Open Discussion
Former 610 Office Agent Hao Fengjun Exposes the Systemic Persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP (Part 1)
2005-06-25"To my knowledge, they usually claim the cause of death to be illness or suicide, because they rarely allow the family to see the body. They cremate it right after the (Falun Gong) practitioner dies. The police can easily obtain a death certificate from the hospital that says, "This person died from illness - or suicide"
Village Supervisor Protects Falun Gong Practitioners In China
2005-06-25In mid-May, the Assistant Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party committee told a village supervisor that his superiors wanted him to supply them with the names of Falun Gong practitioners. However, although the supervisor knows such information he simply told him, "You can call them and tell them that there are no practitioners in the village."
Fearing Exposure of the Truth, the CCP Killed Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong
2005-06-24In order to avoid worldwide condemnation, the CCP has been actively suppressing the truth about the persecution. They murdered Ms. Gao hastily, although she was already on the verge of death. This action showed that the CCP will stop at no evil to prevent the truth from being exposed. It mirrors the TV-tapping incident during March of 2002 in Changchun City. Jiang gave secret orders to "Kill them without pardon"
"I Really Dislike Those Who Report Falun Gong Practitioners to the Police"
2005-06-24A Public Security Department official in his thirties from Henan Province saw a Falun Gong practitioner distributing factual materials about Falun Gong on the street. He smiled at the practitioner and said, "I understand you, and I really dislike those who report Falun Gong practitioners to the police. There are no bad citizens among Falun Gong practitioners. Why should I do bad things to them against my own conscience?"
A Former Prisoner's Letter to a Falun Dafa Practitioner: "I Tasted the Joy of Being a Good Person"
2005-06-23I felt I was really fortunate to meet some Falun Dafa practitioners such as yourself in the cruel environment of a prison. Through you, I truly learnt what a good human being is. I am following your examples now and am working hard to become a good person.
A Father Asks, "What Crime Did I Commit?"
2005-06-23"My little girl, haven't you heard this nursery rhyme? If they say you are guilty, you would be guilty even if you are not guilty. If they say you are not guilty, you would not be guilty even if you are guilty. Nowadays, differentiating between guilty and not guilty is not judged on your being a good or bad person, nor is it based on whether you violate the law or not. Daddy just wanted to say something true about Falun Dafa. For that, Daddy was found 'guilty'."
Epoch Times: The Falun Gong Phenomenon
2005-06-22The spiritual practise Falun Gong has found itself at the centre of the defection of Chinese diplomat, Mr. Chen Yonglin, the former Chinese "610" security officer, Mr. Hao Fengjun, and a third unnamed Chinese policeman. All three men state they gave up their positions because they could no longer support the Chinese Government's unwarranted persecution of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners inside and outside of China. The question remains: what is this practise that has been so harshly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party
The Party is Crumbling - Quitting Proves Irresistible
2005-06-22A director in the Organisational Department of the CCP in a northern Chinese city has known the darkness of the CCP through his years of political experience. Nevertheless, after reading the Nine Commentaries, he was shocked to find out just how evil the CCP really is. He is now clear that the CCP is destined to crumble. To pave a good future for himself, he immediately submitted a solemn declaration to quit the CCP to The Epoch Times.
Former 610 Office Agent Gives Testimony to the Miserable Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners - Mrs. Wang Yuzhi Recalls the Experience of a Victim and Her Daughter
2005-06-21In the account of Hao Fengjun's own words, he said, "During my period of contact with Sun Ti, almost every day I heard Sun ask about her daughter's whereabouts and tell us how Falun Gong practitioners were good people, my heart was shattered into pieces. I cared about her daughter even more. A 13-year-old girl who lost her parents and couldn't even go to her relatives (all her relatives were monitored), how could she find food and a place to sleep? I regretted that I didn't stop this from happening. My heart became anxious and heavy and I cried."
Heroic Refugees, Past and Present
2005-06-21A large photography book published in Germany containing pictures entitled, "Enemies of the Third Reich" displays Einstein's picture on the first page. The caption following the photograph states, "Yet to be hung." Despite death threats, Einstein still made speeches to help the public gain a clear understanding of the Nazis.
A Dialogue at a Wedding Banquet
2005-06-21"Did that TV station get established?""You're talking about the New Tang Dynasty Television? It has aired for nearly two years. But recently a French satellite company, under pressure from the Chinese consulate, has been thinking about terminating the contract unilaterally. Reception in Asia could be a problem.""What a shame! I can't visit websites even with Freegate software, which has been classified as a virus by anti-virus software. All that the authorities are interested in is blocking information. What I have is a Freegate version 5.0."
Defectors Expose the Chinese Communist Party's Crimes of Terrorism and Genocide
2005-06-20Next, let's look at Chen Yonglin's opinion on the "1700 cases of Falun Gong suicide" fabricated by the state media. He said: "Most of the 1700 people previously had mental problems or suicidal tendencies before they joined the Falun Gong practise. However, we should see that after many people practised Falun Gong, they had good spiritual results in the end, so they no longer wanted to commit suicide. For example, some people were recovering from bad relationships or had broken families, but after practising Falun Gong, they became spiritually fulfilled."
A Public Miracle
2005-06-20After I finished talking, he repeatedly nodded and said, "Falun Gong is good! Falun Gong is good!" I thought, "Today a miracle brought about by Falun Dafa took place right in front of your very eyes." I stood up and walked towards my destination. I heard a woman saying aloud to the crowd behind my back, "I saw with my own eyes that the car hit her and threw her shoes off. It was terrible! She is extremely fortunate not to be injured! Falun Gong practitioners can truly create miracles!"
Hao Fengjun: Why I Escaped from China (Part III)
2005-06-18I heard the Deputy Director of the State Security Bureau, Zhao Yuezeng, told Jing Zhanyi that they would reduce his sentence if he was willing to recite some lines that they had prepared for him, otherwise he would be charged with treason and face either a life sentence or execution by firing squad. The poor old man complied with their requests and went on TV to criticise Falun Gong with their words. Afterwards, he was sentenced to seven years in prison.
Hao Fengjun: Why I Escaped from China (Part II)
2005-06-17Almost everyday I heard Sun asked about her daughter's whereabouts and told us how Falun Gong practitioners are good people. My heart was shattered into pieces. I knew Falun Gong practitioners are good people and I cared about her daughter even more. A 13-year-old girl who lost her parents and couldn't even go to her relatives (all her relatives were monitored), how could she find food and a place to sleep? I regretted I didn't stop this from happening. My heart became anxious and heavy and I cried.