Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Mr. Wang Jitao Died as the Result of Torture

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Jitao was 54 years old. On September 1st, 2003, he was arrested by State Security agents and detained in the Chengde City Detention Centre. He was inhumanly tortured. His ribs were fractured by beating, and his head suffered internal injuries. After being released, his rib fracture healed, but he constantly suffered from a headache. On April 29th, 2007, the doctor found a huge pool of liquid inside his skull. He died on April 30th, 2007.
  • Practitioners Zuo Li and Li Lin Detained in Xi'an Women's Prison; Their Lives are in Danger

    Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Li Lin and Ms. Zuo Li were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution on the street and were arrested. They were taken to the Chenggu County Detention Centre and handcuffed to the metal window for 24 hours by guards. The two practitioners resisted the persecution by going on a hunger strike. They were force-fed, which resulted in injury to their oesophagus. They were both given a heavy sentence by the Chenggu Police Department: Ms. Zuo was sentenced to five years and six months, and Ms. Li was sentenced to six years. They are imprisoned in the Xi'an Women's Prison where they are tortured. Even though their lives are in critical condition, the prison guards continue to torture them.
  • Second Trial of Wang Bo and Her Family Opens; Five Lawyers Defend the Family's Innocence, One Lawyer Audits the Trial (Photos)

    The second trial of Wang Bo and her parents commenced at the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court on April 27th, 2007. Five lawyers defended the Wang family's innocence based on the constitution of China which guarantees freedom of belief and human rights. The five lawyers were up against tremendous pressure from the Communist regime as they systematically and thoroughly defended three Falun Gong practitioners from various angles. The judge told the lawyers that Wang Bo and her parents' case would be tried publicly. On the afternoon of the same day of the registration, however, all Falun Gong practitioners who had registered for audit permits were harassed and three female Falun Gong practitioners were arrested.
  • Xu Xiaochun of Jiayu, Hubei and Chen Zhiying of Tonghua, Jilin Died Due to Torture

    A female Falun Gong practitioner, over 50 years old, came from another city to inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong. She was reported during one of her trips and detained by Jinan Railway Public Security Bureau for several months. She suddenly died not long after she was released. Afterwards fellow practitioners recalled that before this practitioner died she often complained of problems in her chest, that she felt weak and breathing was very hard. She always vomited yellow liquid with pus and blood. Her husband and local practitioners both suspected that during the detention, she was given toxic medication.
  • Cases of Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province

    In 2005, as a protest, some Falun Dafa practitioners refused to perform forced labour and stayed in bed. Guards dragged them from their beds by their hair. If practitioners refuse to wear the prison uniform (because they are not criminals), they are punished by not being allowed to use the toilet. The following practitioners were punished for various breaches of prison regulations: Ms. Wang Hong was locked in a toilet until 1:00 a.m.; Ms. Wang Shulan, Ms. Liu Huarong, and Ms. Liu Guifang were beaten by police because they refused to wear the prison uniform. Several practitioners went on hunger strikes in protest. They were barbarically force-fed.
  • Ms. Du Xuefang Has Died Under Suspicious Circumstances in Heihe City Detention Centre in Heilongjiang Province

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Du Xuefang, 44, went to Beijing alone to inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong after July 20th, 1999 when the persecution began. She unfurled a banner at Tiananmen Square and was arrested. Ms. Du did not divulge her name or address, and was detained for two and a half years. She could not go home after being released and was forced to live a destitute life to avoid being arrested again. On April 21st, 2007, Ms. Du's family received notification of her death. The notice said that she died of "Sudden Heart Disease." However, Du Xuefang was very healthy, and she absolutely did not have heart problems. Her family saw that the clothes on her body were the same as the ones she wore when she was arrested more than one month earlier.
  • Ms. Sun Shuxiang from Changchun City, Jilin Province on the Verge of Death Due to Torture

    Ms. Sun Shuxiang was arrested and taken to a detention centre force-fed. She heard beating and screaming from the next cell. The inmates told her that the guards was asking some inmates to press tooth picks into practitioner's nails. Sometimes the guards covered practitioner's head with a plastic bag. Screams of pain could be heard every night. After being force-fed for a week, Ms. Sun Shuxiang was in critical condition. She was taken to the Police Hospital. She kept vomiting and passing blood. After more than twenty days, despite being on the verge of death, police at the Changchun City Police Station sentenced her to a year and six months of forced labour.
  • Mr. Li Xinguang Near Death at Henan Province Third Forced Labour Camp, Family Not Allowed to Visit

    Mr. Li Xinguang has been sent to the Third Forced Labour Camp of Xuchang City. Mr. Li has been abused to the point that he is almost unrecognisable. His stomach has hemorrhaged and he had blood in his stool. He cannot eat any food and so has become extremely emaciated. Although he is on the verge of death his family is not allowed to visit him. When practitioners are steadfast in their cultivation, the guards use several electric batons to shock them for hours every day, or use rubber clubs, table or chair legs to beat their lower bodies. Many practitioners have become paralysed as a result of the beatings. The guards also force practitioners to do slave labour for 18 hours per day.
  • Many Practitioners from Weifang City, Shandong Province Unjustly Arrested on April 18th, 2007

    On the night of April 18th, 2007, the authorities from the Weifang City Police Station arrested over 10 Falun Gong practitioners. One practitioner's workplace was ransacked. After the door was pried open, the officers stole a van and two motorcycles, among other belongings. The warehouse gate where many Falun Gong leaflets exposing the persecution were stored was broken into and the materials taken away. The perpetrators had been monitoring some practitioners for a long time and then arrested them in different places.
  • Mr. Qu Yanlai's Younger Sister Taken Against Her Will By Shanghai Police

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qu Yanyan from Daqing City visited her older brother, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Qu Yanlai, who was imprisoned at Tilanqiao Prison on March 20th, 2007. That very evening, she was taken against her will by the Shanghai State Security police. As early as September 2002, when police in Shanghai arrested Mr. Qu Yanlai, the Shanghai State Security police had intended to arrest Ms. Qu Yanyan, and colluded with Daqing City police to implement the plan. But beforehand some people exposed the plan to a member of Ms. Qu Yanyan's family, and her relative paid a large sum of money to Daqing City police to make them drop the plan.
  • Mr. Yu Huaicai Died after Being Abused at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

    Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yu Huaicai could not speak after being tortured at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. He died on April 22nd, 2007. His family suspects that camp personnel injected him with drugs that affected his ability to speak. The family saw Mr. Yu Huaicai at the labour camp for the last time four days prior to his death. He stared at his family with an open mouth. He moved his tongue but could not make any sound. He was handcuffed. The family asked the labour camp officials, "Why are you handcuffing him when he's already in such terrible condition?" The authorities answered, "That's the rule." Yu Huaicai's eyes were bulging out. He grasped his shirt in front of his chest and repeatedly slapped his hands against the wall. He appeared to be in great agony.
  • Three Practitioners from Chongqing City, Jilin Province and Hubei Province Died Unjustly

    Mr. Chen Shouku was 66 years old. In October 1999, Mr. Chen was arrested by local police because he chose not to give up cultivation in Falun Dafa. He was sent to a detention centre for half a month. On February 24th, 2000, local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) party members tried to force him to write a "transformation" statement and a guarantee statement that he would not go to Beijing. Mr. Chen didn't cooperate and was taken away by police. He was again detained at the Changliu Detention Centre. Due to the persecution at the detention centre, his heart disease recurred, and his leg was broken during a beating. He was released on bail for medical treatment after a month. Mr. Chen died on November 24th, 2006.
  • Ms. Chuai Cuijun Sentenced to Five Year Prison Term for Passing Out Leaflets - Four of Her Family Members Arrested for Appealing to Tangshan Court in Hebei Province

    On April 12th, 2007, practitioners Ms. Chen and Ms. Chuai were sentenced to four and five years in prison, respectively. Four family members of Ms. Chuai Cuijun, along with some of Chen Baihe's family members, went to the Quanxi Court to appeal for justice regarding the issue of Ms. Chuai and Chen being sentenced. They asked for their release, but instead they were all arrested by the National Security Team and detained. It was said that the authorities from the 610 Office had planned to detain Ms. Chuai Cuijun and Chen Baihe until late 2008 in the name of "securing the safety of the Olympic games in 2008."
  • Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Persecuted at Tailai Prison in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province

    Since 2003, the prison has had a rule that all practitioners must renounce Falun Dafa within three months. For each practitioner who refuses to renounce Falun Dafa, the head of the ward will have 1,000 yuan deducted from his/her salary. Likewise, for each practitioner who renounces Falun Dafa, the head of the ward receives a bonus of 1,000 yuan. In addition to renouncing Falun Dafa, the practitioner has to write a statement and pledge not to practise the exercises in prison. Since the practitioners refused to cooperate with the unreasonable demands of the authorities, such as taking part in forced labour, or studying and reciting the prison rules, many of them were beaten.
  • The Crimes Committed against Practitioners at Zhejiang Provincial Women's Prison

    A variety of products are manufactured at the prison. Most of them don't require much skill to produce. Such products include apparel, sweaters, rubber gloves, umbrellas, disposable chopsticks, spools of thread, toothpicks, decorative Chinese knots, etc. This type of labour is repetitive and time-consuming. Because huge quantities are required, one's hands and feet have to be swift in order to make them. Some inmates have suffered mental collapse due to long-term forced slave labour, and exhibit such symptoms as lethargy, seizures, uncontrolled yelling or rage. The so-called high-grade chopsticks and toothpicks are packaged under poor hygienic conditions, often by bare-handed inmates who have infectious diseases. (National food hygiene laws do not apply to prisons and detention centres in China.)