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Germany: People in Freiburg Sign Petition Calling for an End to Forced Organ Harvesting in China
2013-09-13Practitioners in Germany held a signature drive in the popular resort city of Freiburg on August 17, 2013, to call for an end to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in China.
United Kingdom: Students from China Quit the CCP after Learning the Truth about Falun Gong
2013-09-13Many student tour groups from China visit London's Chinatown during the summer. When they see practitioners dressed in yellow shirts and banners with the words, "Falun Gong is spreading worldwide" and "Stop the Chinese Communist Party's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners," they are usually very surprised.
Switzerland: Locals and Tourists in Zurich Sign Petition Calling for an End to CCP's Live Organ Harvesting
2013-09-13Practitioners in Switzerland gathered on July 27, 2013, in the capitol city, Zurich, to collect signatures on a petition calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Ukraine: Introducing Falun Gong in Sevastopol
2013-09-07On July 28, Falun Gong practitioners in Ukraine held activities in Sevastopol, a popular tourist destination on the Black Sea coast of the Crimean Peninsula. They introduced the practice of Falun Gong and exposed the persecution taking place in China. The practitioners also collected signatures against the persecution.
European Practitioners Share How They've Changed after Practising Falun Dafa
2013-09-07Practitioners from Europe gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark, on July 20 to exchange cultivation experiences at the 2013 European Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference.
Germany: Hamburg Public Decries the Chinese Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong
2013-09-07German practitioners held an informational event in Hamburg's city centre on July 13, 2013, to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. They gave out introductory materials and told people about the Chinese regime's horrific practice of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Denmark: Rally in Copenhagen to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong
2013-09-06Nearly 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Copenhagen City Hall Square on July 20 for a rally to focus attention on the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong, especially forced live organ harvesting.
France: Exposing the Chinese Communist Party's Forced Organ Harvesting under Eiffel Tower
2013-09-06On July 28 2013, Falun Dafa practitioners in Paris held a signature drive at Human Rights Plaza under the Eiffel Tower. The signature drive was initiated by the Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) organization.
Romania: Raising Awareness about the Chinese Communist Regime's Crimes against Falun Gong
2013-09-06Falun Gong practitioners in Romania gathered at Tower Park in the capital city of Bucharest on the afternoon of July 20, 2013, to mark the 14th anniversary of their efforts to end the persecution.
Denmark: People Admire Efforts by Falun Gong Practitioners to Spread the Persecution Facts in Copenhagen
2013-09-06On July 20, 2013, Falun Gong practitioners from over twenty European countries gathered at the Danish Capital, Copenhagen, to hold group exercises and a march. The spectacular and peaceful scenes moved many people, including tourists.
Italy: Practitioners in Milan Expose the Chinese Communist Party's Crimes Against Humanity
2013-09-06Falun Gong practitioners in Italy held an event in central Milan on July 20 and 21 to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 14-year campaign of terror against Falun Gong. Many people signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution of the practice in China.
Russia: Holding an Event at the Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg Exposing the Persecution
2013-08-17Russian Falun Gong practitioners from St. Petersburg held a protest event on July 20, 2013 in front of the Chinese Consulate. They later went to Finland Station Square to practice the exercises, and spread the facts by displaying poster panels. They called for the Chinese Communist regime to stop the persecution that has been ongoing for fourteen years.
Denmark: March in Copenhagen Raises Awareness of the Persecution
2013-08-17European Falun Gong practitioners and supporters gathered in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, on July 20, 2013, to hold a peaceful march, calling on people from all walks of life to support efforts to stop the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. The activities received widespread support.
Portugal: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong in Six Cities
2013-08-16From July 11-17, Falun Gong practitioners from Portugal held events in six cities, Lisbon, Santaren, Setubal, Coimbra, Porto, and Guarda to raise awareness about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution of the peaceful meditation practice in China, which began on July 20, 1999.
Denmark: As the Persecution of Falun Gong Enters its 15th Year, Peaceful Resistance Continues
2013-08-16Nearly a thousand Falun Gong practitioners and supporters from all over Europe gathered at the Parliament Square in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the morning on July 20, 2013, to condemn 14 years of persecution in China. They held a rally and a grand march to showcase the beauty of Falun Gong and raise awareness of the Chinese communist regime's gross violation of human rights, including organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.