Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
The Top Three Brainwashing Centres Involved in the Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners
2014-03-25In the summary report, “ The Role of China's Brainwashing Centres in the Torture Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners ,” we analyzed 3653 confirmed death cases of Falun Gong practitioners over the past 15 years of persecution. We found that 746 (11%) experienced torture in brainwashing centres, and 367 deaths took place in the brainwashing centres.
Healthy Falun Gong Practitioner Forced to Take Four Blood Pressure Medications Every Day for Over Two Years
2014-03-25The Yunnan Province First Prison forced healthy Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Peng Pingguo to take four different kinds of blood pressure medications three times a day for two and a half years straight. According to medical professionals, these four drugs, Metoprolol, Nitrendipine, Compound Hypotensive Tablets, and Enalapril, are intended for patients with severe symptoms of high blood pressure, and should never be casually taken together. Long-term use of the four-drug cocktail, especially by people with no blood pressure problems, will cause dire consequences to their health. In one physician’s words, “Such use would be like suicide in slow-motion.”
Evidence Pointing to Organ Harvesting: “DNA” Label on a Vial of Blood
2014-03-25When I was held in a women's prison, they took a sample of my blood. The label on the test tube said, “Blood-DNA.” At that time, I only knew that DNA had something to do with genes and could be used in paternity tests. I wasn't sure why I had to have a DNA test in prison. I recently found out that DNA screening is required for an organ transplant. I then remembered that I had read about living Falun Gong practitioners having their organs removed and sold to patients who needed organs.
Ms. Huo Meilian Died Two Days after Her Home Was Ransacked
2014-03-24Ms. Huo Meilian passed away two days after the police invaded and ransacked her home. Ms. Huo was recovering from a serious illness at home when police officers entered. Ms. Huo’s husband, Mr. Chen Mingan, demanded that the intruding officers be held accountable and punished. Pan Li of the Domestic Security Division refused to shoulder any responsibility and threatened the family. Ms. Huo, 53, was healthy until she was diagnosed with an incurable anaemia. She was arrested and detained in a labour camp for a year in the past.
Ms. Liu Guihong Dies as a Result of Delayed Breast Cancer Treatment and Abuses During Detention
2014-03-24Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Guihong died in February 2014, as a result of delay in breast cancer treatment and abuses during her detention in June 2013. Despite her repeated pleas to see a doctor, guards at the Wugongli Detention Centre denied her requests and yelled at her, “Does it hurt? Deal with it!” They demanded to see documentation of the diagnosis but refused to allow her to call her family to get a copy.
Ms. Zhang Chengjun, 75, Sentenced to Three Years' Imprisonment
2014-03-18Ms. Zhang Chengjun, 75, was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, and is being held at the Yaojia Detention Centre. Ms. Zhang has been arrested and persecuted many times because she practises Falun Gong. Officials from the Dalian Procuratorate have had her sentenced to forced labour twice over the past 13 years.
Mr. Jin Lin Upholds His Belief in Falun Gong Throughout an Agonizing 10-Year Imprisonment
2014-03-18Throughout the 10 years of Mr. Jin Jilin's prison sentence, he was subjected to excruciating tortures and intense brainwashing in various detention facilities. Despite all this, Mr. Jin remained firm in his faith and refused to renounce Falun Gong. Mr. Jin, 48, was arrested after he was reported for informing people about the persecution Falun Gong. He was subsequently taken to court on trumped up charges and heavily sentenced. While in detention, his wife died and the prison officials did not inform him of her death, nor were his son or others allowed to visit him.
Arrested a Year Ago for Exercising in the Park, Thirteen Practitioners Face Unjust Trial in Shenyang City
2014-03-18Dadong District Court in Shenyang City scheduled a trial for 13 detained Falun Gong practitioners on March 18th, 2014. These practitioners, ranging in age from 48 to 73 years old, were arrested for participating in morning exercises almost a year ago. They were severely tortured while in police custody. The police shocked Ms. Fu Hui's thighs and private areas with electric batons. Several practitioners were disfigured from beatings.
Liaoning Women’s Prison Refuses to Release Critically-Ill Ms. Zhang Jie and Denies Family Visits
2014-03-18Ms. Zhang Jie's relatives received a phone call from Liaoning Women’s Prison on February 8th, 2014, informing them that she was in critical condition following a hunger strike. When they went to the prison, they saw that three inmates had to help her to walk. She looked pale and extremely weak. Her family immediately asked that she be released on medical parole, but the authorities refused, saying, “She does not meet the conditions.” The prison is even refusing to allow her family to visit her.
Ms. Sun Fenghua’s Physical Condition Deteriorates in Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2014-03-18Ms. Sun Fenghua, 50, from Daqing City in Heilongjiang Province, was sentenced to 14 years in prison by officials from the Hailun District Court on October 14th, 2003. With no official paperwork being filed or criminal charges brought against her, Ms. Sun was taken to the Heilongjiang Women’s Prison, where she has been brutally persecuted for over ten years. Her physical condition is of grave concern to both her family and friends.
Mr. An Zhanfeng from Jinchang City Endured Ten Years in Prison for Practising Falun Gong
2014-03-18Falun Gong practitioner Mr. An Zhanfeng was sentenced to ten years in prison on December 18th, 2002, by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for hanging up banners with messages about Falun Gong. During interrogation, about six guards hit and kicked him. When they were tired, another group of guards hit and kicked him. They put him on a chair and handcuffed his hands behind the back of the chair. They kicked his back and pulled his handcuffs, causing excruciating pain. By the end of his term his hair had turned grey.
Father and Son Persecuted to Death Years Ago
2014-03-16Falun Gong practitioner Tan Yanjun passed away on February 27th, 2005, nine years ago, after being tortured by the police. Mr. Tan’s family requested and paid for him to undergo a physical examination in 2004. It was confirmed that Mr. Tan had perforated eardrums, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis in the hip, tuberculosis, sinus tachycardia, and rheumatism and was paralysed from the waist down. The doctor said that he should be hospitalized immediately, but the police refused to do anything for Mr. Tan. He left behind two young children. His father, Tan Guoyi, also died as a result of the persecution seven months earlier.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Huang Weidong Tortured to Death Nine Years Ago
2014-03-16Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Weidong was tortured to death in a forced labour camp in 2005. This information has been recently verified. Police arrested Mr. Huang at the end of 2004 because he displayed banners that read, “Falun Gong is good.” He was taken to the Linchuan Hospital and injected with unknown substances, making him dull and disoriented. Mr. Huang was arrested again in early 2005 and taken to the Jiangxi Provincial No. 2 Forced Labour Camp where he died as a result of torture and abuse.
Ms. Yang Shifen Dies as a Result of Persecution
2014-03-16Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Shifen died on March 9th, 2014, the day after being released from hospital, in custody. Ms. Yang was arrested by police on February 23rd for telling people the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. She was admitted to Jiulongshan Detention Centre. When she fell ill in the detention centre, she was taken to the hospital, still in custody. She was released two days later.
Blood Washed Away in the Rain - Tortured for My Belief
2014-03-12Because of his firm belief of Falun Gong, Mr. Li Yufu was arrested in July 2008 and sentenced to five years in prison. He recounts: "As soon as I entered the prison cell, several prisoners forced me to the ground. They punched and kicked me. My face became so swollen that I could hardly open my eyes. The guards wanted me to put something in writing to renounce my belief, but I refused. Incited by the guards, the prisoners brutally beat me. My teeth became loose and two of my front teeth fell out shortly afterward."