Some Thoughts on Falun Dafa Practitioners Creating Literary Work
2004-03-30The true meaning of literature should be to motivate people to search for, and become closer to, the truth. Since ancient times, countless renowned scholars have been searching for the truth, but to no avail. Right now the truth is made available to us, and that truth is Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong. It follows then that Dafa practitioners’ literary efforts during this period ought to revolve around Falun Dafa, the truth of the universe, as well as Teacher’s immense compassion.
Having Once Been Deceived, I Now Understand the Urgency of Exposing the Jiang Group's Lies
2004-03-30In November 2000, I went to Singapore, and I was fortunate enough to attend the Singapore Experience Sharing Conference. After I heard the experiences of practitioners in Singapore and started to read a lot of truth clarification materials, I came to understand. I was shocked when I realized that the propaganda was all fabricated. Through the help of fellow practitioners, I once again stepped back onto the path of cultivation.