Worldwide News
1500 in Hong Kong Participate in a Candlelight Vigil Against Article 23 (photos)
2003-03-02Safeguard human rights and freedom, and oppose Article 23 legislation; oppose creating terror and damaging freedom of speech." 1500 Hong Kong citizens opposing Article 23 legislation of the Basic Law, held candles in their hands or waved their arms to shout aloud their voices from the depth of their hearts.
More Reports from Activities During the 2003 Hong Kong Fa Conference
2003-03-02Practitioners held a large-scale exercise demonstration and parade. There was a press conference and forum, attended by many renowned public figures, that talked about the terrible effects Article 23 would have on the Hong Kong people.
Practitioner's Appeal to US Secretary of State for Help in the Release of Charles Li
2003-03-02"I cannot stop thinking what type of torture my friend may be subjected to right now. China's prisons have reinstated the tortures perpetrated on the citizenry during the Cultural Revolution. Falun Gong practitioners are exposed to unimaginable and inhuman terror. I have grave concerns for the safety of Dr. Li"
Hong Kong's Violent Treatment of Taiwan Practitioners Condemned
2003-03-02Many Falun Dafa practitioners from Taiwan went to Hong Kong several days ago...customs officers used violence, even forcefully bundling some practitioners up in anti-riot blankets, and carrying them onto aircraft bound for Taiwan.
Taiwan: Students from Thirty-Seven Universities Call to Rescue Their Peers Facing Persecution in China
2003-03-02According to Mr. Dashan Chang, a graduate student from Taiwan Tsinghua university and the initiator of this event, the persecution of Falun Gong is the most severe and large-scale persecution of students in China since the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Jiang's Regime Extends Outside of China
2003-03-01In their efforts to destroy Falun Gong's reputation overseas, Jiang's regime often uses strategic propaganda to defame Falun Gong. At the same time, it uses trade benefits to try to spread its despotic power in various countries is not difficult to see that the Jiang regime's brutal suppression of Falun Gong has not only violated the constitution of its own country, but it also violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which China has signed), as well as the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Forum Held in Vancouver: "Community Reports on Human Rights in China"
2003-03-01Death cases of Dafa practitioners are reported almost daily, and they are tortured to death simply because they refuse to give up their belief in "Truth Compassion and Tolerance." The Chinese government also mobilises its entire propaganda machine against Falun Gong.
Certificate of Recognition to Falun Dafa from California State Assembly [February 2003]
2003-03-01 -
Public Announcement from Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan to Condemn Hong Kong Government's Use of Force in Deporting Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-28"The Taiwan Falun Dafa Association publicly and solemnly condemns and protests the Hong Kong government regarding their violent deportation of Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners, their helping Jiang regime's expansion of autocratic power, and their brutal violation of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights."
Practitioners Clarify Truth to Police Outside the Asian Winter Games Ceremony in Japan
2003-02-28The police had all come from different cities, and, realising this rare opportunity, the practitioners took out truth clarifying newspapers and VCDs to tell them about Falun Gong. Many groups of police came by, and we continued to clarify the truth to them.
Canada: Letter from Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham to Member of Parliament Svend Robinson
2003-02-28In July 2001 and July 2002, in meetings with the Chinese Foreign Minister, I and my predecessor raised continuing Canadian concerns about human rights in China, including freedom of spiritual practice. Please be assured that we will continue to make our views known to the Chinese authorities.
Australia: Office of the Foreign Affairs Minister shows support for an end to hte persecution of Falun Gong in China
2003-02-28Australia considers that China's ban on Falun Gong breaches fundamental rights of assembly and free expression. Australia also believes China's treatment of Falun Gong members in China contravenes the international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which China has signed, but not yet ratified, and the convention Against Torture.
Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin and Chinese Officials Responsible for Genocide and Other Human Rights Violations
2003-02-27This document contains information about the existing legal cases aimed at bringing justice to Falun Gong practitioners who are being brutally persecuted by Jiang Zemin and some of his officials. It is our wish that righteousness will prevail, the freedom to practise Falun Gong will soon return to China, and that those who have committed human rights atrocities in this persecution will be found guilty by our courts.
The Story of My Brother A Truly Wonderful Person
2003-02-27"Zhiming was frequently harassed by the police. In June 2000, he was unable to stay at home and had to wander about and became homeless. We heard nothing from him until October 2001. We were then told that Zhiming was arrested by the National Security Bureau whilst visiting his friend in Shanghai and was imprisoned for four years because he is a Falun Gong practitioner."
Activities During the 2003 Hong Kong Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference