Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Falun Gong Practitioners Discouraged from Working at the Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010-02-15Mr. Yu was in graduate school at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and in August 2005, he started his work at the South China Botanical Garden, where he worked hard and was an honest person. His advisor told him on many occasions that he was welcome to stay and work in the group after he graduated. Mr. Yu was arrested in 2008, after which he had much trouble continuing his work at the garden. A police officer told him, "Don't even think about government jobs because you are a Falun Gong practitioner." Mr. Yu decided to talk to officials at every level who had exerted pressure on his advisor. His appeals made these officials persecute him further, and they ordered his advisor to make certain Mr. Yu graduated by January 30th, 2010, and that he leave Guangzhou soon after.
Ms. Song Chunyuan Detained Again
2010-02-15After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Song Chunyuan, 52, was arrested four times and sent to a labour camp once. In July 2000, she went to Beijing to tell people about Falun Gong. Police officers took her to the police station. During that period of time, Ms. Song was threatened, beaten, deprived of water, exposed under the burning sun for a long time, forced to squat, deprived of sleep, not allowed to sit, and tied to a tree for a whole night. The next morning, police officers tied her to a tree next to the gate for two hours, followed by taking her to the police station. On January 21st, 2010, when Ms. Song was distributing Falun Gong materials, police arrested her and took her to the Tahe Police Station.
Ms. Fang Xiuzhen is Sentenced to Ten Years in Jail
2010-02-15On January 21st, 2010, Lixia District Court in Jinan City tried Ms. Fang Xiuzhen, a Falun Gong practitioner. An attorney from Jinan pleaded not guilty on her behalf. Word by word and sentence by sentence he refuted the statute she had supposedly violated: "utilising evil religious organisations to undermine the implementation of the law." Then the attorney asked the judge, "Why do so many countries abroad allow people to practise Falun Gong?" Ms. Fang Xiuzhen refused to answer the judge's question. At last, Ms. Fang re-stated that she was innocence and would firmly maintain her belief. However, on January 29th, the court notified her family that they had sentenced her to 10 years of imprisonment.
Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Beijing and Jilin Passed Away After Persecution in Labour Camps
2010-02-14In January 2001, Mr. Jin Guangzhu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested and sent to Yanji Forced Labour Camp, where he was inhumanly and brutally tortured. He was beaten up. Once he was locked in a frozen storage room for one week only because he did not obey the rules of the forced labour camp and picked up his 5-year-old daughter who had come to visit him. The forced labour camp did not give him any bedding. He was shivering from cold all the time. Each day they only gave him two small steamed buns (one in the morning and one in the evening). It was far beyond what his body could endure. When he was released, his face was pale and he had no energy. After he returned home, he had cancer and went to the hospital but the treatment was ineffective. He passed away in May 2008.
Wrongly Sentenced to 13 Years of Imprisonment, Ms. Fu Yan Tortured at the Liaoning Women's Prison
2010-02-14Ms. Fu Yan, 38 years old, was sentenced to 8 years for practising Falun Gong. In the detention centre she was tortured even though she had symptoms of heart disease and high blood pressure. As her appeal to court was rejected, she escaped from imprisonment while in the hospital. Two months later she was once again arrested. She was sent to Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Dashiqiao City court later added five and a half years of imprisonment to her sentence. In total, Ms. Fu Yan was sentenced to thirteen and a half years to her prison term. In December 2009, Ms. Fu Yan did not co-operate with the prison and refused to do forced labour. As a result she was locked up in a small solitary cell and tortured.
Ms. Lin Shaona Secretly Sent to Baiyun Women's Prison in Guangzhou City
2010-02-14Ms. Lin Shaona was sentenced during secret proceedings of the Rongcheng District Court of Jieyang City, Guangdong, without her family being notified. Ms. Lin repudiated the charges against her, but she was sentenced to a three-year prison term. Even the judges thought that she was innocent. She was recently transferred to Baiyun Women's Prison in Guangzhou City, again without notifying her family.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Lan Persecuted at Shanxi Province Women's Prison
2010-02-14Shanxi Province Women's Prison is located in Maoerling, in the Yuchi District of Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. This prison is an evil place which cruelly maltreats Falun Gong practitioners. Female practitioners sentenced to imprisonment in Shanxi Province are incarcerated there, including those who were arrested during the Communist Party Conference period in 2002. Ms. Zhou Lan suffered from inhumane abuse there. Because she shouted, "Falun Gong is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," the guards did not allow her to sleep. At night, they put her in the toilet and poured cold water on her face and body in order to prevent her from falling asleep.
Heilongjiang Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Fengxia Imprisoned
2010-02-13Ms. Wang Fengxia, 49 years old, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Jixi City, Heilongjiang province. On January 24th, 2010, she was arrested by five police officers from the Hengshan National Security team. Her home was ransacked. Her computer, a copy of the Falun Gong book, Zhuan Falun, DVD player, and other items were confiscated. She is now imprisoned in the Jixi Detention Centre. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Wang's husband started to beat her and did not allow her to continue with her cultivation practice. Although she was beaten until she was bleeding, she refused to give up her faith. Her husband eventually abandoned her and their daughter.
Former Associate Professor from Zhaoqing University, Guangdong Province Arrested
2010-02-13Ms. Fang Yi, a former associate professor at Zhaoqing College, Guangdong Province, was reported to the police as she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in Gaoyao City on January 15th, 2010. The police claimed that she would be be "punished severely." In February 2002, Zhaoqing College removed her from her post because she hadn't given up the practice. Several days later she distributed fliers about the benefits she received from Falun Gong and about the persecution perpetrated against some students and professors at the university. She was taken away by police and sent to Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province to serve a three-year term.
Report on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Wang Jialin at the Jianshanjiang Farm Branch Office
2010-02-13Mr. Wang Jialin is the deputy secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee in the Jianshanjiang Farm Branch Office. Since July 1999 he has been actively following the Party line to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The CCP's persecution policy is to label practitioners as political enemies, cripple them financially in any way possible, and destroy them physically. In short, the intent of the policy is to eradicate all practitioners. Wang has been personally involved in the planning of acts of persecution, in the use of different methods of torture, and in directing all departments under him to use whatever means at their disposal to persecute practitioners.
The Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Cheng Xiuhua
2010-02-13At the hearing for Ms. Cheng Xiuhua on November 20th, 2009, in the Songyuan City Court in Jilin Province, the human rights lawyer presented a very strong defence. When he stepped forward to say that "cultivating Falun Gong is legitimate behaviour according to current Chinese law," the court went out of control and had to call for a recess. The court has not resumed the hearing to this day. Ms. Cheng has not been sentenced, and is still being detained even though she is seriously ill. Ms. Cheng was arrested when she was out distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in August 2009 and has been held in a detention centre.
Mr. Li Haiqing from Binzhou City, Shandong Province Repeatedly Abused with Drugs in Detention
2010-02-12Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Haiqing was arrested in 2004. He was held at Bincheng District Detention Centre and Weibei Prison in Binzhou City. The police often laced his food and water with toxic substances. In Bincheng District Detention Centre persecution methods included secretly lacing his food with mind-altering drugs and brutally beating him for long periods of time, until he lost consciousness. Sometimes prison personnel would draw a large volume of blood from him after long-term food and water deprivation, and then give him large quantities of meth-amphetamine and sedatives. They also tried to suffocate him on several occasions. Mr. Li was arrested many times and held at prisons and labour camps for his belief. He broke free in 2007 and is now living in exile.
Ms. Li Jumei Seriously Ill in Detention Centre; Her Husband Died as a Result of Persecution
2010-02-12On January 18th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Li Jumei suddenly fainted at a detention centre, haemorrhaging from her lower body. At that time she had already been persecuted for more than six months. She was sent to hospital, however, is still being monitored by police. Li Jumei recovered from bone cancer after practising Falun Gong so she simply wanted to tell more people about how amazing Falun Gong is, but she was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She was taken to Baimalong Women's Forced Labour Camp twice. He husband, Guo Huisheng, was also detained for practising Falun Gong and was brutally beaten by police. He passed away on October 12th, 2009.
Six Practitioners from Puyang City, Henan Province Arrested
2010-02-12Recently, six practitioners from Puyang City, Henan Province were arrested. Liu Shaoping, a woman in her 60's, has been arrested and detained on multiple occasions. She was previously detained for a year and six months in the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City. In the forced labour camp, Ms. Liu was forced to undergo brainwashing, and was cursed at and beaten by the camp authorities and inmates. Her previously healthy body became extremely weak due to the ill treatment. Ms. Liu's husband was subjected to the Chinese Communist Party propaganda for a long time, and was weary of the hardships he endured due to Ms. Liu's detainment and persecution. After the forced labour term, he divorced Ms. Liu and took most of the family property and money with him.
Ms. Tu Xiujuan Sentenced by Shenyang Court to Three Years in Prison
2010-02-12On November 27th, 2009, the presiding judge at the Shenhe District Court, in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, held a hearing and sentenced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tu Xiujuan to three years in prison. At present, Ms. Tu is being held at a detention centre in Shenyang City. The court prevented Ms. Tu's family from hiring a lawyer from another town, stating that there was not enough time. The Shenhe District Court continually conducts unjust hearings against Falun Gong practitioners.