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UK: Letter from the Falun Gong Association (UK) to Hong Kong CSA
2002-08-17"The Magistrate's verdict in the trial of the 16 Falun Gong practitioners underscores his failure to find the inner strength and courage to follow the rule of law in the face of undue pressure and influence from Beijing. As an important member of the Hong Kong government you may wish to consider the international impact of the trial on the long-term development of Hong Kong. We hope that you will reverse the verdict as soon as possible and return Hong Kong to the rule of law."
UK: London Press Conference Regarding Hong Kong’s Sham Trial
2002-08-16 -
Germany: Stories During Petition Signature Collecting at Scenic Sites in Berlin to Call on Hong Kong to Dismiss the "Political Trial"
2002-08-16Under the situation that the verdict of the Hong Kong "political trial" was repeatedly postponed, Falun Gong practitioners from Berlin came to realize that we should fully utilize this period of time to clarify the truth and expose this injustice to all people.
UK: Falun Gong performances cheered by audience at Edinburgh Festival
2002-08-16As soon as the exercise performance started, many tourists gathered on the sidewalks, and their cameras were flashing one after another. We managed to give out a few thousand copies of Dafa leaflets. The audience even queued up to sign their names on the petition to stop the persecution.
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Urge Hong Kong Government to Immediately End the Political Trial
2002-08-16On August 13, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners from Stockholm, Sweden protested in front of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, urging the Hong Kong government to immediately dismiss the false accusation against the sixteen innocent Falun Gong practitioners. They also called on Sweden and the international community to pay attention to this political trial against Falun Gong practitioners, which was initiated by the Hong Kong police under heavy pressure from Jiang Zemin's regime.
Letters to the Cambodian Ambassador Concerning the Deportation of Two Falun Gong Refugees
2002-08-16I'm sure that helping Jiang with killing his own people, and good people who merely want to be better through practising Falun Gong, is the last thing you would like to do. I'm certain that, upon knowing the truth and facts of the persecution, you'll feel as worried and anxious for these two people as I do.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil to Protest Persecution and Clarify the Truth (Photo)
2002-08-15Since August 5, 2002, more and more practitioners in Austria have been actively joining a series of activities related to Hong Kong's political prosecution and to clarify the truth to the Hong Kong people as well as the people around the world.
Letter from the European Falun Dafa Association to the Prime Minister of Cambodia
2002-08-15"The deportation is a blatant and direct violation of the couples official status as U.N. refugees. We urge the Cambodian government to use all power in its disposal to safeguard the rights of those who has official refugee status and honour its obligations as a UN member to protect UN refugees."
Letter from the Falun Gong Association (UK) to the Prime Minister of Cambodia
2002-08-15 -
Letter from European Falun Dafa Association to Hong Kong Authority
2002-08-14 -
Letter from Falun Gong Association (UK) to Hong Kong Secretary for Justice
2002-08-14 -
UK: Letter Handed in to Chinese Ambassador During London SOS Walk
2002-08-14 -
Please Extend Your Helping Hand to Hong Kong: My Hunger Strike Statement by a UK Practitioner
2002-08-14 -
Ireland: "Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibition Held in Dublin
2002-08-14 -
Ireland: Letter To the Cambodian Government
2002-08-14Falun Gong practitioners in Ireland are shocked that the Cambodian government would bow before the Chinese regime and sell someones life under pressure; we are sure this will bring retribution from heaven.