Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
After Enduring Five Years of Imprisonment, Ms. Qi Fengmin Faces Another Trial
2013-08-27Ms. Qi Fengmin was arrested by local police on April 9th, 2013, and now faces trial and unjust sentencing by the Chinese Communist regime. She had previously been arrested in July 2008, and wrongfully imprisoned for five years. Ms. Qi's relatives were heartbroken upon seeing Ms. Qi's younger daughter crying about losing her mother once again. They know very well how badly their hearts were hurt by the multiple arrests, and they were on the brink of a mental collapse. They knew their sister, Ms. Qi, was subjected to inhumane torture during the five years of wrongful imprisonment, and they firmly believed in her innocence.
Ms. Shen Wenling, 58, Recounts Brutal Beatings and Torture at Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2013-08-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Wenling was arrested on February 25th, 2008 and was sent to the city detention centre. She was subjected to many forms of abuse and torture, including beatings, the “tiger bench” and force-feeding during the three-month detention. She was then sentenced to five years imprisonment and was sent to Liaoning Women's Prison on May 27th, 2008. In prison, she was beaten and subjected to brainwashing and other tortures.
Communist Authorities Prioritize Brainwashing Over Medical Care
2013-08-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Meizhang was arrested for her spiritual belief in June 2013 by personnel from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Ms. Liu was sent to a brainwashing centre, where she was detained for over a month. After her release, she was ordered to report to the brainwashing centre every Sunday. During her detention at the brainwashing centre, Ms. Liu fell down and ruptured her spleen. Authorities refused to release her for medical treatment.
Witnessing the Death of Ms. Li Baojie at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2013-08-27Many years ago, I was arrested by the Chinese police for talking to people about Falun Gong. I was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, where I was forced to do slave labour. In 2005, I witnessed another Falun Gong practitioner – 33-year-old Ms. Li Baojie from Panjin City – being tortured to death at the forced labour camp. Ms. Li Baojie had been on hunger stike to protest the prsecution. Guards and inmates sat on top of Ms. Li and stepped on her arms, legs and feet with leather boots. While pinching Ms. Li's nose to prevent her from breathing, a doctor force-fed Ms. Li. Under the stress of the guards' abuse, her whole body turned purple and she died shortly after.
Even as She Was Being Tortured, a Falun Gong Practitioner Cried Out, “Falun Gong Is Good!”
2013-08-27Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xiuzhen, 60, who lives in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, has been arrested and detained twice during the past 13 years. She was sent to a labour camp for two years, with her term extended by a month, simply because she refused to give up her practice. She was tortured and frequently beaten by guards and lost consciousness twice. Her face was shocked three times with electric batons for more than ten hours, yet she still refused to stop practising Falun Gong, always affirming her faith by saying, “Falun Gong is good.” Upon returning home, police officers continued to harass and persecute her.
The Violent Persecution Carried Out at Xuchang Third Forced Labour Camp
2013-08-23Xuchang Third Forced Labour Camp is one of the places set up by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The guards not only make practitioners do slave labour, but also used various brutal tortures to transform [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] them. When a practitioner refused to be transformed, the guards torture him with various means, including solitary confinement, “tiger bench,” handcuffing, roping, electric shock, scalding with hot water and lit cigarettes, sleep deprivation and severe beatings.
Mr. Wu Dianzhong Joins a Dozen Others to Sue Binhai Prison Authorities for Torture
2013-08-23Authorities in Binhai Prison have been sued for torture causing bodily injury by a dozen or so Falun Gong practitioners. The state-controlled judiciary system has not carried out any investigation of the cases or prosecution of the perpetrators. The Tianjin City Bureau of Prison Administration and the Tianjin City Bureau of Justice are responsible. Another practitioner, Mr. Wu Dianzhong, has now stepped forward to provide testimony. He demands an investigation into the torture practices at Binhai Prison; that perpetrator Zhang Shilin be brought to justice; and that the government pay reparation for damages.
Ninety-Year-Old Mother Blind from Grief
2013-08-23Mr. Zhang Xinzi was sentenced to a seven-year prison sentence three years ago, for being a Falun Gong practitioner. His over 90-year-old mother cries every day, as she misses her son. She has since gone blind during her grief and stress. Her family has not told her that her son was given a seven-year sentence, and worries that she will not be able to handle the news. The elderly woman sits in front of the entrance to their home every day waiting for her son to come home.
Zhang Wei Severely Abused during Unjust 10-year Prison Sentence
2013-08-23Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Wei was arrested in October 2005 and later sentenced to 10 years in prison for tapping into a local cable TV network to explain the facts about Falun Gong to the public and expose the persecution [ Ed. Note: Due to the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong, including a relentless campaign of defamation, and because all normal avenues of communication are closed to them, Falun Gong practitioners in China have had to resort to creative means to expose the persecution and get the truth out to the public ]. During the time that he was detained in prison Mr. Zhang was brutally tortured by the guards and he is extremely weak.
Two Sisters, One Choice
2013-08-23Ms. Zhang Tianxiao immigrated to Toronto, Canada from China in 1998. While spending time with her three-month-old daughter in March 2001, she was shocked and heartbroken to learn that her brother-in-law, Mr. Zou Songtao, had been tortured to death the prior November. Mr. Zou was only 28 years old when he died, and his daughter Rongrong was only 11 months old. The sudden tragedy made Ms. Zhang find out more about Falun Gong and what made practitioners so steadfast in their faith. She found that Falun Gong teaches people to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Soon, Ms. Zhang also became a Falun Gong practitioner.
Elderly Ms. Peng Yinxiang from Wuhan City Tortured at Banqiao Brainwashing Centre
2013-08-23Ms. Peng Yinxiang, a practitioner from Hongshan District, was almost 70 years old when she was arrested on May 20th, 2013, and jailed at the Hubei Province Banqiao Brainwashing Centre over two months ago. It was reported that she has been very severely persecuted. The police have exhausted a variety of base means to interrogate her.
Products Made by Slave Labour in Jiamusi Prison, Heilongjiang Province
2013-08-23Jiamusi Prison in Heilongjiang Province is one of many prisons in China where prisoners are exploited as cheap labour to sort and package different kinds of products. Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned there are no exception from this type of exploitation. The prison received a shipment of popsicle sticks, toothpicks and disposable chopsticks in late 2012. The prisoners were then forced to sort and package them.
Dr. Li Yanjun Arrested and Taken to Xinjin Brainwashing Centre - Police Lied to His Family
2013-08-23Dr. Li Yanjun, an associate professor at the Southwest Petroleum University, was arrested on June 26th, 2013, and taken to the Luzhou Detention Centre, because he practised Falun Gong. His family was notified by officials from the Luzhou Domestic Security Division on July 25th, a month after his arrest, that he had been released under surveillance. However, he was instead taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre for further persecution.
Mr. Meng Qingfu Dies After Years of Persecution
2013-08-14Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Meng Qingfu, a former government official, was arrested, severely tortured, and sentenced. Due to the persecution he was subjected to at the Jidong Prison, his vision declined to the point where he couldn't see things clearly and he walked with much difficulty, not being able to straighten his back. After being released from prison, he was only paid the bare minimum pension each month. Mr. Meng eventually passed away on March 22nd, 2013, at age 57.
Two Years of Forced Labour in a Living Hell: My Suffering in Jilin Province Heizuizhi Forced Labour Camp
2013-08-13Xu Xiuhui, 64, suffered unimaginable torture in Hezuizhi Forced Labour Camp due to practising Falun Gong. She recounts: "On the second day after I entered the labour camp, and for the next three days, guard Wui Dan ordered the inmates to bring me to the classroom in the morning. They shocked me with an electric baton throughout the morning, sometimes with three electric batons together. As I lay on the ground semi-conscious, Li Lianying shocked the centres of the bottoms of my feet. They shocked me until my entire body shook and quivered and I wasn't able to stand up. Afterwards I lay on the cold concrete floor for several hours in the cold winter."