Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Additional Information Regarding Mr. Jin Lixin's Death in Zhejiang No. 2 Prison
2014-03-12Mr. Jin Lixin from Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province was tortured to death in 2007 while held in Zhejiang No. 2 Prison. Three criminal inmates monitored him 24/7. They tried to force him to give up his belief in Falun Gong by making stand or sit for long periods of time, depriving him of sleep, etc. Inmate Yao Qi pushed him every 30 minutes to keep him awake. The prison informed Mr. Jin's family that he had committed suicide, but the family doesn't believe that he took his own life. They were only allowed to see his corpse wrapped in white cloth.
Ms. Sun Xiuhua's Personal Account of Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2014-03-10Ms. Sun Xiuhua was arrested for clarifying the facts about Falun Gong on April 14th, 2012. She was taken to the Dandong Detention Centre and later sentenced to 18 months in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp on May 13th, 2012. She recounts: "I was severely tortured and exhibited symptoms of high blood pressure. When the guards ordered me to take some of what they called “medicine”, I refused. Guard Zhang Lei then took me to the “Donggang” torture chamber. As soon as I entered the room, my hands and feet were tied to the four corners of a metal bed frame. They then used a tool to pry open my mouth."
Ms. Liu Rangying Recounts “Stretching” Torture and Other Abuses at Qinglongshan Brainwashing Centre
2014-03-10Ms. Liu Rangying was arrested in October 2011 while seeking the release of her sister, who had been detained for raising awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong. She recounts: "On November 14th, police officer Tao Hua tried to force me to write the “three statements” to renounce practising Falun Gong. I refused. I went on a hunger strike to protest the unjust detention. Police officer Jin Yanpeng hit and kicked me hard. He threatened me and said that people were “transformed” by force, not “education” at the centre. They took turns trying to brainwash me with slanderous propaganda materials all day long."
Belated News: Young Attorney Li Jian Dies from Tortures in Henan Province Third Forced Labour Camp
2014-03-10The violence surrounding the death of a young attorney in China in 2002 provides insight into the scale of the persecution of Falun Gong at that time. Mr. Li Jian, an attorney from Zhengyang County, Henan Province, endured intensive physical labour and atrocities that precipitated his death at the Henan Province Third Forced Labour Camp in Xuchang City. At the age of 34, he died on April 26th, 2002.
Professor Sent to Labour Camps Seven Times and Brutally Tortured
2014-03-04Dr. Zhang Yuhua, 50, was a professor and director for the Department of Russian Language at Nanjing Teaching University. The Chinese communist regime started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, and Dr. Zhang was fired from her job at the college in 2002. Dr. Zhang was arrested by police and sent to a forced labour camp, for the seventh time, in 2012. Dr. Zhang was subjected to force-feeding. Guards tied her hands and legs to a bed, firmly pinched her cheek in order to force her mouth open, and force-fed her. Before being force-fed her, she was injected with an unknown drug, which caused numbness of her tongue, stiffness of her limbs, and convulsions.
13 Years of Suffering: Mr. Qu Hui's Life and Death After Torture
2014-03-04Mr. Qu Hui, who was tortured to the point of being paralyzed 13 years ago at the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp, passed away quietly on February 19th, 2014, at the age of 45. He was finally relieved of the tremendous pain he endured during the last decade of his life. At the labour camp, Mr. Qu's genitals were shocked with electric batons, causing festering wounds. His cervical vertebrae had been fractured, and he was paralyzed as a result of the torture.
Well-respected Doctor Gao Jie Dies of Complications of Stress-induced Stroke
2014-03-04After suffering complications from a stroke and being bedridden for over two years, Dr. Gao Jie, a Falun Gong practitioner passed away on January 15th, 2014, at the age of 45. Following her arrest for practising Falun Gong in 2007, Dr. Gao developed high blood pressure, blurred speech, and other stroke symptoms. After her release, she had to move from one place to another to keep from being re-arrested. Living in constant fear, she had a relapse of stroke in May 2010 and was arrested by police soon after.
Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Unconscious and Unable to Care for Herself After Being Tortured in Zhejiang Women's Prison
2014-03-04Two years ago, Chinese authorities sentenced 71-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Du Lanrui to three and a half years in prison because she refused to give up her belief. In Zhejiang Women's Prison, the guards tortured Ms. Du physically and mentally and injected her with nerve damaging drugs. Ms. Du was tortured until she fell unconscious and was unable to care for herself. Prison authorities then released her to her family.
Ms. Pan Guiying Died in October 2013 as a Result of Physical and Mental Abuse in Prison
2014-03-04Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Pan Guiying died as a result of mental and physical abuse in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison in October 2013, just one year after she was released from prison. She was arrested in July 2008 and sentenced to four years in prison. In attempting to “transform” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] her, prison guards brutally tortured her. For example, she was forced to sit still on a small wooden bench. She was also forced to stand straight from 5:30 a.m. to several hours past midnight.
Mr. Zhang Jinku in Critical Condition—His Family Given Runaround Concerning Medical Parole
2014-02-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Jinku is being held in Hulan Prison and is in very poor health. The tuberculosis he had contracted at Yilan County No. 1 Detention Centre, where he was held after his arrest, had worsened, and his face was badly swollen. His could barely speak as his words were slurred, and he could no longer walk unaided. His family requested an examination and medical parole at the Heilongjiang Bureau of Prisons on January 24th, 2014, which has been denied.
Persecution Continues in Brainwashing Centres in Jiangjin District, Chongqing
2014-02-25The persecution of Falun Gong is ongoing, despite the much-touted dismantling of the forced labour camp system in China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues its brutal repression by ordering police, prosecutors, judicial system staff, and local officials to continue with the same policies of arbitrary arrest, detention, and brainwashing. The same physical and spiritual torture methods, designed to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs, continue to be employed in brainwashing centres in Jiangjin District of Chongqing.
Mr. Zhou Jiafu Brutally Beaten at Hulan Prison, Family Visits Denied
2014-02-25Zhou Jiafu, a 42-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested at his home by police in September 2012. He was sentenced to four years in prison at a secret trial held by Dongshan District Court in March 2013, and was taken to Jiamusi Prison, followed by Hulan Prison. His family members went to visit him on December 24th, 2013, but were denied their right to see him. The reason given by the prison was that Mr. Zhou used someone's mobile phone to call home and was therefore placed in solitary confinement as punishment. His family learned that he was also badly beaten.
Tortured to the End: Personal Account of the Last Person to Leave the Qianjin Forced Labour Camp
2014-02-25Ms. Zuo Xianfeng was the last Falun Gong practitioner detained in Qianjin Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City before it was shut down. She walked out of the camp on the morning of August 29th, 2013. Ms. Zuo was reported to the police by a villager while she was distributing informational materials about Falun Gong and was arrested on November 4th, 2012. She was detained there for two years and two months. On her day of release, officials still tried to make her write the “three statements” to renounce Falun Gong before releasing her and tried unsuccessfully to forcibly transfer Ms. Zuo to another detention facility.
Mr. Song Guoli Subjected to the Torture “Hanging on Ice”
2014-02-25Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Song Guoli has been repeatedly persecuted since he was arrested in 2003. He was interrogated by torture, imprisoned in a detention centre, a labour camp and a brainwashing centre, and has suffered various tortures including a particularly brutal one known as “Hanging on ice.” In the dead of winter, head guard Lu poured cold water on the ground in the courtyard. After it began turning to ice, Lu forced Mr. Song to “stand” on the ice, with only his hands and toes touching the icy ground while his body had to be in the air. The torture lasted an hour, causing his fingers and toes to ache and become numb.
Mr. Du Zhiying Dies Within Months of Release from County Detention Cente
2014-02-25Mr. Du Zhiying died on January 16th, 2014, eight months after he was released from the county detention centre in July 2013. Within Mr. Du's first month in the detention cente, he had been tortured to the point where he was unable to speak and could no longer take care of himself. His over 80-year-old mother had to take care of him after his release. Mr. Du was subjected to multiple arrests, detentions, and forced slave labour over the past several years. He was shocked with multiple electric batons at 800,000 volts in the notorious Masanjia Forced Labour Camp.