Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Purity of Words
2002-11-05When reading classical Chinese literature, such as Shijing (Also called The Book of Songs, this is the earliest collection of Chinese poems including 305 poems of the Zhou Dynasty, 1122-256 B.C.) and Shen Xian Chuan (A collection of stories about celestial beings in ancient China) I found that ancient people chronicled events with a peaceful mind. They seldom used words and expressions steeped in emotion. No wonder Confucius said: Among the three hundred poems, one sentence can cover all of them, i.e., the thought must be pure and righteous.
Falun Dafa Gave Me a New Life
2002-11-04Before I began to practise Falun Dafa, I suffered from various illnesses and hovered between life and death seven times between the age of 26 and 47. Because of my long time illnesses, the whole family suffered a lot. It was like living in hell and each day felt like a year. I called to heaven and earth, but got no response. Who could help me?
A Few Words on Seeking Inward
2002-11-04 -
For the rest of your life, remember: Falun Dafa Is Good! - What Happened at Mexico Airport
2002-11-03we saw a plane marked with the words Air China! Around the plane, quite a few members of the Chinese Delegation were waiting for boarding. Under the blue sky and bright sunshine, on the broad and almost empty airport ground, the yellow banner that read Stop Persecuting Falun Gong! and Dafa practitioners yellow T-shirts were very eye-catching. They drew attention from many passengers and airport staff.
Sharing at the Israeli Fa-Conference
2002-11-03Shortly after I started cultivating in Falun Dafa, I had a dream: I was running towards a bus, the door was almost shut and I knew that I could get on it. Suddenly I saw an old man surrounded with many suitcases. It was obvious that he was in a trouble, and wanted to ask me for help. It seemed to me to be the most important decision I may have in my life: to either get on the bus and forget about it, or help the old man and let the bus go on its way. I stopped. I never got on the bus.
Falun Dafa Purifies One's Mind and Body
2002-11-03Before he practiced Falun Gong, a man smoked a pack of cigarettes a day and drank alcohol at each meal. Within only 10 days after he started practicing Falun Gong, the smell of tobacco became unendurable, so he quit smoking and does not want to smoke anymore.
Meeting Torture with Righteousness in the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp
2002-11-02Before I could say anything, they started shocking my neck with the electric batons again. During the next half hour, the four men hit me and shocked me with their batons. This caused my neck to turn black and purple. I persisted in clarifying the facts about Dafa to them with compassion in my heart whenever I had a chance. This stunned them.
Raising A Banner in Tiananmen Square
2002-11-02For those new to Clearharmony, we suggest that before reading any of our experience sharing articles that you first read the main text of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun. This is to ensure that ideas and priciples mentioned are not misunderstood.
One Family Member Practices, The Whole Family Benefits
2002-11-01All family members of a Falun Dafa practitioner in Weifang City, Shandong Province know that Falun Dafa is good and supported her practice. In the last few years, her family members experienced a few very dangerous situations and walked away unharmed. Their stories became the legend of the neighborhood.
An Anesthetist Who Refuses to Collect Extra Money in Red Envelopes
2002-10-31Another source of "extra" income is kickbacks from drug companies for prescribing expensive medicine. Though it cannot be compared to the amount of money in red envelopes, which is also quite sizeable. After practicing Falun Gong, my younger sister, who is an anesthetist working in a hospital, stopped taking the red envelopes and kickbacks for prescribing certain drugs.
Falun Dafa Saved My Family
2002-10-30Not long ago, my 75-year-old mother-in-law became very ill, and we rushed to see her that same day. She was very ill and could not eat, and she was frighteningly skinny. My father-in-law asked us to prepare for her death. I read the teachings of Falun gong to her and she made a miraculous recovery. Within just ten days, all of the problems with her heart, lungs, the left side of her body trembling, and her not being able to think disappeared.
My Experience of Teaching Falun Gong to Children in Israel
2002-10-29 -
A Short Story That Happened in My Company
2002-10-28Teacher Li's words suddenly came into my mind; We should consider others more under all circumstances. As overseas Chinese, we should respect the habits of westerners and the way they like to deal with things. For example, the Chinese would think it is not a big deal whether or not we hold the door for others; everyone should open their own door when they need to. Yet westerners take this as a sign of good manners and respect for others.
What is a Genuine Understanding of the Fa?
2002-10-27Only when our actions and viewpoints comply with the principles of the Fa [Teachings of Falun Dafa - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance] as a whole, is it true comprehension of the Fa. And when you have the true comprehension of the Fa, all the behaviours of a person comply with the Fa.
A Swiss Practitioners Experience at an NGO Meeting