Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Mr. Xu Zhiming, 67, Dies as Result of Poisonous Drug Administration While in Detention
2010-06-04Mr. Xu Zhiming did many good deeds for local people after he began cultivating Falun Gong, so people called him "big nice man." Because he firmly held to his faith, local police arrested him five times, which resulted in his detainment at Weiningying and Beitai Forced Labour Camps in Benxi City. He was subjected to brainwashing multiple times during detention via inhuman methods of torture. Mr. Xu died on May 19th, 2010, after long-term persecution.
Her Husband Tortured to Death, Her Daughter in Prison, Ms. Yao Caiwei Dies as a Result of Persecution
2010-06-04Ms. Yao Caiwei's husband, Mr. Zhang Tao, was tortured to death in custody at the end of 2002. Her 22 year-old daughter Ms. Zhang Jianhui was detained, her face beaten until she was disfigured, and then sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. Ms. Yao appeared to be a paraplegic. Her limbs were numb, she could not speak clearly, she had blurry vision, and she had difficulty taking care of herself. She died on May 18th, 2010.
Three Practitioners in Hebei and Liaoning Provinces Persecuted to Death
2010-06-04Mr. Yang Jixian, 58, was forced to go to the village government office, where he was detained and brainwashed for two months after the persecution started on July 20th, 1999. In October 2001, Mr. Yang was taken against his will to Liyuzhuang and persecuted for two months. They tortured him brutally, beating him with a rubber baton, hitting him with a wooden board embedded with nails, forcing him to stand military style and do push-ups--all in order to try to force him to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In 2007, Mr. Yang was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labour. He was released in 2008, after which police continued to harass him. On January 3rd, 2009, Mr. Yang passed away.
Mr. Tian Yun Dies in Custody in Henan Province
2010-06-03According to a reliable source, Mr. Tian Yun, 46, has died while detained in the Zhengzhou Prison in Xinmi City, Henan Province. On March 27th, 2009, he was talking to people in public about Falun Gong and was arrested by the police. The Hui County Court sentenced him to three years of imprisonment and detained him in the Zhengzhou Prison, where he endured beatings, electric baton shocks, and deprivation of water. The guards tried to force him to write things to betray Falun Gong and its founder, but he did not give in. He has died as a result of the torture he'd endured, although the exact date of his death is currently unknown.
A Prosecutor's Shameful Conduct and a Falun Gong Practitioner's Compassion
2010-06-03On April 27th, 2010, Hebei District Court in Tianjin held a trial for Ms. Jia Wenguang. During the trial, the prosecutor, Meng Xiangmei, presented two witnesses who accused Ms. Jia of forcing them to accept Falun Gong fliers. Ms. Jia explained that she has never forced materials on anyone. On the day she was arrested, she was only talking to the undercover agent when she was forced into a police car. During the trial, prosecutor Meng became belligerent and resorted to making personal attacks on the defence lawyer. Ms. Jia said to everyone in the court, "You are not my enemies. I hope you remember that Falun Gong is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."
Middle School Teacher Mr. Liu Xia Again Faces Unjust Sentencing
2010-06-03The Shihe District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Xinyang City directed police to arrest Ms. Liu Xia while teaching at her school on November 10th, 2009. Five police officers dragged Ms. Liu into a car without giving a reason for the arrest. When Ms. Liu called out that the police were abducting her, she was charged with "viciously attacking the Party and government." She was tried in court in January 2010. Ms. Liu is being held in the First Detention Centre of Xinyang City, awaiting sentencing.
Ms. Zhang Ying Detained after Confession Induced by Torture
2010-06-03Eight months have passed since 610 Officers (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Ying on September 8th, 2009. During her detention, Ms. Zhang was tortured with her hands cuffed behind her back for a confession, and she was hung up for long periods of time. Because of the torture, Ms. Zhang fell unconscious many times and her blood pressure rose dangerously high. She was sent to a hospital only when her condition became critical.
Teenager's Cancer Disappears after Practising Falun Gong; Family Threatened by 610 Office
2010-06-02Qu Jianguo, 16, was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer, but received a new lease on life after starting to practise Falun Gong. He was grateful from the bottom of his heart, and wrote an article "High School Student Survives Bone Cancer after Practising Falun Gong" on the Minghui website [Chinese version of] to tell his story. Then the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Baoding City initiated an investigation into Jianguo's whole family. Since then, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have attempted several times to force him to sign a guarantee statement to renounce his belief and to declare that Falun Gong had nothing to do with his recovery.
Mr. Song Yusheng, 59, Near Death Due to Persecution Suffered at Zhangqiu Forced Labour Camp
2010-06-02Mr. Song Yusheng was arrested only because he talked to people about Falun Gong in Tianheng Village on January 1st, 2010. He was then sent to the No. 2 Men's Forced Labour Camp in Guanzhuang, Zhangqiu City. On the way to the labour camp the police handcuffed him behind his back so tightly during the five to six-hour journey that he was in extreme pain and couldn't walk afterwards. As a result of being ill-treated in the labour camp, he has suffered from severe ill health including coronary disease. He has difficulty walking; he has no energy to talk; and his hands shake uncontrollably. Still, the forced labour camp refuses to release him.
Four Women Practitioners Arrested in Court for Appealing
2010-06-02On April 30th, 2010, four female Falun Gong practitioners, including Song Wenxiu, went to court to appeal for the release of Song's daughter, Li Shihong, and explain the facts about Falun Gong to judges Wu Shanrong and Ye Li, who were involved in her arrest and trial. Police then arrested the four practitioners and sent them to the Jiangan District Brainwashing Centre.
Ms. Liang Meihua, 62, Defends Herself at Trial Held in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province
2010-06-02On April 30th, 2009, while Ms. Liang Meihua, 62, and seven other practitioners were studying the Falun Gong teachings they were reported. Over ten police officers came and arrested them and held then in custody. On April 20th, 2010, Ms. Liang was tried in Xihu Court, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province and defended herself. She stated that the police showed no ID when they arrested her and and stole many of her personal items. She also said she had been held in detention for nearly a year and that it is illegal to hold anyone over such a long period of time without trial and they had no evidence of her committing a crime. No records were signed at the time of the arrest, making them invalid. The presiding judge was angry and adjourned the proceeding.
The Persecution of Government Worker Ms. Li Jinan, Known for Her Kindness and Generosity
2010-06-01There was an article published entitled "Kind-hearted Teacher Li, Where Are You?" in the Kunshan Daily in Jiangsu Province, on March 27th, 2006. The article told a story about Ms. Li Jinan, who had supported an impoverished student for years. When the article was published, Ms. Li was in jail. She had been sentenced to three and a half years of imprisonment because she practised Falun Gong. In May 2006, Ms. Li was released from prison, but she was closely monitored. Her mother was frightened by the police and had a heart attack after she visited Ms. Li.
Human Rights Attorney Defends Falun Gong Practitioners on Trial in Xichang City
2010-06-01The court in Xichang City, Sichuan Province held a trial of Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Lu Yuancui and Ms. Xia Huiqiong on April 28th, 2010. During the evidence stage of the trial, Jiang Hua and Jin Kebin from the City Procuratorate showed six CDs as "evidence" in order to frame Lu Yuancui and Xia Huiqiong. A policeman even took away the case files that the attorney was reading. The attorney pointed out that there was no witness and no signature on the confession, and according to the law, the witness testimony is void. The trial ended in a hurry after a strong defence from a human rights attorney.
Ms. Zhang Zhenmin Sent to Brainwashing Centre after Serving an Eight-year Sentence
2010-06-01Ms. Zhang Zhenmin is a 47-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. She was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and should have been released on May 2nd, 2010. Instead, she was sent to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre in Lanzhou. In prison she was subjected to beatings, electric shocks, hanging up by the handcuffs, and other forms of torture. In July 2004, Ms. Zhang was beaten by police because she took down a board that defamed Falun Gong. The police hung her by her handcuffed wrists, and subjected her to electric shocks and other tortures in the toilet for seven to eight days.
Report on the Persecution of Practitioners Taking Care of Ms. Liu Zhimei
2010-06-01On April 16th, 2010, police jumped over the wall and arrested Ms. Liu Zhimei, a former student from Tsinghua University who became mentally disordered as a result of persecution, and four practitioners who were taking care of her. They were interrogated at the police station until the afternoon and were given no food or water.