Open Discussion
Words From a Taxi Driver in Beijing
2005-03-31I was driving a reporter home who worked for China Central TV. During our conversation the reporter complained, "Doing work for the Communist Party, you have to do whatever they want. If they want you to be a donkey, you have to be a donkey. If they want you to be a horse, you have to be a horse. We are again doing overtime to prepare materials for slandering Falun Gong. All the video clips you saw on TV about Falun Gong were fabricated! Some of them were done with digital editing. Some were done by actors.
Understanding the Systematic Nature of the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong through a Notification from the Gaocheng City 610 Office
2005-03-30When Chinese society is in all sorts of upheaval, including politics, the economy, the environment, and morality, the CCP still mobilises and calls on all of society to fight with the cultivation group that follows the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." This is the manifestation of the CCP's nature of being anti-human, valuing violence, and against the flow of history.
Prisoners Protect Falun Dafa Practitioners after Learning the Truth about the Persecution
2005-03-30One day, they wanted to learn the Falun Dafa exercises and asked me to demonstrate them. I had started an exercise but didn't see the approaching guard who was patrolling the cells. When the guard saw what I was doing, he angrily dashed into the cell brandishing a club. He tried to hit me but the other inmates blocked him, and another inmate was hit instead, which made the others angry. They jumped at the guard and drove him out of the cell.
A Witness to the True Nature of the Chinese Communist Party
2005-03-30After reading the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," I completely agree with the description of the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The words about the horrendous massacre are all true. I would like to share my personal experience about how the CCP used a school janitor to make trouble for the senior principal in my hometown of Fujian Province. I also hope that all people will carefully read the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party."
Thirteen Methods of Torture Used in Today's China
2005-03-28According to the article, there is a worldwide trend condemning the use of torture. China has co-signed the United Nation's Convention Against Torture and other Cruel Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and other relevant documents. In spite of this, the Chinese government has failed to effectively end the use of torture within the country and, according to the article, its use has become a widespread societal disease that not only threatens people's lives and the ruling Party's reputation, but also is ruining China's international image.
After Learning the Truth, Policeman Stops Persecuting Practitioners and Tells Others the Facts
2005-03-28One time I was doing the exercises, and he beat me again. However, I didn't stop practising, and I didn't feel any pain. Then suddenly a golden beam of light shone from between my eyebrows onto my husband's arm. From then on, he did not restrict me from practising anymore." After hearing this, the policeman asked the husband, "Is that true?" The husband replied, "It is true, and my arm hurt for several days afterward." Then the policeman said, "Falun Gong is so amazing. I want to know more about it later if there is a chance."
Solemn Announcements by People who Don't Practise Falun Gong
2005-03-28During the time a member of my family was being illegally held at a labour camp for appealing in Beijing for a stop to the persecution of Falun Gong, my daughter Bai Yin and I signed a document that stated, "Falun Gong is an (slanderous words deleted)" at the front office of the labour camp in order to meet with our family member. Here we announce that our signatures are completely void. We want to use this opportunity to tell people that Falun Dafa is great to make up for our mistakes.
Self-Examination and Soul Searching: The Fallacy of Dialectically Evaluating the Chinese Communist Party
2005-03-27In reality, when a person commits a murder, everyone will condemn him with anger. When a person murders hundreds or thousands of people, the world will call him a monster or a maniac. But the CCP has murdered at least 60 million Chinese people. Why are the Chinese people afraid of calling it by its rightful name, monster or demon? The reason is that, like the young maiden in the earlier story, the Chinese people have been held hostages in the CCP’s den for over five decades.
Practitioners Relatives and Friends Support them
2005-03-27During the New Year period of 2005, an elementary student from Linqing county of Shandong province had just received twenty yuan as his traditional Chinese New Year gift and he happily gave it to another practitioner. He sincerely said that he wanted to help with his small donation, to support the making of materials that contain the true facts about Falun Gong. He repeatedly expressed a wish that all the young people who had been poisoned by propaganda could awaken and help support Falun Gong.
The Misdeeds of Xue Hongjun, a Part of the Staged Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident
2005-03-25Many people have long held the opinion that the Tiananmen self-immolation incident of January 23rd, 2001 was a politically motivated plot staged by the Jiang Zemin regime to defame Falun Gong. The Chinese authorities have recently brought up this incident again in order to deceive people. The government falsely claims that Xue Hongjun (one of the actors in the incident) was a veteran practitioner of Falun Gong. This article reveals Xue Hongjun's character from several different angles in an effort to expose the lies and rectify people's perceptions.
Appeal Letter to the Heilongjiang Province Superior Court
2005-03-25Squad leader Cui Hongmei, Xia Fengying, guard Zhou Ying and Deng Yu led twenty criminals, dragging us into the watershed, washrooms and prison cells, where we were tied with our backs to the sides of the beds. Sixteen practitioners who refused to wear prison uniforms as they hadn't broken any law, were tied up and hung with both hands, one hand up and one hand down, tied behind the back and hung up, their feet hovering above the ground. This continued until the practitioners agreed to give in to their commands.
Gao Rongrong: Severely Punish Those Who Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners, Restore Justice to the People, Part 1
2005-03-24 -
Township Government Officials Bring Falun Gong Practitioners Presents for Chinese New Year
2005-03-24Everyone in the township now knows that Falun Dafa is good and "Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance" is good. The policeman who used to be the most ruthless in his treatment of practitioners now avoids them. When he can't escape, he speaks up first and tells the practitioners that now he knows that Falun Dafa is good, that Falun Dafa practitioners are all good people, and that he no longer participates in the persecution of Falun Gong.
A Righteous Senior Citizen: "Young Man, Let's Distribute the Materials Together!"
2005-03-24I heard someone calling out from behind me, "Young man! Wait for me!" I turned my head and saw the man who had read the poster hurrying toward me on his bicycle. I smiled and asked, "Uncle, is there anything I can do for you?" The elderly man said, "Do you still have the posters here with you? If you do, give me one, please." At that time it was not easy to get hold of such materials, thus, in order to let more people know the truth, I usually only put them up as posters and did not distribute them freely. However, since he requested one, I gave him a copy.
The Hunt for Dark Energy
2005-03-21In order to find out what this mysterious energy really is, astronomers need to compare astrophysical observations that are at first sight completely unrelated. At a session on dark energy at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, University of Pennsylvania astrophysicist Licia Verde outlines how the hunt for dark energy will draw on the avalanche of recent and forthcoming data on surveys of objects throughout the universe.