Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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A Veteran Physician's Personal Experience of Being Free from the Torment of Numerous Illnesses and Obtaining Health in Mind and Body
2003-11-10After cultivating for half a year, I basically had no more illnesses. I went out to do the exercises every morning from four to five o'clock. My husband feared that I might catch a cold and tried to stop me, "You will definitely catch cold this winter!" but not only had I not fallen ill that winter, all of my chronic illnesses vanished completely in the years following my cultivation. In the past, I had to be hospitalized once or twice each year and had to take medications every single day. Since practicing the exercises I have not been hospitalized once nor have taken one tablet to this day.
Falun Dafa Saved My Life: Recovery from a Malignant Brain Tumor
2003-11-10Compared to veterans working as long as I had, my rank was two grades lower. Before practicing Falun Dafa, I complained a lot about that because I felt my contribution and my reward were disproportionate. Since I became a practitioner, I have tried to take fame and interest lightly, and truly be a good person. I told the supervisor, " I am not qualified for the title of outstanding worker. I have been on sick leave for a year and a half. The work unit has paid so much money for my medical expenses. I have already received so much. Please give this opportunity to someone else."
France: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference held in Paris
2003-11-05The French Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held in Paris on the 26th of October, 2003, with more than 150 practitioners in attendance. The auditorium was sacredly decorated. In the background Masters portrait was displayed, with two colorful Falun emblem banners hanging on either side.
Falun Dafa Has Freed My Husband and Me From Illness
2003-11-05It was really hard suffering in what felt like a living death. As a result of my excruciating illnesses, I became just like a withered old woman. It felt like one day was like a year. I even held thoughts of dying, in my mind. Just when I couldn't live or die, I received a copy of Zhuan Falun. I started to read it very seriously and carefully. While I was reading Zhuan Falun, I felt that my back did not hurt anymore, my mind cleared up, and all my illnesses seemed to have improved.
Purity of Words
2003-11-05When reading classical Chinese literature, such as Shijing (Also called The Book of Songs, this is the earliest collection of Chinese poems including 305 poems of the Zhou Dynasty, 1122-256 B.C.) and Shen Xian Chuan (A collection of stories about celestial beings in ancient China) I found that ancient people chronicled events with a peaceful mind. They seldom used words and expressions steeped in emotion. No wonder Confucius said: Among the three hundred poems, one sentence can cover all of them, i.e., the thought must be pure and righteous.
Eight Years of Pain Cured in Five Days of Practicing Falun Gong
2003-11-02I was extremely fearful of the cold in winter. I had to put on heavy cotton clothing when others had not yet put on sweaters. It was even worse in summer. While other people wore short sleeve shirts with the air-conditioning on, I still had to wear long sleeve shirts and could not even stand to have a fan blowing. Since my office was air-conditioned, I was not able to stay there unless my officemates agreed to turn it off.
Starting to Look Inside
2003-11-02It is my personal understanding that whatever problem we come across and no matter what the situation, it is likely to be linked to our own attachments. I have found myself more frequently in situations in which I was constantly being criticized. Though it was hard not to become upset by it, I did learn to become more patient as fellow practitioners pointed out my attachments according to their perspectives.
Remission From Cancer - My Mother's Cultivation Story
2003-10-24Mother's health was getting better day-by-day. She insisted on leaving the hospital. I asked my brothers, sisters and other relatives and they also hoped to get mother out of the hospital. So I went to the doctor again. He also noticed the changes in my mother and said he would decide when the X ray test results come out. When the test results came out, the doctor was very surprised. The cancer tissue, which had earlier spread to the lungs, had now disappeared. The lung X-ray was clear and the cancerous bump had disappeared.
Treating Dafa Cultivation with a Pure and Clean Heart
2003-10-24I remember that I had all kinds of deep and apparent attachments in the beginning of my cultivation. The relationship among my family members and my colleagues was very tense, and it seemed that I was in trouble all the time. But at that time I treated Dafa cultivation with a very sincere and pure heart. My only wish of cultivation was to return to my original, true self. With the gradual elimination of my attachments, my interpersonal relationship was getting better, and it was getting easy for me to create harmonious atmosphere.
My True Story: Teacher Li Helped Me Overcome A Physical Disability
2003-10-21On June 27, 1999, right after the Chicago experience sharing conference, Teacher Li came to see the practitioners at the morning practice in Chicago's Olive Park. While trying to get closer to him, I stumbled and fell into the fountain. Teacher Li pulled me out of the fountain and answered the many questions I asked him. After Teacher Li left, on my way to the restroom I started to run very fast in spite of my disability. I was very surprised. I usually have a hard time walking. How could I run all of a sudden?
What We Do for Dafa Should Come from Our Own Hearts
2003-10-21As particles of Dafa it should be only natural to do so and from that perspective there should not be a need to push or pressure each other into doing so. It is my understanding that Master has never pressured us into anything, so why should we practitioners act differently when it comes to this? We all should be aware of the importance of the things we are doing today, but we cannot forget to cultivate ourselves in the midst of this.
Three Stories from Prison
2003-10-18Mr. Zheng, a Dafa practitioner, was arrested and imprisoned for raising awareness about the persecution. Upon entering his cell, the head of the cell immediately expressed his greetings, "All other cells have Falun Gong practitioners in them. I heard that Falun Gong is quite marvelous. Our cell is the only cell that doesn't have Falun Gong practitioners. How come they are just so unfair to our cell? It's wonderful now that you are here. Hurry up and teach me the exercises."
A Short Discussion About the State of Being Busy
2003-10-18A simple Chinese character contains a lot of information. For instance, the Chinese character for busy is constructed by the character for heart on one side and death on the other. The character indicates that when a person gets busy, his or her heart tends to become dead. A man with dead heart is inclined to get into trouble. The Chinese word for hurry depicts a picture of a messy wasteland blanketed with weeds.
A Few Words About Changing the Way We Think
2003-10-17Usually we think from the "me" perspective, on an I-would-like-to-do-this-or-that basis. Unconsciously, our priority becomes our own understanding, cultivation state and feelings. By following this pattern of thinking, we then mistakenly consider what we have done, based on our own wishes, as done according to the Dafa standard and requirement. In other words, this kind of thought pattern, albeit with good intention, would make us try to get what we want from the "me" perspective.
The Miracle of a Life Created by Falun Dafa -- The Inspirational Story of a Former Leukemia Patient
2003-10-17In March 1995, I luckily found out about Falun Dafa. It was a turning point in my life. At the beginning when I went to the exercise site, I couldn't even perform the first four exercises since I was extremely weak and the condition of my heart was very poor. After some time of working on the exercises, my body gradually felt relaxed and I could easily finish the standing exercises, which lasted for an hour. I felt like I was saved from the hell of pain and hopelessness! It was a miracle!