Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2008-04-20During the ten days I was hospitalized, I had not been able to eat or drink. Upon returning home, I could drink water. I started listening to Falun Dafa lectures on audio tape. Several days later, I could eat and get around without any medical treatment. My condition improved day by day. I used to suffer from arthritis and my hands were so swollen that I could not do housework. I had tried various forms of medical treatment but they all failed. After listening to the lectures, I could not only practice the exercises, but also walk two miles. Everyone who came to visit me thought that Dafa was so miraculous!
Falun Dafa Healed My Leg and Gave Me a New Life
2008-04-16I first tried to change my temper. Once I encountered a conflict, I first looked within to see whether I had done something wrong or whether I had certain attachments. I became calm by tolerating and everything seemed in harmony once I took one step back. I gradually achieved it. I slowly let go all of my attachments and tried my best to conduct myself according to the requirement of the Fa. While changing my clothes one day, I noticed that my leg was healed!
Thank You Falun Gong
2008-04-09I am a college student who will soon graduate. It has been three years since I came across Falun Dafa. Although both my parents practise I had no interest in giving it a go or even learning anything about it. Now things have changed and I have come to firmly believe in benefits brought about by practising both Falun Dafa. Below is my personal experience. I hope it can help people to understand what Falun Dafa really is.
Falun Dafa Gave My Husband a Second Life
2008-04-07My husband recovered quickly. Now he can do some chores and also go outside and ride a bike. Our neighbours were all perplexed: Didn't he have cancer? How come he looks more energetic? His face is even rosy. I proudly told them that it was because he started practising Falun Dafa. Now our neighbours also come to my house to learn Falun Dafa.
Falun Gong Saved My Mother
2008-04-01When the doctors checked on my mother's ward, all the doctors, nurses and patients in the same ward were frozen in shock. It was truly a miracle! Mother had made a speedy recovery overnight! "What miracle pill did she take last night?" everyone asked. In just a few days, mother checked out of the hospital. Our relatives and friends who called on her were amazed by the miracle.
The Doctors Kept Saying: "It's a Miracle from God!"
2008-03-29Due to the physical torture and suffering from the diseases, and the mental and economic burden, my health was declining with each passing day. My temper had become increasingly bad. I was easily irritated, I cursed regularly, and I did not cooperate with the doctor's treatment. I knew that the treatment was only a consolation. My family secretly grieved over my condition.
A Practitioner's Every Thought Is Important
2008-03-12If we truly want to help people, when we clarify the facts with a compassionate and calm mind, when our own space emits positive energy, people will naturally feel comfortable and be willing to listen to us, and it will be easier for them to accept what we have to tell them.
Facing Accusations from Fellow Practitioners
2008-03-12I composed myself and thought over my recent conduct, coming to the conclusion that the incorrect circumstances at the materials site and in my surroundings were reflections of my own cultivation state. Master in many lectures had told us about searching inside so why is it that I couldn't manage to do so?
My Understanding about Sharing among Fellow Practitioners
2008-03-06Nowadays when sharing, practitioners sometimes become trapped within the constraints of who is right and who is wrong. The real issue is that we should look inward so that we can meet the requirements and standards of the Fa at different levels.
Using Technology to Support Falun Dafa
2008-03-06When distributing materials containing the facts about the practice and the truth behind the persecution and other such activities, practitioners immediately recognize interference as soon as we encounter difficulties. That's when we have to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference. By contrast, when we face technical difficulties, we tend to be immediately trapped within the technology and have a hard time extricating ourselves
Falun Gong Brings Happiness to my Family
2008-03-05My father and I were in despair after they returned home. Mother's illness became worse and worse each day. She eventually became incontinent. One day, my aunt came to visit us and said to my mother, "Why don't you try Falun Dafa?." Then she started to read the Falun Gong book, Zhuan Falun to my mother. Within several days, my mother's illness had simply vanished.
Some Understandings about the Attachment to Personal Gain
2008-03-04I always thought that I held little interest when it came to money. I always thought that even if piles of money were put in front of me I would not take any and my heart would not be moved even a bit. I thought I had let go of the heart of seeking personal gain, but in reality that was not the case. I lost my job because of the persecution. I was in a financially difficult situation. For years I pinched and scraped. Unknowingly I became very attached to material gain.
A Farmer in China Shares his Cultivation Experience
2008-03-04Later, I stopped taking medication, and my neighbours and friends asked me why. I could barely speak, so my wife explained to them that we were Falun Gong practitioners and our Teacher was taking care of us. After a month, I was able to walk again. Others felt that it was incredible since they thought that I would be disabled. Knowing that I practised Falun Gong, they started to see Falun Gong as being miraculous and spread the truth about the practice.
The Power of Compassion
2008-03-03I could not help looking back at my cultivation journey. How much had I truly thought about others during those painful tribulations or conflicts? How many times had I truly let go of the attachment to myself? How many times had I really realized, from the bottom of my heart, that I should be a genuine Falun Dafa disciple who always searches within himself, compassionately treats others, and tries to offer salvation to the numerous sentient beings?
Doctor Amazed by the Greatness of Falun Dafa: "There Isn't a Similar Case out of a Thousand!"
2008-02-28After several months, I noticed that the serious rheumatism which had afflicted me for many years had disappeared. Now I can easily cross a ditch or climb the stairs, and I walk down the street without any difficulty. Ever since then, I have told everybody I meet that it is Falun Dafa that restored my health and I wouldn't have anything today if I hadn't had the chance to learn this great practice.