Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Yu Bixing's Body Thrown out of Moving Police Van
2001-11-08 -
Propaganda and Bribery Can Not Hide the Fact that Wang Yongdong was Tortured and Thrown to His Death
2001-11-08It has been concluded that Wang refused to turn in Falun Dafa materials and was thus brutally beaten by the police. The police feared that Wang might die in his own home so they pushed Wang outside of the window and caused Wang to die.
Evidence of the Beating of a 64 Year Old Female Practitioner
2001-11-08 -
More Information on the Death of Falun Dafa Practitioner Chen Aizhong
2001-11-06 -
Torture Chambers of Death at Shuanghe Women's Labour Camp
2001-11-06On October 10, 2001, one female practitioner was tortured in the "small cell." Since then, we have not heard of her present condition, as news of all the activities carried out in the chamber is cut off from the outside world. To ensure maximum security, the cell was guarded by a few convicts as well. This torture chamber is a living hell. Any form of torture could be applied in this cell, and many Falun Dafa practitioners have died in this chamber.
The Truth of Zhang Fengyun's Death
2001-11-05After the beating, they inserted a tube into her stomach to force-feed her. These inmates were so cruel that they intentionally stirred the tube hard in Zhang's stomach.
Female Practitioner, Lu Hongfeng, The Former Vice-Principal of the No. 1 Elementary School of Lingwu City, Ningxia Province, Was Tortured to Death by the Local Mental Hospital
2001-11-04A former vice-principal of the No. 1 Elementary School of Lingwu City, Ningxia Province, Lu Hongfeng, thirty seven years old, was sent to the local mental hospital against her will since she insisted on speaking the truth about Falun Gong. She passed away on September 6, 2000 after being severely tortured through forcible high dose injections of powerful drugs used on mentally ill patients. Lu Hongfeng was completely mentally healthy.
Middle-Aged Man Dies from Torture after Refusing to Give up Beliefs
2001-11-03In the labor camp, Mr. Ren was tortured in an attempt to force him to renounce Falun Gong and agree to stop practicing. Mr. Ren refused, and therefore, suffered continued torture over the next eight months. Mr. Ren died at 4:00pm on October 29. Before Mr. Ren passed away, he had said, "I believe in Falun Dafa."
The Death of Practitioner Ren Mengjun
2001-11-02 -
Teenage Girls Tortured
2001-11-02We strongly call on the Chinese Law Enforcement Department and child protection organizations to urge the Heizuizi Labour Camp to immediately release these two young girls.
Police Use Sex Offenders to Torture Practitioners
2001-11-02 -
A Doctor without Ethics Helps Persecute Practitioners
2001-11-01Xu said in front of more than twenty practitioners, "there are instructions and quotas from the central government. It is OK to kill one or two (practitioners). It will be counted as suicide."
Evil Policeman Tortures Practitioner with Snakes
2001-10-31Finally the evil policeman Chen Xinrun (whose badge number is 083811) put two snakes into a braided bag, and forcefully put Pan Juying's hands into the bag. The scene was too horrible to watch. During this time, the evil policeman Shen Chao, Li Lin (whose badge number is 084002) shouted wildly: "We intend to make you a lunatic, and make you run down the street naked. That way we can tell people that you became a lunatic after you practised Falun Gong."
Lu Xinghua: Another Practitioner Dead from Brutal Force-Feeding
2001-10-30Since she learned Falun Gong, two years before, Lu Xinghua was always very healthy and never caught any illness. She died of injuries sustained through brutal force-feeding, when she went on hunger-strike to protest against her illegal detention.
Female Practitioners Tortured in the Male Section of Wanjia Labor Camp
2001-10-30The female practitioners were hung up, repeatedly shocked with an electric baton until they passed out, and then splashed with water to wake them up for another ordeal. Out of the five female practitioners from the women's team, three of them were hung up for seven days, while the other two were hung up for fourteen days.