Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Brutal Persecution at Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp; Zhang Lianying Remains Detained
2007-05-03April 20th was the birthday of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying. It also marked one month since she suffered severe internal bleeding in the head after being brutally beaten at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Zhang's husband Niu Jinping and her three-year-old daughter Qingqing repeatedly went to the labour camp to try to visit Ms. Zhang, who is detained at the Tiantanghe Hospital inside the labour camp. Mr. Niu again requested that his wife be released unconditionally, and that the perpetrator of the crime be brought to justice.
Criminal Acts of Guards in the Mudanjiang Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province
2007-05-03Mudanjiang Forced Labour Camp is located in Sidao Village, Tielinghe Town, in the eastern suburb of Mudanjiang City. Zhang Junrong, leader of the division responsible for the entry and release of prisoners in the forced labour camp, used electric batons to abuse prisoners. Between 1999 and 2002, during his tenure as a division leader, he followed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners ruthlessly.
Recent Persecution Incidents at the Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai
2007-05-03A guard from the Tilanqiao Prison said, "We won't release anyone unless he or she is dying." That means they won't release anyone unless they are sure that the person's health condition is hopeless, so that they can avoid taking the responsibility for someone's death. Practitioner Mr. Xiong Wenqi was barely breathing when he was released for medical treatment in 2005. The guards had instructed inmates to take turns beating Mr. Xiong every day.
Ms. Ye Xiujuan Tortured for 80 Days at Mancheng County Detention Centre, Hebei Province
2007-05-03In 2000, Ms. Ye Xiujuan was arrested for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and detained at the Mancheng County Detention Centre where she was tortured for 80 days. At the detention centre, she was forced to work every day picking dried peppers from morning until lunch time. Due to poor ventilation, people often sneezed and had sore throats from smelling and inhaling the dry and dusty peppers. The workload was exceedingly high. One time, when Ms. Ye protested the workload, a guard named Li hit her on the arms and legs with a wooden stick. As a result, she had a purple blister on her arm and multiple bruises on her legs. At night, Ms. Ye could not sleep or let anything touch her legs due to the severe pain from the beatings.
An Outstanding Teacher in Yingkou City Is Persecuted in Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison
2007-05-03On January 2nd, 2007, guards at Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison incited criminals to lock Li Fengmei in a storage room in a prison building and cruelly beat her. Guard Chen Haixin handcuffed her hands behind her back, hung her up by the handcuffs, shocked her with an electric baton many times, stripped off her clothes, sealed her mouth with tape, deprived her of food and water and disallowed her to sleep. She was forced to squat in a cold storage room for twenty-four hours. As a result of this torture, her whole body was covered with injuries. One of her arms was broken. She had difficulty moving her legs. Pus dripped down her neck for a long time. Her face was severely swollen and her whole body was covered with scars from electric shocks.
The Tragic Life of a Musical Genius (Photos)
2007-05-02Ms. Wang Bo is an intelligent and good-natured music student. The Central Conservatory of Music had admitted her based on her outstanding musical achievements and high college entrance exam scores. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began, Wang Bo and her parents persisted in their belief. For that they were arrested, had their money extorted, their home was ransacked, and they were sent to labour camps and brainwashing centres.
Ms. Zhao Shuying Becomes Crippled as the Result of Torture - Elderly Mother Dies Awaiting Her Release
2007-05-02Ms. Zhao Shuying, a practitioner is being held at the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, a provincial camp in Gaoyang County, Hebei Province. As a result of the persecution to which she has been subjected, she has become so weak that she is unable to walk on her own. She has lost the use of her right leg, and she experiences dizziness regularly. She has become so weak that she sleeps 15 to 17 hours per day, and she experiences agonising pain every ten to fifteen days. Sadly, Ms. Zhao's elderly mother died several days ago after a long and futile wait for her youngest daughter's return.
Missing for Years: Ms. Yang Wen from Beijing, Ms. Fu Guiqin from Heilongjiang Province, Ms. Zhong Shuying and Ms. Zhong Shujun from Chongqing City
2007-05-02Practitioner Ms. Yang Wen, 44, formerly a teacher at Beijing Business School, went missing after leaving home to avoid further persecution when she was wanted by police for practising Falun Gong. Her 86-year-old father, and her 78-year-old mother are bedridden due to serious illnesses. Practitioners Ms. Zhong Shuying and Ms. Zhong Shujun are sisters from Chongqing City. They did not return after going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999. Their family members and their employers went to Beijing to look for them but have no further information about them.
Fifteen Common Methods of Torture Used at Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province
2007-05-02One morning in April 2001, several other practitioners and I were studying the Falun Dafa teachings, sitting on the floor of a small classroom. I was reciting the teachings to them. Camp guard Deng Tao discovered us. He brought me to the office for questioning and called in other guards from the fifth floor. They pushed me to the floor and stood on my back. They tied my hands very tightly behind me and then shocked me with electric batons.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Luan Fusheng Dies as a Result of Torture and Mistreatment in Jinzhong Prison, Shanxi Province (Photos)
2007-05-01On March 21st, 2007, after being almost persecuted to death, Falun Gong practitioner Luan Fusheng was escorted by four policemen from the Jinzhong Prison in Shanxi Province to a police station on Weiming Street, in the Pian area of Shijiazhuang. He was then taken to relevant departments in Shanxi Province to complete some so-called paperwork. The police were so frightened by Luan Fusheng's physical appearance after torture and subsequent mistreatment, that they sent Mr. Luan home. After being at home for 19 days, Luan Fusheng passed away on the 8th of April, 2007.
Practitioner Tortured to Death in Panjin Prison, Liaoning Province
2007-05-01According to reliable sources, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province who was detained in the third ward of Panjin Prison has been tortured to death. Recently, a guard had beaten the practitioner while he was working. He went on hunger strike to protest the mistreatment, and the guards killed him while force-feeding him through a rubber tube. This practitioner's name is not yet known.
Mr. Cui Xin from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Secretly Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
2007-05-01Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cui Xin was arrested at home on December 22nd, 2006 by state security agents and policemen from Hulan District Police Department. Police officers took away his printer and several hundred copies of leaflets exposing the persecution, which were used as so-called "evidence" to sentence him to prison. He was recently sentenced to seven years in prison after being detained for four months. His case was apparently handled by the Hulan District Court. The Harbin City Middle Court judge determined the sentence.
Ms. Zhu Guilin Disfigured and Emaciated from Two and a Half Years of Torture at the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Hunan Province
2007-05-0143-year-old Ms. Zhu Guilin has been detained in the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou City for two and a half years. On April 8th her term was up but the Baimalong Forced Labour Camp still didn't release her. On the morning of April 9th, Zhu's mother, brother and sister-in-laws went to Baimalong Forced Labour Camp to visit her. Ms. Zhu came out with other people's support and was not able to walk by herself. There were bruises all over Ms. Zhu's head, hands, wrists, elbows, knees and legs. She was so emaciated that she was a bag of bones. Seeing her daughter like this, her mother couldn't help crying. A policeman in the reception room came forward to stop her mother because family members are not allowed to cry. But Ms. Zhu's mother still couldn't help her tears.
Agents from the National Security Bureau Use Deceitful Techniques to Recruit Dafa Practitioners as Spies
2007-05-01Four years ago, agents from the National Security Bureau attempted to deceive me into cooperating with them. I firmly refused. I realised that my arrest and persecution were actually traps that they had prepared, to influence me to work with them. Agents from the National Security Bureau often choose Dafa practitioners with higher education degrees as their targets. If practitioners know a bit of computer technology, speak a foreign language, have relatives in other countries or have been abroad, they will be special targets. The purpose of the agents' activities is to damage Dafa from within, and to damage practitioners worldwide. What they do is tap telephones and monitor people by following them.
Ways That Benxi Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners, Both Physically and Mentally
2007-04-30When the authorities realised that their attacks and verbal abuses of Dafa and the propaganda for the Communist Party had no effect on practitioners, they tricked their family members into coming to the camp and used them to try to influence the practitioners. The husbands, wives, children, parents, brothers, or sisters of the practitioner came to the camp and wept, complaining about their being abandoned by the practitioners. Sometimes the managers of the practitioner's company or his friends came and said that practitioners were being selfish, caring about only their own cultivation and not about their families. Who exactly broke up numerous families and caused family members to be separated or die? Was it not caused by the Party's persecution of these good people, who adhere to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance?"