Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. Kang Ruiqi, 60, in Changsha City Suffered Mental Collapse Due to Mistreatment in Forced Labour Camp
2010-02-08When Ms. Kang Ruiqi was sent to the Zhuzhou City Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in 2008, she was a healthy woman. A former inmate from Baimalong Forced Labour Camp said she witnessed drug offenders brutally beating Ms. Kang in July 2008. They viciously hit her head against the wall and a metal bar. She was also deprived of sleep for long periods of time One year later, by the time she was released from the labour camp, she was mentally injured. Although her family didn't dare to seek justice from the authorities, they privately said it was mistreatment in the forced labour camp that caused her to have the mental collapse.
Ms. Wang Xiaoyan Twice Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2010-02-07Since July 1999, Zuoqi-Balin police and officials of its Justice Department have twice detained Wang Xiaoyan in a forced labour camp, ransacked her home many times, extorted money from her husband, and harassed and persecuted her husband and son. While in the labour camp, a uterine tumour reappeared, causing heavy bleeding, and making her physically weak. Although she was physically weak, she was still forced to do labour. She had to stand more than 10 hours a day at a knitting machine to make gloves. Her uterine tumour started bleeding more heavily. To make matters worse, she was only allowed to use the toilet twice a day, morning and afternoon.
69-Year-Old Mr. Wang Qiming Tortured at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2010-02-07Mr. Wang Qiming, 69 , was arrested by police, and all kinds of barbaric torture was inflicted upon him at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Wang Qimin describes his experience: "We were forced to sit on board, watch fake news and slanderous videos made by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and answer endless questions every day. The practitioners who refused to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] were punished by having to stand against the wall. You could not close your eyes, and your nose had to touch the wall. There were people watching you all the time, and they kept extending the duration of the punishment. If a practitioner still refused to be "transformed," he would be taken to a special room to be tortured by the "Stretching Bed" method."
Mr. Zhao Genfa from Qufu City, Shandong Province, Given a Five-Year Prison Term
2010-02-07The Qufu Criminal Court, along with the Prosecution Office of the Procuratorate and the Qufu Police Department's 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) sentenced Mr. Zhao Genfa to five years in prison on the afternoon of January 18th, 2010. Mr. Zhao's family and defence attorney were not present in the courtroom. Insiders revealed that the Qufu City 610 Office and the Political and Judiciary Committee had controlled the entire process.
Deceased Falun Gong Practitioner's Family Seeks Justice
2010-02-07Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu Dawei was persecuted in four prisons in eight years since 2001. In the last prison--Dongling Prison in Shenyan City--she was so severely tortured that her health was completely ruined: she was abnormally skinny, suffered from a mental disorder, and was unable to eat. She passed away two weeks after returning home on September 26th, 2009.
Ms. Zhou Wenfang Dies as a Result of Persecution, Her Son Still Detained in a Forced Labour Camp
2010-02-06Ms. Zhou Wenfang was a Falun Gong practitioner from Baoding City, Hebei Province. All of her illnesses disappeared after she began practising Falun Gong. In 2009, unable to endure the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of her and her loved ones, she died of grief. When she was in critical condition, she requested that the forced labour camp in Baoding allow her to see her son one last time. Her request was denied.
Mr. Liu Ruisheng, 46, Dies as a Result of Persecution
2010-02-06Mr. Liu Ruisheng went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in 2000, and he was picked up by police and taken to the Liaoyuan City Detention Centre. Mr. Liu was sentenced to 15 months of forced labour, which he served in the Baiquan Forced Labour Camp in Liaoyuan City. His employer was forced to dismiss him from his job, leaving him with no income. His wife was also forced to divorce him under huge pressure. In the labour camp, Liu Ruisheng was shocked with electric batons many times and locked in a metal cage. In April 2003, Mr. Liu was arrested again and sentenced to three years of forced labour. Over the years his health deteriorated due to persecution and Mr. Liu died on January 3rd, 2010.
Mr. Wang Dianren, 50, Severely Tortured before His Death
2010-02-06Laozhan Police Station agents in Tonghua City, Jilin Province arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Dianren on February 5th, 2005. He was harassed, beaten, and bruised, and sustained frostbite as well as injuries from electric shocks and being scalded with hot water. Persecutors then sent him to the Changliu Detention Centre where guards frequently beat him. He was subsequently incarcerated at Shiling Prison in Siping, Jilin Province on August 9th, 2005. He died six days later as a result of torture.
Mr. Qi Guangfa from Linghai City, Liaoning Province Detained at the Linghai Detention Centre
2010-02-06On December 26th, 2009, police surrounded Mr. Qi Guangfa's home, jumped over the yard wall, smashed the kitchen window and forcibly broke into his house. At that time, Mr. Qi was in his mother's room taking care of her. His mother, who is about 80 years old, lay paralysed in her bed. When she heard the window being smashed, she held onto her son, but the officers forcibly dragged Mr. Qi onto the floor. Mr. Qi's mother cried and begged them not to beat her son. The police said: "Even if you die today, we will take your son away. We don't care." Mr. Qi was taken to the Linghai Police Department and later a detention centre.
Mr. Wu Daxing Tortured For Nearly Three Years in Benxi City's Xihu Prison
2010-02-05On March 13th, 2007, Mr. Wu Daxing, a practitioner from Shenyang City, was arrested by police. They ransacked his home and confiscated his personal belongings worth in total over ten thousand yuan. He was taken to and interrogated at the Tiexi District Qinggong Police Station. Li Zheng and other officers kicked Mr. Wu in the groin area, causing severe bruising. Mr. Wu could not move without pain for two months. They whipped Mr. Wu in the head with leather belts, punched him in the face, pushed him to the ground, and shocked his hands and feet with electric batons until after midnight. Later he was transferred to the Shenyang City Detention Centre and sentenced to three years in prison.
Young Teacher Jailed for Over Ten Years; Her Whole Family Suffers Persecution
2010-02-05Because of her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, a young female teacher was arrested in November 1999 and is serving a prison sentence of 13 years. Her husband became homeless and destitute after serving four years in prison and her mother has been in a forced labour camp for two years. Her brother and sister-in-law have been sentenced to two and a half years and two years of forced labour respectively.
Hailin City Court and Covertly Sentences Ms. Zhou Huifang
2010-02-05Police officers arrested Ms. Zhou Huifang in August 2009. They ransacked her home and held her at the Hailin City Detention Centre. Hailin City officials framed Ms. Zhou and scheduled to sentence her on January 19th, 2010. Ms. Zhou's husband Mr. Huo Jiuxia went to the police station that afternoon and requested his wife's release. The police demanded that Huo Jiuxian's son and daughter-in-law take him home. The next day, Huo Jiuxian went to the police station again, wearing a vest bearing the words "Down with the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] bandits. Long live freedom!" The police videotaped him and forcibly ordered his son to take him home again.
Ms. Lai Jinming from Changsha City Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp a Third Time
2010-02-05On January 13th, 2010, Ms. Lai Jinming, a practitioner from Changsha City, was apprehended by local police officers, sentenced to one year of forced labour, and taken to the Zhuzhou City's Baimalong Forced Labour Camp. This is the third time Ms. Lai has been incarcerated in a forced labour camp. Her family members are grief-stricken after receiving the news of her sentence. She had been detained for 15 days, and January the 13th was supposed to have been the date of her release. That morning, three police officers apprehended Ms. Lai and prolonged her detainment.
Practitioner Mr. Yu Lianhe Beaten to Death in Police Custody
2010-02-04On April 12th, 2009, more than a dozen officers from the Tonghua City Domestic Security Division jumped over a brick fence into Mr. Yu Lianhe's home and arrested him. The Tonghua City Court sentenced him to three years in prison on September 17th, and took him to the Shiling Prison in Siping City, on October 2nd. Mr. Yu was beaten to death in custody on November 22nd, 2009. The autopsy found Mr. Yu had blood in his right ear and his two eyes were covered with purple bruises indicating he was beaten. His body seemed to have no external injuries when examined from outside, but there were more than one and a half litres of blood in his chest cavity, and his spleen had three tears resulting from a beating.
The Bitter Life of My Late Brother, Mr. Luo Jinji
2010-02-04On April 11th, 2009, my older brother, Mr. Luo Jinji, died as a result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. He was only fifty-four years old. He suffered from the CCP deceiving and persecuting him his entire life. The CCP imprisoned him in a brainwashing centre three times. My brother was an upright and honest man. Every time he spoke the truth, which did not align with the CCP's lies and views, he was physically tortured.