Open Discussion

  • Chinese Communist Party Spokespersons' Response to Reporters Indirectly Confirms Organ Harvesting at Sujiatun

    Actually, many facts support the presence of organ harvesting and killing in Sujiatun. There are at least two witnesses who have spoken out on this issue. The regime led by Jiang Zemin and the CCP have been persecuting Falun Gong for the last nearly seven years. Even the CCP itself admits that there's a large organ trading market. Many Falun Gong practitioners are currently missing. In the last few years, there have been a number of photos showing Falun Gong practitioners' corpses from labour camps, in which their organs were missing from the body.
  • We Must Help Others to See the Facts

    In China, few people today would think that removing a death row prisoner's organs is immoral or illegal, even when the prisoner did not give consent. This is because the Chinese Communist regime has distorted the Chinese people's mindsets into thinking that the prisoners on death roll deserve to be executed and suffer extreme punishment. Only when they travel to democratic countries do they begin to realise it is wrong to think this way.
  • Atrocities of the Sujiatun Concentration Camp -- A Clear Reflection of the Nature of the Chinese Communist Party

    People used the words "astonishing secret" to describe the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp, where agents designated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvest organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and burn their bodies. It is astonishing to most people, because such crimes reflect a nature that we don't see in others, something very disturbing.
  • Plans to Operate a Secret Concentration Camp in Daqing City to Persecute Falun Gong Abandoned Due to Personnel Shortage

    In 2004, I was illegally held at a detention center. It was here where I learnt about the Daqing City Communist administration's plan to build a secret concentration camp to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. For various reasons, this plan was not realized.
  • My Chinese Friends Shed Tears When They Heard About Sujiatun Concentration Camp

    I recorded the organ removal horror story, the story about organs being removed from live Falun Gong practitioners inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, and sent it to my friends in Mainland China. Everyone was shocked and shed tears. One of my friends told me, "The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) are without doubt demons! They are evil monsters! It is the most dishonourable and cruel persecution that has ever occurred in the history of China. I sent the Sujiatun news to my Internet friends, too."
  • My Dear Friend, When Will We Meet Again?

    Falun Dafa practitioners held at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang City suffer from barbaric torture. Our fellow practitioners have their organs removed while still alive. Their corneas are removed and their bodies thrown into the crematorium, creating columns of white smoke which rose from the chimney. The whole world must severely condemn such demonic crimes!
  • Criminal Nature of the CCP Revealed in Its Selection of "Outstanding Guards"

    Now let's rip the mask off this "outstanding" young guard and see what kind of tricks and abilities he uses in his work to force people to give up their beliefs. Over the last six years he has used violent brainwashing and cruel torture to force steadfast practitioners to renounce Falun Gong. He is one of the most vicious police guards at the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp. Because of his "prominent" performance in the persecution, he was promoted to Deputy Head of the No. 2 Division, a strictly controlled division that specialises in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
  • America's Choice -- A Letter to President Bush

    I am writing to bring to your attention the recently disclosed atrocities in the secret Sujiatun concentration camp, Shengyang City, Liaoning Province, China. In the last two weeks, two witnesses have testified that the Chinese Communist regime uses this camp to detain thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in order to harvest their organs for profit. Afterwards, their remains are cremated to destroy the criminal evidence.
  • The Confession of a 610 Office Director

    After long-term contact with practitioners, I finally understood that they are very good people who don't hit back when beaten or answer back when insulted. They have innocently suffered injustice and persisted in clarifying the facts to awaken people deceived by the anti-Falun Gong propaganda.
  • Urgent Appeal by Family Members of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretly detains and kills Falun Gong practitioners, removes their internal organs for profit, then cremates their bodies to eliminate evidence of their crimes at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in China. As family members of illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners, we urgently appeal for International Human Rights Organisations and the United Nations to independently investigate the Sujiatun Concentration Camp in China, stop the persecution, and hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes.
  • Media Reputation and the Burden of Proof

    The CCP monopolises all resources of information and tries its best to cover up the truth and block information channels, and it frequently persecutes people who provide information to overseas media by charging them with "leaking state secrets." Due to the present situation, it is immoral and irrational to demand concrete proof.
  • From "Live Bone Marrow Theft" to the Sujiatun Concentration Camp

    According to the source, a patient with severe leg injury from a car accident was brought to the surgery ward at Fengtian Hospital in Shenyang City. The patient was under general anaesthesia during the operation. A doctor from anther division carried a special needle, took a considerable amount of bone marrow from the patient and then left the operating room. The surgery resumed as usual. Theft of patients' bone marrow is an open secret at this hospital!
  • Who Will Still Wish to Trade with the Wicked Party?

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has brought endless disasters to the Chinese People. In the past, persecution consisted of countless murders. However, the current persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP has brought all humanity to an abyss.
  • Silent Agony and Tortured Conscience

    The former husband of the witness was one of the surgeons harvesting organs in the concentration camp -- he primarily performed cornea harvesting. The hospital harvested many kidneys, livers, and corneas from practitioners. Even worse, the practitioners were cremated in an incinerator that was converted from a boiler, after the organs were taken from their bodies so as to destroy the evidence.
  • China Claimed to Be a "Global Centre for Organ Transplant"

    Family members of Korean patients said, "It is not hard to get an organ transplant. The waiting time after a regular physical checkup is about one week". The medical practice and theoretical research on liver transplants in mainland China have not been published in any of the top international medical journals. One most important reason for this may be that these researchers cannot declare who the organ donors actually are.