Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Heilongjiang Man Dies Nine Days Following His Arrest for Practicing Falun Gong
2020-04-10Mr. Yang Shengjun passed away nine days after he was arrested for not renouncing his faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Sichuan Woman Dies While Serving Time for Not Renouncing Her Faith
2020-02-05A resident of Luzhou City, Sichuan Province recently passed away while serving a 5.5-year prison term for not renouncing her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Imprisoned Mother of U.S. Resident Dies Nine Months Before Scheduled Release, Family Suspects Foul Play
2020-02-05A Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, resident and mother of a U.S. resident suddenly died on July 26, 2019, moments after she was rushed to the hospital for emergency rescue.
Family Suspects Falun Gong Practitioner's Untimely Death Results from Being Drugged in Detention
2020-02-05A 47-year-old woman died five months after she was arrested for the 11th time for practising Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Guangxi Man Imprisoned Despite Metastatic Cancer, Dies Three Months Later
2020-02-05A Qinzhou City, Guangxi Province, man passed away on July 23, 2019, three months after he was imprisoned despite severe health issues, including metastatic gastric cancer. He was 57.
Sichuan Woman Dies Nine Months After Being Admitted to Prison for Not Renouncing Her Faith
2020-02-05Ms. Ding Guoqin's family was kept in the dark of her situation for ten months following her arrest for practising Falun Gong in October 2017. When they finally obtained updates about her, she had already been sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for not renouncing her faith, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Belated News: Guizhou Man Paralyzed from Beating and Imprisoned, Dies Four Years After Release
2020-02-05A resident of Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province became paralyzed after being beaten by a police officer in 2002 for not renouncing his faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Authorities Remove Imprisoned Woman from Life Support Six Days after Operating on Her Without Family’s Consent
2020-02-05A woman imprisoned for refusing to give up her faith in Falun Gong was hospitalized on July 5, 2019 and operated on the following day without her family's consent. When her family refused to sign a waiver to take her home, the police detained them, including a six-year-old child, for one day.
Belated News: Two Falun Gong Practitioners Die from Torture in 2005 and 2009
2020-02-05The website recently confirmed that two Falun Gong practitioners in Maanshan City, Anhui Province were persecuted to death in 2005 and 2009, respectively, after being tortured while in police custody.
After Decades of Persecution, Shandong Man Dies Two Months Following Latest Arrest for His Faith
2020-02-05The 45-year-old man held a hunger strike to protest the arbitrary detention. He was force fed and became unresponsive when his lawyer and family visited him. Despite his condition, he was ordered to stand trial on June 25, 2019. He passed away one week later.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Critical Condition After Being Tortured at Liaoning Women's Prison, One Dies After Being Bedridden for Five Years (Graphic Photo)
2020-02-05Ms. Li Cuihua was released on medical parole in October 2014 after she was tortured and fell unconscious while imprisoned for not renouncing her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Former Business Owner Dies at 50 After Repeated Detention and Harassment
2020-02-05Mr. Shi Zhonghui, a small business owner in Zhengding County, Hebei Province, was detained and harassed numerous times for his belief in Falun Gong. The physical abuse and mental stress caused his health to deteriorate, which led to his death on March 26, 2019, at age 50.
Retired Teacher Passes Away One Year Following 11th Arrest for Her Faith
2020-02-05A group of police officers broke into Ms. Mu Zhihong's home on May 10, 2018, and arrested her. She was targeted because she refused to renounce her faith in Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime since 1999.
Woman Suffers Stroke While Being Pursued for Her Faith—Dies Less than Two Years after Returning Home
2020-02-05After four years of wandering about and moving from place to place to avoid being persecuted for her faith, Ms. Tan Yinzhen returned home in 2017 after suffering a stroke and unable to live by herself any longer.
Two Women Die after Being Persecuted for Their Faith
2020-02-05Ms. Xiong Danyue was arrested in 2015 for talking to people about Falun Gong. She was paralyzed when she was released from the police station. It wasn't clear what happened to her during her short detention.