Dalian City Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province -- Deceptive, Wicked and Violent
2005-01-27The new regulations for the officials that were formulated in the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp in July, 2003 state that, "No one is allowed to beat, swear, physically punish, or insult at will the people who are being reeducated through forced labour in the camp." However, the opposite is in fact enforced. The guards regard the practitioners' lives as worthless while they pursue their bonuses, reputations, and benefits.
Torture Cases of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Shijiazhang City's Beijiao Prison
2005-01-27Mr. Shi Yan was unjustly sentenced to 11 years and detained in Shijiazhuang City's Beijiao Prison. In order to extort a confession from him, the police violently beat him. He was locked onto a metal chair for over 40 days. One a day in October 2003, a prisoner beat him on the chest, which caused him serious internal injuries. The prison guards witnessed him vomiting blood. This is one case from a long list of victims tortured in the prison because they practise Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
Middle-Aged and Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners Ms Xu Xiuzhi, MsCui Xueyi and Ms Wang Zongrong from Hebei Province Died in 2004 as a Result of Persecution
2005-01-2648 year old Ms. Xu Xiuzhi, 50 something Mr. Cui Xueyi and 66 year old Ms. Wang Zongrong were all Falun Dafa practitioners from Hebei Province. They all believed in following the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance and were arrested, detained without lawful process and persecuted and harassed relentlessly, even after they were released. The tremendous pressure led to their unjust deaths.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Dr. Li Huiyun Suffers a Mental Disorder from Being Tortured
2005-01-26Dr. Li Huiyun, 41 years old, was an assistant professor at the Hebei Technology University in Hebei Province. Officials from the "610 Office" and her employer forced her into the "Hebei Law Education Training Centre" to be brainwashed because she practised Falun Gong . At the centre, Dr. Li was severely persecuted until she developed symptoms of a mental disorder. She was then illegally sent to a forced labour camp where she was involuntarily hospitalized. In November of 2004, while Dr. Li was still detained in the hospital, her workplace fired her.
The Guards of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp are Losing Hope and the Evil Persecution is Coming to an End
2005-01-26Practitioners who have just been released from Masanjia Forced Labour Camp brought us the latest news about the camp situation. Within the short time between December of 2004 and the beginning of 2005, more than two hundred practitioners wrote a "solemn declaration" and announced that the "transformation" forced upon them through brainwashing was invalid, and began to practise Falun Gong again. These huge changes in Masanjia demonstrate a new trend in the persecution.
The Brutality of Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2005-01-26From September to October 2000, Jiang Zemin's regime sent many Falun Gong practitioners from Shandong Province to Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for persecution. In a meeting with practitioners, a police leader said openly, "It is our job to persecute you. You are the subjects of our dictatorship." There is a room in the camp is a room for electric shock torture, equipped with many electric batons. When nine practitioners were brought there for torture, the police stripped off their clothes. Then they handcuffed them to a steel pole that was fixed to the floor. More than a dozen policemen took turns to shock them.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Yu Shufen from Hebei Province, Passed Away in 2002 due to Harassment and Abuse
2005-01-25Ms. Yu Shufen lived in Hebei Province. She was in good mental and physical health ever since she began practising Falun Gong. Authorities targeted her after the national persecution began on July 20, 1999 and they persecuted her severely for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2001. The 610 Office destroyed her home, breaking all the windows in all five rooms. The relentless harassment and abuse caused Ms. Yu Shufen to suffer a mental collapse and pass away in 2002.
Practitioners Mr Jia Zhenjie, Ms Zhang Bingli and Ms Zhang Wenping from Hebei Province, Were Tortured to Death in 2001 and 2002
2005-01-25It has been reported that three Falun Dafa practitioners, a man in his forties and two ladies in their fifties, are known to have died as a result of persecution and torture in Hebei Province in 2002 and 2001 respectively. Besides this, a lady practitioner was beaten in a brainwashing centre so severely for more than an hour with sticks and planks that they broke. However the police carried on beating her.
The Misery of an Entire Family in Jilin Province Due to the Unjust Persecution - Parents Behind Bars Leaving 5 Year Old Son Alone at Home
2005-01-25On December 14, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ma Chunli from Jilin Province was arrested while only walking down the street. All of Ms. Ma's family members are Falun Gong practitioners, and the Jiang Zemin regime has forced her entire family into a very miserable situation through its crackdown on Falun Gong. Currently, the family's only child, a five year old boy, is left home alone. Ms. Ma's husband, Mr. Sun Qian, was arrested on October 26, 2002 and later sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Tai'an City Police Inject Three Female Practitioners with Nerve-Damaging Drugs
2005-01-25Tai'an City police abducted Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Song Furong, Ms. Song Qi'ai, and Ms. Qu Beibei. On September 23 2004, the Court sentenced Song Qi'ai to a 9-year term of imprisonment while Song Furong and Qu Beibei were sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment. The practitioners appealed, but the Court maintained the original unlawful verdict. Before the practitioners were sent to the Jinan Women Prison, they were injected with nerve-damaging drugs. After that, their tongues were stiff and numb, and they drooled constantly. They wanted to speak, but were unable to say even one word clearly.
Sixty-nine Additional Persecution-Related Deaths Confirmed in December 2004
2005-01-24Information published on has confirmed that another 69 Falun Gong practitioners have died as a result of the persecution in China. As of January 5, 2005, the confirmed death toll of practitioners has reached 1,238 during the more than five years since July 20, 1999, when Jiang Zemin's political faction began its blatant persecution of Falun Gong. These 69 persecution-related deaths come from 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
The Suffering of Mr. Zhou Zhi, Tortured to Death in the Second Prison of Shenyang
2005-01-2440 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Zhi from Liaoning Province was secretly sentenced to 11 years in prison in November 2003, without testimonies, notification of his family, or even a verdict. He tortured to death for his firm belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," in the Second Prison of Shenyang City on August 16, 2004.
60 Year Old Ms. Wang Ying from Heilongjiang Province, Died Recently after Being Tortured in a Brainwashing Class
2005-01-24Ms. Wang Ying was 60 years old, and a Falun Dafa practitioner from Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested and tortured at the end of 2000, because she went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. The local police picked her up from Beijing, and then sent her to a Detention Centre. She was extorted out of 4,000 yuan in a brainwashing class, and her body was severely injured. Ms. Wang never recovered from the injuries, and after her release from the class, she died on January 9, 2005.
68 Year Old Ms. Zhang Meilan Died in 2001 as a Result of Persecution
2005-01-2468 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Meilan went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa many times. In 2001 she managed to escape house arrest and went to Beijing again to appeal for Falun Dafa. Although she returned home safely, she was detained by her employer upon her return, and died several days after she was released.
Ms. Li Haiyan from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous District Dies from Persecution-Induced Illness; Her Mother Was Tortured to Death in 2002
2005-01-23Ms. Li Haiyan was a 30 year old Falun Dafa practitioner from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous District. Because she was a determined practitioner who clarified the truth to people, she was arrested and tortured several times and thus contracted tuberculosis during her incarceration. She was released on medical parole in September 2004, and she died at 4 AM on January 13, 2005.