Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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A New Practitioner's First Experience Introducing Falun Dafa
2009-11-10I was reluctant to participate in projects that validate the Fa. Actually, it was because I had fear and an attachment to comfort. Through this experience I understand that being a Fa-rectification Period Dafa disciple, my personal cultivation takes place along with my Fa-rectification cultivation.
Buddha Stories: Don’t Judge a Person by His Appearance
2009-11-09“You should not have thoughts of contempt towards that monk. Why? Because he has already eliminated all kinds of attachments, with nothing left.... All of his heart is kind and his mind is free of pursuit. You can’t carelessly guess about others. Only a Tathagata is capable of inferring others.”
Reflections on Life: Good Fortune is Born From Thrift, Virtue is Born From Humbleness
2009-11-09Virtue is born from humbleness. Being overbearing and speaking rudely will cause one to lose virtue to others for sure. In tribulations, we should remind ourselves to endure disgrace and abide by modesty and forbearance. We should be kind to others in all things, persevere, and one day we will be able to reach consummation for sure!
Missing My Hometown
2009-11-09Maybe it is only the feeling of missing home that is real, and maybe what we really miss is our final destination beyond human society where we transcend our humanness and various attachments like fame and personal gain.
Let's Not Forget to Cultivate Xinxing at Home
2009-11-08Husbands and wives are both practitioners, but treat one another with attitudes worse than with ordinary people. Some women practitioners would treat their husbands rudely with un-ladylike tempers. They behaved slightly better in front of other practitioners, but at home it was the same old attitude.
Understandings in Cultivation: Letting Go of the Attachment of Selfishness
2009-11-08Therefore, I think that on the path toward godhood, regardless of what we do, we have to completely let go of selfishness and human notions. Only when completely assimilated to Dafa can we save sentient beings to the maximum extent and not let down Teacher's compassionate salvation. Only in this way can we fulfil our sacred, prehistoric vows.
New Falun Gong Practitioner: I Have Learned to be Kind and Forgiving
2009-11-07When she learned that I knew only a few characters and had difficulty studying the Fa, she not only taught me to read, but also gave me an MP3 player. When I tried to pay her, she refused to take anything, and urged me to study the Fa and cultivate my xinxing (character, heart and mind nature).
Clarify the Truth, Save Sentient Beings and Walk the Path Towards Godhood
2009-11-07Gradually my father and my children had righteous thoughts and no longer opposed me. Now when I am telling their classmates and friends the facts about Falun Gong and persuade them to quit the CCP, they also help me. Sometimes they help me to distribute materials. When I went out to distribute pamphlets, my son said to me, "Mom, please don't stay out too long."
Dafa Brings Me Endless Joy
2009-11-06I always told our president that we should not do anything against our conscience and that we should make good quality products. I also advised him of the principle that good is rewarded and evil provokes retribution.
Turning a Bad Thing Into a Good Thing
2009-11-06My husband also clarified truth to the officials in his work unit and the effect was good. The situation created by the CCP seemed to be a bad thing. However, we turned it into a good opportunity to clarify truth and save sentient beings through our effort of rejecting the persecution, believing in Teacher and Dafa and with our righteous thoughts and deeds.
Do We Know How to Put the Fa Principles into Practice?
2009-11-05Studying the Fa is for understanding the Fa. And thus we can apply our understanding of the Fa to solve all things we encounter and solve all confusion in our thoughts. The Fa can extricate all of our worries and pain. Some practitioners also know to look inward, but do not understand how to look inward.
Udumbara Flowers Blossom in the United Arab Emirates
2009-11-05Xiao Liu was a metal welder, and his job was physically demanding under the scorching sun. Since practicing Falun Dafa, he no longer complained about his job working under the extreme heat. When he let go of those attachments, he gained more energy and always felt a cool breeze blowing towards him under the heat.
A General Learns the Facts
2009-11-04One time the general's wife told me, "Our living room has been rearranged, and the picture of the general and Jiang (Zemin) shaking hands has been taken down and destroyed." I felt very happy for them after hearing about this. I felt happy for the general and his family for choosing a bright future for themselves.
Compassion Can Change a Person
2009-11-04She was very happy and said she would definitely start practicing after her release. She also told those around her that Falun Dafa was indeed good. There was someone who told her that he had pain all over his body. She told that person to recite "Falun Dafa is good." Afterwards that person also recovered from the pain.
Truly Believing in Master and the Fa in All Situations
2009-11-04Why could I not truly believe in Master and the Fa one hundred percent? The key is that I had not fundamentally changed my conventional thinking and have instead crawled within the boundary delimited by everyday people's ignorance