Open Discussion

  • Urgent! Stop the Chinese Communist Party's Massacre of Innocents!

    On March 8th 2006, an inside source revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had set up a secret concentration camp for Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP camp is located in the Sujiatun District, Shenyang City, where more than 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners are locked up. No detainee is known to have ever left this place alive. The camp has a crematorium and an unusually large number of doctors. The source stated, "The horrors inside this vicious Sujiatun Secret Concentration Camp are shocking, and the brutality of the crimes of harvesting detainees' organs and selling them for a huge profit is mind-boggling."
  • The Celestial Band Performs to Cheers from the Audience

    The Celestial Band, a marching band consisting of 200 members, was a most striking surprise in the January 28, 2006, New York Chinese New Year Parade. They later participated in the rally and parade in Los Angeles celebrating 8 million Chinese quitting the Chinese Communist Party in late February. Practitioners showed their solidarity with fellow practitioners persecuted in China, letting the world see that the Chinese Communist regime cannot suppress them. They will not cower in front of the CCP, nor will they react with hatred. The band members demonstrated joy and festiveness in order to validate the beauty of the Falun Gong principles of "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance."
  • Eyewitness Testimony That the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation" Was a Hoax

    "I worked for over a decade as an armed policeman at Tiananmen Square. I am so familiar with the area that I can tell you how many steps it takes to walk from Tiananmen Square to Jishuitan Hospital. How could it possibly take over an hour for the ambulance to drive the alleged burned victims from Tiananmen Square to Jishuitan Hospital? The Chinese Communist Party has no common sense at all. It has no regard for the consequences of its lies. This is the way of the Party. It is doomed."
  • Police Director of Heilongjiang Province Reaps Karmic Retribution for Evil Deeds

    The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing.
  • Time to Escape the Borg Collective: An Inside Look at the Chinese Communist Party

    Many people from Mainland China may realise that they also have lived in such a "collective" which asserts its wish to "raise the quality of life" of the whole world. Even after leaving China, some people still hold on to the concept of a "collective." They don't have independent thinking and remain in the same frame of thought in which the "collective" trained them.
  • Two People Escape Injury as Motorcycle's Wheels Fly Off

    More miraculous things followed. On February 16th of this year, the husband was riding a motorcycle to take his sister-in-law to her mother's home. While the motorcycle was going down the road, suddenly the chain broke and both wheels flew off. The two people on the motorcycle were thrown off with no time to react. Miraculously, when they stood up, they couldn't find even a little scratch on themselves. When the husband returned home, he told his wife, "Today two lives were saved."
  • Practitioners' Telephone Calls to the Evildoers in China Have a Great Effect

    In our county, there is a Falun Dafa practitioner who works as a teacher. A student's parents reported the practitioner to the principal because he had explained the truth about Falun Dafa to the students. The practitioner was arrested and held in a detention centre. The incident was exposed on the Minghui website, and fellow practitioners overseas called the principal of the school. The principal was in a meeting when he received the phone call. As soon as he took the call, he started to sweat. Soon the practitioner was released.
  • Getting Rid of Jealousy and Transforming Misfortune into Happiness

    "In my life, I have never done anything bad. But I am always jealous of others. When people have done better than I, I am jealous. I like only those who flatter me. When I heard that somebody else did some good deeds, I would feel doubtful. But when I heard that somebody did some bad things, I would never question it. When I saw others obtain profits, I would feel as if I suffered some loss. But when I saw others lose something, I would feel as if I gained a fortune."
  • Bring Back My Happy Family

    Some wounded areas had been attacked again before they had had a chance to heal and were oozing yellow fluid. Mother had been very healthy, but now, after repeated attacks by the police's stun batons, she looked withered and ill. She was in a living hell. It was shocking and frightening! I no longer believed the lies fabricated on TV about the "tender, kind reeducation" given to Falun Gong practitioners at the forced labour camps. This is the truth behind the lie that "this is the best period of human rights in China!"
  • Who Funds the Falun Gong Materials Used to Expose the Persecution?

    Since the persecution began over six years ago, Falun Gong practitioners in China and outside of China have distributed innumerable kinds of materials to expose the persecution for what it is. Where does the money for making the materials come from?
  • More and More Police in China are Helping Falun Dafa Practitioners

    Recently, he was asked to become Head of the local Criminal Police Department. He refused to take the position. He told his brother, "Do you know what the Criminal Police Department does? It persecutes Falun Dafa. I am not going to do that." At his own insistence, he was given a job that has nothing to do with persecuting Falun Dafa.
  • Germany: Creating Harmonious Choral Music Via a Pure Heart

    Mostly the choristers practise in their own home. In each country there are periodical meetings for group training. In addition, the choristers gather in Germany and Sweden for monthly training. Before each significant performance, all the choristers from all parts of Europe spend their own money gathering in one place for intensive training.
  • Several Cases of Persecutors in Hebei and Sichuan Provinces of China Receiving Retribution

    The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing.
  • Seizing Opportunities to Let Others Learn About the Persecution Against Falun Gong

    Another visitor stepped out of the tour bus to smoke. I went up to him and asked, "Have you withdrawn [from the Chinese Communist Party]?" He said, "I withdrew a long time ago. Who wants to be with a Party like that?" I told him, "You should not only withdraw yourself, but also tell your families and friends to do the same!" He nodded and went back to the bus. I sensed that he wanted an opportunity to talk to me and used smoking as an excuse to come off the bus.
  • Nine Commentaries Broadcast in China by Tapping Into CCTV Programming, People Speak Up From the Bottom of Their Hearts

    Some people said, "This incident was not necessarily done entirely by Falun Dafa practitioners. The populace is also doing it. At present, many people of the general public are also distributing brochures, posting fliers, and helping to spread other materials exposing the persecution. After seven years of persecution, people have learnt that Falun Dafa practitioners are good people. Who would not help good people?"