
  • Elderly Ms. Liu Yingfu is Persecuted to Disability for Refusing to Become a Secret Agent

    My name is Ms. Liu Yingfu and I am 58 years old. I live in Chongqing City. Because Jiang's faction persecutes Falun Dafa, the local police officers forced me to write a statement guaranteeing that I would not practise Falun Gong and I would turn in my Dafa books. Afterwards, they tried to get me to become a secret agent. Because I refused their demands, they took me to a brainwashing centre. Their persecution of my mother-in-law caused her death. The police officers asked my relatives to monitor me and the harassment never ceased. As a result, I eventually became disabled and unable to take care of myself.
  • 30 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Wu Junyang from Liaoning Province Recently Tortured to Death

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wu Junyang from Liaoning Province tragically died at the young age of 30. However, he was arrested in September 2004 and detained in a detention centre. In November his family suddenly received a notice from the police, telling them that Mr. Wu was sick in the City Hospital. Both of Mr. Wu's eyes were seeping blood. He weakly told his family that he had been beaten by police and wanted to go home. After they got him home, he completely lost his eyesight, then he lost consciousness and became incontinent. His family found bruises all over his body, and saw that his urine had turned purple. Since the family was too poor to take him for medical treatment, Wu Junyang died on November 27, 2004.
  • Practitioner Nan Chuyan Tortured to Death in 2002, His Wife and Children Imprisoned

    Mr. Nan Chuyan was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp for one year because he adhered to his beliefs and appealed to the government for the right to practise Falun Gong. The brutal torture and beatings he endured in the camp led to his death a month after his release in November of 2002. Mr. Nan Chuyan's son and daughter were both sentenced to prison terms of 8 and 6 years because they told others that Falun Gong is good. When Mr. Nan's wife and his elder daughter went to the legal departments seeking the release of his son, they were arrested and cruelly imprisoned.
  • An Account of the Brutal Crimes Committed by Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (Reenactment Photos)

    On January 30, 2001, more than 200 male prison guards, descended on the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp where Falun Gong practitioners were detained.They took all the practitioners to the corridor while beating and cursing at them. Some practitioners were thrown out into the corridor by a group of three guards, one grasping the hair and the other two holding the practitioner's thighs. The sound generated by electric batons, the prison guards' cursing and threats, and the sound of brutal beating, all mixed together. The prison guards tried to force Falun Gong practitioners to confess to fabricated charges.
  • A 65-year-old Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Disability at Baimalong Labour Camp

    65-year old Ms. Yang Jusheng was sent to the Baimalong Women's Labour Camp in May 2004 for her belief in Falun Dafa. Since then, she has endured various inhumane tortures. She was forced to stand for an extended period of time, which caused a serious prolapse of her rectum and she was not allowed to sleep for 13 days straight. In addition, the long-term physical punishment left both of her feet disabled, and now she can barely walk.
  • Appalling Acts of Persecution at the Majialong Forced Labour Camp in Jiujiang City

    Majialong Forced Labour Camp is located in Jiujiang City of Jiangxi Province. It is used for detention of Falun Gong practitioners. The labour camp perpetrators have abused, mistreated, tormented and tortured Falun Gong practitioners with shocking methods.
  • Practitioner Ms. Zhang Junyun from Jilin Province Is Savagely Tortured (Re-enactment Photos)

    Ms. Zhang Junyun, 51, is a retired staff member from Wuhua Group in Jilin City, Jilin Province. She was reported by someone for practising Falun Gong and was arrested and sent to the Dongjuzi Police Station on May the 19th 2004.
  • Near Death, Ms. Zhang Liping and Ms. Wang Yuling Are Still Being Held in Detention

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Liping is 32 years old. She was illegally sentenced to 11 years in prison. She was originally held at a Detention Centre in Changchun City. The detention centre authorities sent her to the Heizuizi Women's Prison nine times, but the prison refused to take her because of her poor condition, brought on by mental and physical persecution. Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuling is around 48 years of age. She is currently being held at the Labour Reeducation Hospital of the Changchun City Prison, after being tortured in a Detention Centre. The Detention Centre could no longer afford the medical expenses and the authorities told the hospital to cut off her medications.
  • Tianjin Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Lin Chunfang in Critical Condition from Police Torture

    On November 15, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Lin Chunfang was seen distributing materials about the truth of Falun Dafa in a residential building. The police cruelly beat and tortured Lin Chunfang. After 24 hours, Lin Chunfang, who is middle-aged, was still unconsciousness from the beating, and was in critical condition. The police were scared, and sent her to the hospital for emergency care. At present, Lin Chunfang's life is in danger.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioners Ms. Shen Guihua and Ms. Gong Suyuan from Sichuan Province Died As a Result of Persecution-Related Illnesses

    In 2000, Sichuan Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shen Guihua went to the local police station to tell them the truth about Falun Gong, but the police unlawfully arrested her. Under the intense pressure of the persecution, Ms. Shen Guihua's spirits were severely compromised, and the cancer she had had before she practised Falun Dafa recurred. In July 2002, she died as a result of the persecution. Another practitioner, Ms. Gong Suyuan, was constantly harassed, threatened, and intimidated by police. In April 2004, she died from organ damage related to inflammation and severe accumulation of fluid in her abdomen.
  • Practitioner Ms. Fuli's Hands Disabled by Torture at Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (Photos)

    Forty-one-year-old Heilongjiang Province practitioner Ms. Fuli was arrested and sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp in November 1999 because she appealed for freedom to practise Falun Dafa. In Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Fuli endured inhuman treatment. She was hung by her thumbs, placed in solitary confinement, and tortured in many others ways. To hang her by her thumbs, the police tied rope around her thumbs and then hung her up by the rope. Her thumbs had to sustain the weight of her whole body! After being suspended like that for a long time, her thumbs became deformed and her hands disabled.
  • 61 Year Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Yang Xiuzhong Persecuted to Death in 2003

    Mr. Yang Xiuzhong was a Senior Lab Technician employed by the Southwest Petroleum Institute. Since he firmly cultivated Falun Dafa even after July 20, 1999, the Institute's administrators put him on a blacklist. He was placed under house arrest, forced to retire early, had his home ransacked, was detained, was forced to live under constant monitoring, had his home phone bugged, and was followed and harassed constantly. Due to the constant mental and physical torture, he died in June 2003, at the age of 61.
  • School Teacher Falun Gong Practitioner Li Wensheng from Liaoning Province Passed Away in 2003 as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Liu Wensheng was a school teacher at an Elementary School in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. He started practising Falun Gong in 1998 and his body became very healthy afterwards. Since July 20, 1999, police persecuted him on numerous occasions. He was arrested and tortured many times. His home was also ransacked. In September 2001, he was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. While going from place to place, he suffered tremendous hardships. As a result, he passed away on October 18, 2003, at the age of 41.
  • Liaoning Province Falun Dafa Practitioners Mr Gao Guoyuan and Ms Yang Sulan, Die After Being Brutally Persecuted in 2002 and 2003

    In November 2000, fifty-five year old Mr Gao Guoyuan was arrested and taken to the Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp. There, he was tortured until his physical and mental health collapsed. He was released in April 2001, but he never regained his health, and he passed away in July 2002. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Sulan was sixty-five years old when she passed away. She also was arrested and sent to the Zhangshi Forced Labour Camp, where ten people tortured her. The guards did not allow her to sleep, and she was bombarded with lies about Falun Dafa. She was set free after 50 days of torture, and she passed away on June 1, 2003.
  • More Information on the 1999 Death of Practitioner Mr. Jin Zunyi from Jiangxi Province

    On September 23, 1999, Jiangxi Province Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jin Zunyi went to Beijing and was arrested on October 13, 1999. He was then transferred back to Nanchang City by train. It was heard that Mr. Jin jumped from the train to avoid further persecution, broke his leg, was chased by the police and died after being sent to the hospital.