Mr. Song Shijie Tortured to Death Within Three Days of His Arrest in Siping City
2004-02-28Two days later, Mr. Song's family was informed that he was dead. His family members were shocked to learn of this news and they planned to sue the Tiexi Police for torturing Song Shijie. The Tiexi Police did not want their crimes to be exposed, so they gave 50,000 yuan to Mr. Song's family as compensation. It is reported that Song Shijie's family members are still in the process of bringing a lawsuit against the Tiexi Police.
Former Deputy Party Secretary of the Nanyang City Wolong District Committee in Dies As a Result of Torture
2004-02-28While in detention, the police tried to force him to swear at Teacher and Dafa, and to give up his belief in Falun Gong. The elderly gentleman said sternly, "I've been working in the government for dozens of years and I've never seen law enforcement personnel like you who intentionally violate the law! Which regulation states that we must swear at people? I practise Falun Gong and have a healthy body. Our Teacher teaches us not to fight back when beaten and not to curse back when being cursed.
How Falun Dafa Practitioner Jilin Province Ms. Li Shunfeng Was Murdered by the Police
2004-02-28According to the police, it was from that building that Ms. Li had jumped. After one day, Ms. Li's husband again went to the Coroners Laboratory Test Centre of the Beijing Public Security Bureau. The police had already sent faxes to notify all of Ms. Li's family members that they had to agree that she had committed suicide by jumping off a building and, furthermore, that they all had to have their fingerprints taken to validate their agreement. Even Ms. Li's husband was forced to agree that she committed suicide.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Lu Xingguo Killed by Police in Shanghai No. 3 Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-28Realizing that Lu was willing to defend his belief with his life, the criminals were extremely furious. They immediately went on to another round of torture. They closed the doors and windows again and turned the TV to the highest volume. They proceeded with the most evil and cruel torture. In less than one hour, Falun Gong practitioner Lu Xingguo was dead from torture at the hands of the police and the criminals.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Chunxian Dies from Torture Sustained in Heizuizi Women's Prison
2004-02-27Ms. Jiang Chunxian was a 34-year-old resident of Dehui City, Jilin Province. She was sentenced to 8 years in prison on January 15, 2004, and sent to the Heizuizi Prison in Changchun City. One month later, the prison police notified her family that Ms. Jiang had died. Her family discovered that at the back of her body, an excessively large pooling of blood had occurred, and that there were two large red areas on the insides of her thighs. These wounds proved that Ms. Jiang was tortured, perhaps with an electric baton.
Mr. Zhao Xudong Tortured to Death in Lanzhou City No. 2 Detention Centre and His Family Torn Apart
2004-02-27Mr Zhao Xudong was arrested on December 7th, 2003 and died three months later in Lanzhou City Hualinshan No. 2 Detention Centre. His mother was arrested at the same time. Her whereabouts are unknown. Ms. Li Hongping, the deceased Mr. Zhao's wife, was sentenced to three years of forced labour for practicsng Falun Gong. Zhao's elderly father and eight-year-old daughter were left home by themselves. Zhao's father suffered a mental breakdown from the agonizing loss of his son.
Following Severe Torture Elderly Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Huaiqing Harassed to Death by "610 Office"
2004-02-27On December 29, 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Huaiqing, a retired teacher, was abducted and taken to Ningjin County Detention Centre. After his release, he was hospitalized for his poor health due to the torture suffered in the detention centre. Even though he was in the hospital, local "610 Office"* officials often harassed him. After his release from the hospital, these lawless people made his recovery impossible by their continuous harassment. Mr. Li died in August of 2003
Heilongjiang Province Police Torture to Death Two Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-02-27Ms. Liu Xin, 40 years old, was a teacher at the Dasizhan Town Middle School. She was sent to the county detention centre where she was traumatized both physically and mentally. Her whole body swelled up and she was very close to death. Under strong protest from her family (it was said that her husband paid Sun Chengyi several thousand yuan), she was released home. After returning home, she was continuously harassed by her workplace and the local police station. She passed away on August 23, 2001.
Sixty Year Old Guizhou Province Dafa Practitioner Mr. Sun Faxiang Tortured to Death Two Years Ago
2004-02-27Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Sun Faxiang from Guizhou Province was tortured to death in 2002. He had previously been arrested on January 25, 2002, together with his wife because they were both persistent in cultivating Dafa. On this occasion they were detained for one month. Mr. Sun was locked in an icy cold small cell while running a fever of 39-40oC (102-104oF). Police forced him to go to the train station to see if any Falun Dafa practitioners went to appeal to Beijing. He resisted their demands and was tortured to death.
Mr. Liu Zhichen Dies as Result of Horrendous Torture in Yinmahe Labour Camp
2004-02-26Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Zhichen of Dehui City, Jilin Province was detained at the Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp in 2002. He was released on February 6, 2003. Due to the long term persecution he suffered while in the forced labour camp, his health was in poor condition when he returned home. Still, the local police continued to harass him and illegally searched his home. His family did not have any peace. At the age of 32 years old, Liu died in Dehui City Hospital on October 7, 2003. This is another crime the Jiang Zemin's regime has committed towards an innocent Falun Gong practitioner.
The Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xuefeng
2004-02-26During her two-year incarceration in the Duoba Forced Labour Camp, Ms. Zhang Xuefeng was forcefully administered drugs damaging to her central nervous system, and thus became mentally deranged. She passed away within a year of being released. The day she died, Public Security officers tried to shift responsibility to Falun Gong. Her mother responded, "She was persecuted to death! She practised Falun Gong for several years and had always been healthy. Why did she become mentally deranged after she was released from the forced labour camp?" They fled without a reply.
Letter from a Practitioner's Mother to a Prosecutor in Henan Province
2004-02-26'Imprisoning Wu for more than a two-year illegal extension and unwilling to release him, the labour camp insisted on forcing him to "be transformed". According to my personal experience, after my son started practising Falun Gong, he learned to become a good person. After that, he became very healthy, and became very gentle and docile as well. Furthermore, he also worked more earnestly. I do not understand what could be wrong with this? He hasn't harmed anyone. Certainly he hasn't harmed society. He is an extremely sensible and rational person. I wonder what they want to "transform" him into?'
Supplemental Information Regarding the Death of Practitioner Ms. Xu Yunfeng of Chongqing City
2004-02-26Before the barbaric force-feeding which was to lead to her eventual death, a policeman in the Jinkou brainwashing centre said to Ms. Xu Yunfeng, "What does it matter if we beat a Falun Gong practitioner to death? The death of Falun Gong practitioners is nothing. At present time only Jiang Zemin's orders count. Even though Falun Gong is good, there is nothing we can do. Jiang Zemin has said that if a Falun Gong practitioner is beaten to death, we will use the story as propaganda and broadcast on CCTV"
A Two-Death-Quota To Sanction the Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners Issued to the Shibalihe Woman's Labour Camp
2004-02-25In April, 2003, the head of the Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp received special notification that a quota of two Falun Gong practitioners' deaths was issued to the labour camp, sanctioning the escalation of violence against Falun Gong practitioners to get them to renounce their belief and give up their practice of Falun Gong... The police said, "We'll take no responsibility even if two of you are beaten to death, because the labour camp has received permission for two people to die!"
McDonald's Toys Made at Wuhan City's Hewan Forced Labour Camp
2004-02-25Officials at the Hewan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City have for a long time forced detainees to make toys for McDonald's, including an eagle toy and a bear toy. The workshop starts at 6:00 a.m. and stays open until 2:00 a.m. the next morning. The Sixth Team in the Hewan Forced Labour Camp specializes in persecuting women Falun Dafa practitioners.