Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Elderly Mr. Peng Chuhao from Hunan Province Mistreated in Prison
2010-05-24Police officers arrested 74-year-old Mr. Peng Chuhao in late January 2010. The police took him to the Jin City Detention Centre in Changde, Hunan Province. Two months later, Mr. Peng was taken to the Wuling Prison in Changde. Mr. Peng strongly protested the persecution and refused to write the three statements to renounce practising Falun Gong. Because he persisted in practising the Falun Gong exercises in prison, he was brutally force-fed. He became very weak and often had to urinate more than ten times each night. His teeth fell out and he was not given enough food. The officials took Mr. Peng to the hospital when his life was endangered. As soon as he recovered a little, they took him back to the prison.
Disbarred Chinese Lawyer: True Loser is the Legal System
2010-05-24The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice in a hearing on April 22nd revoked the law licences of two attorneys, Tang Jitian and Liu Wei, both of whom are well-known for defending Falun Gong adherents and others who are disenfranchised in China. Prior to the hearing, Tang Jitian spoke to reporters outside the courtroom. He characterized the situation as just another attempt by the authorities to intimidate and suppress lawyers. In actuality, he said, the authorities were only jeopardizing their own moral and legal credibility with the people of China.
Additional Information about the Persecution and Death of Mr. Wang Donghai
2010-05-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Donghai from Qingyuan County, Hebei Province was harassed and persecuted many times by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities. In July 2006, Mr. Wang watched a Falun Gong video and was reported to the authorities, who again extorted money from him, a sum of 5,500 yuan. They arrested him and whipped his legs with a phone cord. As a result of the beating, he could not walk and his legs were severely bruised. Mr. Wang's parents and children suffered greatly from the ongoing police harassment. Mr. Wang was not able to do the Falun Gong exercises for a long time. His health deteriorated drastically. On January 25th, 2009, Mr. Wang passed away at the age of 51, after suffering years of persecution.
Three Practitioners from Liquan County, Xianyang City Arrested and Homes Ransacked
2010-05-23State Security Division officers from Liquan County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Feng Jianying, Mr. Zhao Yaer and Mr. Hu Mingyou on April 25th, 2010. Without a search warrant, the police confiscated the 27,000 yuan that Mr. Hu had saved up over many years. Ms. Feng Jianzhen's home was ransacked and her whereabouts are unknown.
Ms. Zhou Liping Detained Elderly Mother Dies Due to Mental Trauma
2010-05-23Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Liping, in her forties, started practising Falun Gong in 1998. On January 10th, 2010, Ms. Zhou, Ms. Bai Jingzhi and three other practitioners were arrested and imprisoned in the Huadian City Detention Centre. They have not been released yet. Ms. Zhou Liping's 77-year-old mother witnessed the police officers ransacking her daughter's home. The police pushed this elderly lady roughly around, severely frightening her. Due to being traumatised, she could hardly eat and passed away on March 1st.
Party Officials in Deyang City Force Residents to Sign "Pledge Card"
2010-05-23Since this March, the Deyang Municipal Party Committee in Sichuan Province and the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) have been forcing residents to sign "pledge cards" against Falun Gong and are distributing brochures attacking and slandering Falun Gong. In the Guanghua community at Dongshanbei Lane, residents who receive low-income financial assistance are forced to sign pledge cards against Falun Gong. Otherwise, their payments are withheld. In the Fourth Team of Nanxing town, most residents have signed the pledge card. They were told that if they did not sign, their children cannot join the army or go to college in the future.
Falun Gong Practitioner Involved in Changchun TV Broadcast Dies in Custody
2010-05-22A Falun Gong practitioner who tapped into China’s state-run TV died on May 1st. Liang Zhenxing had suffered persecution in various prison camps for the past nine years. The 46-year-old resident of Changchun was sentenced to 19 years in prison back in 2002. Liang was part of a group of Falun Gong practitioners who tapped into state-run TV stations on March 5th that year. They showed about 50 minutes of programmes—including this one: “Falun Dafa Around the World”—which showed that Falun Gong is widely practised, and that the Chinese regime was making up lies to justify its persecution of the group.
Mr. Liang Keming Sentenced to Three More Years in Prison After Serving Seven Year Sentence for Practising Falun Gong
2010-05-22On April 28th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liang Keming from Loudi City, Hunan Province, was sentenced to three years in prison. He is now detained in Jinshi Prison in Changde. Mr. Liang had previously been sentenced to seven years because he practised Falun Gong. After he was released he was arrested again. Before being sentenced to prison, he was detained for eleven months at the No. 1 Detention Centre in Loudi City. He was fed only brine with several pieces of radish, and was forced to work long hours.
Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Fuyu County, Jilin Province Persecuted
2010-05-22During the Chinese New Year in 2010 Mr. Wang Huanli, a practitioner from Fuyu County, Jilin Province, was arrested by local police. After he was released, he became homeless to avoid being arrested. Another practitioner, Mr. Liu Qing, was accused of being in contact with Mr. Wang and was arrested recently. Mr. Wang had been sentenced to forced labour and was sent to Jiutai Labour Camp in Jilin Province. He was in critical condition because of the abuse in the camp. In Jiutai Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Wang suffered from serious ulcerations in his lungs. When he went home, his condition became so bad that he constantly vomited blood in big mouthfuls.
Shanghai Expo Intensifies Chinese Regime's Crackdown of Falun Gong
2010-05-22This month the Shanghai Expo opened its door to the world with the slogan: ‘Better City, Better Life.’ But for followers of the spiritual practice Falun Gong, also called Falun Gong, life has not been better because of the Expo. Levi Browde is executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Centre, a New York-based group. He says the Chinese regime is using the pretext of the Shanghai Expo to carry out its campaign to eradicate Falun Gong.
Twenty-two Year-old Girl Arrested and Taken to Forced Labour Camp − Mother Disappears While Looking For Her Daughter
2010-05-21Practitioners Ms. Wang Yujie and Ms. Ma Yuanxin were arrested by police on March 11th. The practitioners were taken to the No. 1 Detention Station and detained for 15 days. On March 26th, the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) secretly transferred Wang Yujie and Ma Yuanxin to the Erdaopeng Brainwashing Centre. Chen Ye, Wang Yujie's mother, went to the police station looking for her daughter. Then, after March 17th, Chen Ye hadn't returned home and there was no news about her. It is presumed that she was also arrested and detained. Officials sentenced the two practitioners to one-year forced labour terms.
Mr. Chen Zhongxuan and His Family Persecuted
2010-05-21Mr. Chen Zhongxuan, 50 years old, is a former police officer from Gansu Province. He and more than a dozen of his family members practise Falun Gong. During the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ten year persecution of Falun Gong, Mr. Chen and his family have been persecuted, and he is constantly being monitored. His two younger sisters, Ms. Chen Shuxian and Ms. Chen Jie, were put into a forced labour camp and prison and physically tortured. His elder sister Ms. Chen Shumei and her husband Mr. Liu Haixue were forced to leave home to go into hiding. His two brothers passed away in 2008, as a result of being tortured. Previously CCP agents threatened them, ransacked their homes, and put all sorts of other pressure and hardships on them.
Real Estate Managers in Shenyang City Sentenced
2010-05-21Ms. Tu Xiujuan was sentenced to three years in prison. Ms. Wang Zhaohui, who was arrested at the same time as Ms. Tu, was sentenced to four years in prison by the Shenhe District Court of Shenyang City, and is imprisoned in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. The Shenhe District Court held a secret trial for Ms. Wang. Her family was not notified. When the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in 1999, Ms. Wang persisted in her belief and told many people the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. She explained that she was persecuted numerous times and cruelly tortured in the forced labour camps. She was tortured on a death bed, and also handcuffed and suspended.
Ms. Lin Shaomei from Haifeng County, Guangdong Province Arrested
2010-05-21On March 30th, 2010, Ms. Lin Shaomei was arrested by police officers. She is currently being detained in the Haifeng Detention Centre. Ms. Lin Shaomei, 38, once suffered from many illnesses, which left her in a lot of pain. After Ms. Lin started practising Falun Gong in 2007, her illnesses disappeared. Following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance made her more broad-minded and she was very glad to help others. Because Ms. Lin Shaomei benefited greatly from practising Falun Gong she often told others her story. However, she was reported to the police for doing so.
I Witnessed Guards Breaking a Practitioner's Jaw at Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre
2010-05-20Mr. Lu Yougen was taken to the Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre in Hubei Province in the middle of September 2009. He witnessed the guards brutally torturing Falun Gong practitioners. He recounts, "I saw three guards trying to force feed a practitioner. The practitioner was not co-operating with them, so they broke his jaw. When the guards force fed him, he had no response at all, like a dead man."