Worldwide News
Australia: Candlelight Vigil in Brisbane
2006-04-30On April 25th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Brisbane held a candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Consulate in downtown Brisbane, commemorating fellow practitioners who died in the Communist Party's persecution. The date was a national holiday, and many people passed the vigil site.
Taiwan: Grand Parade in Taipei Supporting Withdrawals from the CCP Calls for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2006-04-29 -
New Zealand: Practitioners Commemorate the Seventh Anniversary of April 25 in Auckland
2006-04-29On April 25th Falun Gong practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Auckland to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the "April 25" peaceful appeal, and call for attention from the international community to stop the CCP's brutal persecution.
Thailand: Falun Gong Practitioners Commemorate the April 25 Appeal and Protest the CCP Persecution
2006-04-28Thai practitioners protested the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and called upon the international community to investigate the CCP's organ harvesting atrocities from living Falun Gong practitioners. They also supported the ten million brave Chinese people's magnificent acts of quitting the CCP and its affiliated organisations.
Australia: Sydney Citizens Urgently Request Prime Minister to Pay Attention to the CCP Live Organ Harvesting
2006-04-28On April 19th-20th, over a dozen Sydney citizens held a one-day hunger strike to call on Prime Minister Howard to demand that the CCP allow the team of investigators from the "Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China" (CIPFG) to enter China and conduct a thorough and open investigation into all forced labour camps, prisons, mental hospitals and related facilities.
United States: Eighty-One US Congressmen Join to Request Bush to Investigate CCP Atrocities of Live Organ Harvesting
2006-04-27Eighty-one US Congressmen co-signed a letter to US President Bush to express their serious concerns over charges of CCP illegal organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The letter has delivered to the White House.
Taiwan: Grand Parade of 10,000 People Support 10 Million Withdrawals from the CCP
2006-04-27On April 23rd, 2006, groups and individuals from different fields in Taiwan jointly initiated a parade activity entitled, "Support Human Rights, Support 10 Million People Quitting the CCP." The attendees condemned the CCP's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
C-Span: An Interviews with a Spokesperson for Falun Gong
2006-04-26On April 22nd, spokesperson for Falun Gong Erping Zhang accepted an interview by C-Span TV station. During 30-minute interview, Erping Zhang answered questions on the Falun Gong issues that the American people are concerned about. C-Span broadcast the programme live, and opened hotlines for the audience.
Taiwan: Practitioners in Pingdong Rally to Call for Investigation of Chinese Labour Camps
2006-04-26Practitioners held up banners and posters and commemorated fellow practitioners persecuted to death. They hoped that people in Taiwan would come to know the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party and help to stop this persecution against human rights and freedom of belief.
United States: Two Sources Testify Publicly, Media Focuses On Appeals at Yale
2006-04-25Retired Yale professor Yuming Zhang gave an emotional speech. He said, "I am a Christian. Though I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, I support your efforts to acquire freedom of belief because Falun Gong is not only fighting for their own rights, they are also fighting for the rights of all Chinese and Americans."
Japan: Practitioners Call for an End of the Chinese Communist Regime's Slaughter
2006-04-25On April 14th, 2006, practitioners in Japan came to the Japanese Parliament again to expose the CCP's atrocities of excising organs from living practitioners and selling them for profit, and to call on the international community and all people of conscience to help to immediately stop the Chinese Communist regime's slaughter.
United States: Hu Arrives at Yale University, Falun Gong Appeals for Investigation and Justice
2006-04-24Many passing-by westerners also received a special pamphlet which detailed how the Chinese Communist regime has been widely harvesting organs from living practitioners and then cremating their bodies in the past several years. After learning the truth, many westerners told practitioners: You have done a good thing, keep it up.
Canada: Prime Minister Harper Responds to Practitioners' Call for End to Persecution
2006-04-24Practitioner Ms Zhao said: "We come here on behalf of all Falun Gong practitioners to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and to call on the international community to pay close attention to the crimes of harvesting organs from living practitioners in the forced labour camps."
United States: Two Sources Testify Publicly about the CCP's Atrocities of Harvesting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-04-23Annie testified: "My ex-husband told me that most of the Falun Gong practitioners were strong and healthy and many were still breathing when their organs were removed. After the removal, many of them were thrown into the (hospital's) crematory oven, so that no trace was left.
United States: Medical Professional's White House Appeal Catches Public Attention
2006-04-23When interviewed by Sound of Hope Radio, Dr Wang said that evidence has indicated that the Chinese Communist regime gave orders to secretly steal and sell Falun Gong practitioners' organs in 2001. She compared this crime to the holocaust. She said that her act was completely her own and was not influenced by any groups or organisations.