World Falun Dafa Day, Worldwide News
United States: In Order to Rescue Charles Li, His Fiancee Holds a 24-Hour Appeal in Front of the Chinese Consulate
2003-04-12The appeal is to raise awareness of Charles Li's illegal detention and the three-year sentence imposed on him, and to help gain the release of Charles Li and bring him back to America as soon as possible.
Canadian Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Official Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in Greece
2003-04-11"We are glad to hear that the Greek Falun Dafa Association has been officially established. Please accept our most heartfelt wishes from all Canadian Dafa practitioners."
The Falun Dafa Association of Australia Warmly Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association of Greece
2003-04-11"In this process of the history of Fa-rectification, we are delighted to learn of the establishment of the Falun Dafa Association of Greece...Australia's whole-body of practitioners wishes the best to practitioners in Greece."
Canton Practitioners Warmly Congratulate the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association of Greece
2003-04-11 -
The Committee to Rescue Yoko Kaneko Advances along its Journey in Japan
2003-04-11From March 4 through 7, "The Committee to Rescue Yoko Kaneko" along with Lin Shenli, a practitioner from Canada, made a trip to visit Hiroshima City Hall and the executive offices in Hiroshima, Ehime-ken, Tokushima, Okayama and Yamaguchi Counties.
Taiwan: A Special Seminar at the Taiwan School of Law Enforcement
2003-04-11At a special seminar entitled "Various Aspects of Fate" that was held at the Taiwan School of Law Enforcement on March 27, the guest speaker talked about some concepts of cultivation.
Japanese Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in Greece
2003-04-10"We are glad to learn that the Greek Falun Dafa Association has been established during Fa-rectification. The Japanese Falun Dafa Association and all practitioners from Japan would like to express their best wishes."
New England (USA) Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in Greece
2003-04-10"The founding of the Falun Dafa Association in Greece has profound meaning for the spreading of Dafa in the world."
United States: Teaching the Exercises and Other Activities at Whitman College Washington
2003-04-10On April 5 2003, a group of Falun Dafa practitioners from around the state of Washington came to Whitman College, situated in the small town of Walla Walla. The practitioners participated in the college's annual "Block Party" event where they set up a booth and demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.
Canada: Practitioners Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy and Consulates
2003-04-10On April 5 and 6, practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to peacefully protest the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The protest also called upon the Chinese government to unconditionally release US citizen Charles Li, who has been detained for over two months.
US Congressman Todd Akin: The Arrest of Charles Li on a Trumped Up Charge Is an Egregious Crime
2003-04-10 -
Canadian MP Urges Canadian Government to Call for the International Scrutiny and Condemnation of China's Human Rights Violations
2003-04-10I believe that, as Prime Minister of our country, you should take action to call for the international scrutiny and condemnation of China for its extensive human rights violations, including severe persecution of Falun Gong members and abuse of Tibetan nationals.
The Falun Dafa Association in Washington DC Congratulates the Establishment of the Greece Falun Dafa Association
2003-04-09"We are so glad to hear that the Greek Falun Dafa Association has been officially registered and established. The Washington DC Falun Dafa Association and all practitioners from Washington DC would like to express our best wishes. We are happy for the understanding and support from the Greek people."
Korean Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in Greece
2003-04-09"We are glad to hear that the Greek Falun Dafa Association has been established and the practitioners from Korea would like to express their best wishes."
Japan: Appeal Activities Over the Course of Ten Months to Rescue Yoko Kaneko
2003-04-09Regardless of whether it was windy, rainy, hot summer or cold winter, retired practitioners went to downtown Hiroshima almost every day to explain the facts of Falun Gong to the Japanese people and collect signatures. They held banners which read "Appeal from Sado: Rescue Yoko Kaneko!"