Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Wife Dies from Injuries of Police Brutality Following Arrest—Husband Still Serving 8.5 Years in Prison for Their Faith
2019-09-08While her husband was still serving a 8.5-year prison term, Ms. Liu Jinru passed away on October 22, 2018, after suffering more than two years of physical struggles due to torture while in police custody following the couple's arrests for their faith in Falun Gong in June 2016.
82-Year-Old Woman Dies Hours After Being Arrested for Distributing Falun Gong Informational Materials
2019-09-08An 82-year-old woman in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, died hours after she was arrested for passing out informational materials about Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Man Has Relapse of Heart Disease after Years of Persecution for His Faith, Dies at 68
2019-09-08A Shenyang City resident died on March 29, 2018, after succumbing to heart disease. Mr. Chen Cunli, 68, had become very healthy after he began to practice Falun Gong in 1996, but he had a relapse of his old symptoms a few years ago after having been detained multiple times for his faith.
Liaoning Man Abused and Dies in Prison
2019-09-08A resident of Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province died while serving a five-year prison term for practising Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Shaanxi Man Dies from Tuberculosis Developed During Imprisonment for His Faith
2019-09-08A Yanchuan County resident passed away from tuberculosis in April 2018, only six months after he was released from serving an 18-month prison term for not renouncing his faith in Falun Gong. He was in his 50s.
Shandong Woman Dies Months After Being Arrested and Harassed for Her Faith
2019-09-08Ms. Wang Huanyun, a resident of Shouguang City, Shandong Province, died less than three months after she was arrested for practising Falun Gong.
Heilongjiang Woman on Medical Parole Dies from Symptoms Developed While Imprisoned for Her Faith
2019-08-26A woman in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province lost her battle with cancer fifteen months after she was released from prison on medical parole.
Chongqing Man Dies After Decade Long Persecution for His Faith
2019-08-26A Chongqing man passed away on June 24, 2018, after years of detention and torture for refusing to renounce Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999. He was 77 years old.
Woman Dies from Stroke Induced by Arrest for Her Faith Two Months Ago
2019-08-26A Qinhuangdao City resident passed away less than two months after she was arrested while reading the teachings of Falun Gong with three other people.
Hebei Woman Dies Suddenly While in Custody—Organs Extracted
2019-08-26A 64-year-old woman who died suddenly, under suspicious circumstances, while in custody had her internal organs extracted by authorities.
70-Year-Old Harassed by Police While on Medical Parole, Dies on Holiday Honoring Elderly
2019-08-26A woman imprisoned for her faith in Falun Gong was released on medical parole after being diagnosed with cancer. She recovered by doing Falun Gong exercises at home, only to be harassed frequently by police. Her health took a turn for the worse, and she died at age 70.
Crimes Committed in the Fushun City Detention Centre
2019-08-26Guards in Fushun City Detention Centre torture Falun Gong practitioners mentally and physically in attempts to force them to give up their faith. The following nine Falun Gong practitioners were tortured to death while in custody in the Fushun City Detention Centre, which should be held responsible.
245 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in March 2019
2019-05-06According to information collected by, the month of March 2019 recorded 245 cases of Falun Gong practitioners arrested and another 162 harassed in China for refusing to renounce their faith.
Imprisoned School Teacher Dies Three Days After Sent to Hospital, Family Suspects Torture
2019-01-20A former middle school teacher from Fujian Province passed away on September 11, 2018, three days after he was sent to the hospital by the detention centre. His family suspects that he was brutally tortured by the guards for his faith in Falun Gong.
Elderly Husband Dies Three Months After 73-year-old Wife Given Second Prison Term for Their Shared Faith
2019-01-20An 84-year-old man in Keshan County passed away three months after his 73-year-old wife was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for speaking out against the persecution of Falun Gong.