Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Ms. He Lizhong Tortured in Liaoning Province Women's Prison
2013-08-13Ms. He Lizhong was sentenced to nine years in prison for practising Falun Gong. She was taken to the Liaoning Province Women's Prison on January 9th, 2007 and was severely persecuted in an attempt to get her to renounce her belief. Guards incited inmates to deprive Ms. He of sleep, forced her to sit on a small stool for 19 hours a day, and beat her every day. Ms. He's body was covered with bruises, her teeth were loosened, and she eventually lost 19 teeth.
Mr. Yang Zhenlu Dies After Being Tortured in Jidong Prison
2013-08-13The Chinese communist regime arrested large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to keep them from revealing the gruesome details of the persecution to foreign visitors, including Mr. Yang Zhenlu and his wife. Mr. Yang was sentenced to six years in prison and he was severely tortured in Jidong Prison. On March 1st, 2013, when he was on the verge of death, he was granted medical bail. This common practice is routinely used by the prisons to avoid criminal investigation into inmate deaths resulting from prison abuse. Mr. Yang passed away on June 7th, at the age of 57, from the mistreatment he endured in the prison.
Mr. Li Baishun and His Teenage Daughter Killed in Police Custody in Jinzhou City, His Wife and Sons Unjustly Imprisoned
2013-08-13Mr. Li Baishun, in his 50s, was handing out materials to inform people about the persecution of Falun Gong, when he was arrested by police in November 2011. He was taken to the Zhengda Police Station where officers demanded he tell them the source of the materials. They used torture to try to extort a confession, and Mr. Li was tortured to death that night. The relevant departments of Jinzhou City secretly hid this information. Jinzhou City police subsequently sentenced Mr. Li's wife and two sons to lengthy imprisonment. After which, the mother and brothers learned that Mr. Li's 13-year-old adopted daughter had also died in the custody of the Jinzhou City police.
The Devastating Torture Endured by Ms. Chen Yulian for More than 3 Years
2013-08-13In May 2011, when Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Yulian was distributing Shen Yun DVDs [Shen Yun performance, a world-class traditional Chinese cultural show] at a market in Nanchang City, she was arrested and sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. In the Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp, she suffered inhumane torture for three and a half years. When labour camp guard Ding Xiaoqing saw Ms. Chen Yulian sitting on a bed meditating, she took a full cup of boiling water and poured it around Ms. Chen's mid-section causing great pain.
Detained and Tortured for Eleven Months, Ms. Yang Benhui Can Barely Move
2013-08-13Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Benhui was arrested and detained in a Chongqing detention centre in August 2012. Yang Benhui was brutally tortured during the detention period. Her two front teeth had been smashed out and her left hand could not lift anything. Also, she thought she was having a heart-attack and could barely move. Not wanting to be held responsible for her death, the detention centre sent Ms. Yang to the hospital on July 19th, 2013.
Ms. Cui Hai Beaten and Badly Injured in Detention
2013-08-13Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cui Hai was arrested in October 2012 for practising Falun Gong. She has been held in a brainwashing centre, detention centre and a hospital and subjected to brutal interrogations and beatings by the guards many times. She was force-fed, injected with unknown drugs, beaten, doused with cold water in winter, deprived of sleep, and forced to inhale cigarette smoke directly into her nose. Over the past 14 years, Ms. Cui Hai has been repeatedly arrested, detained, and sentenced because she refused to renounce Falun Gong.
Computer Science Professor Prosecuted for Pro Bono Work
2013-08-13Mr. Su Kun, a Falun Gong practitioner and professor at the Yunnan Vocational & Technical College of the National Defence Industry, was tried by the Kunming City Intermediate Court on July 2nd, 2013, for providing pro bono work, which included installing computer software for others. His defence attorney refuted that the evidence presented indicated no crime had been committed, and he showed that Professor Su was simply a good person who was volunteering his time. Previously, Professor Su was arrested in 2004 for giving his students DVDs which contained important facts about Falun Gong. He served more than three and a half years in a forced labour camp.
Practitioner Wang Shenghua Ruthlessly Tortured in Shandong Second Forced Labour Camp
2013-08-13Practitioner Wang Shenghua is from Huanghua City, Hebei Province. Last February he was arrested and taken to a forced labour camp by the Shandong Police. He was detained in the Shandong Second Labour Camp in Zhangqiu. Over a short period of time he was tortured so viciously that he could no longer use his legs, and was disabled. His family members were so furious that they asked the labour camp to take responsibility and provide treatment for his health. The labour camp finally temporarily released Wang Shenghua for medical treatment.
Falun Gong Practitioners Released from Two Forced Labour Camps in Beijing Now in Brainwashing Centres
2013-08-06In an attempt to force practitioners to give up their beliefs, CCP authorities nationwide have harassed, arrested, and incarcerated them, forcing them to do hard labour to generate profits to benefit the Party. Public outcry finally resulted in a change in official policy--the shutting down of the labour camp system. Recently, two forced labour camps in Beijing have released detained practitioners. However, those practitioners who were unyielding in their belief were taken straight to brainwashing centres.
Ms. Liu Chengyan from Fushun City Arrested and Force-Fed with Hot Sauce
2013-08-06On July 1st, 2013, police invaded the home of Ms. Liu Chengyan in Wulaotun Village. They arrested her and confiscated her laptop, printer and other personal items. In order to force a confession from Ms. Liu, police then force-fed her with hot sauce, which made her mouth swell. Ms. Liu's son, Yu Jixin, is two and a half years old . He was greatly traumatized by the arrest of his mother and cries for her every day. Ms. Liu is being held in the NanGou Detention Centre.
Gu Siping, Director of 610 Office in Yangpu District of Shanghai, Harasses and Threatens Practitioners
2013-08-06Gu Siping, director of the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in the Yangpu District of Shanghai, has kept Falun Gong practitioners under surveillance and persecuted them for a long time. He has harassed and threatened practitioners in residential areas. He has also sown discord between practitioners and their families. He boasted, “I will fight with Falun Gong until the end.” Many practitioners have been subjected to mental torture and persecution as a result of his orders.
Ms. Wang Zhenxiu Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison, Her Brother and Husband Dead After Torture and Abuse
2013-08-06Ms. Wang Zhenxiu is a Falun Gong practitioner from Zibo City, Shandong Province. Since the Chinese communist regime began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, she and her family have been repeatedly imprisoned and tortured for their peaceful belief. Most recently, after being arrested and held in the Zibo Detention Centre for nearly a year, Ms. Wang was sentenced to seven years in prison. Her husband, Mr. Wang Jingkui, was sent to a forced labour camp twice and later died as a direct result of the torture and abuse he suffered there. Ms. Wang's brother, Mr. Wang Xinbo, was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Prison authorities sent him home in January 2006, on the verge of death as a result of torture. He died on February 10th, 2007.
The Brutal Inside Story of a Jilin Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2013-08-06Falun Gong practitioners detained in Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp have to start working at 5:30 a.m., and must work until 6:45 p.m. There are no breaks in between. The little bit of time allowed to have meals and use the toilet is considered rest time. The detained must make items with toxic plastic. The guards strictly forbid them from telling anyone that the plastic used there is poisonous. The supervisor summoned Falun Gong practitioner Song Baoqin to the warehouse on January 4th, 2013, and demanded that she tell them who reported that the plastic was toxic. When Song Baoqin refused to answer, she was viciously beaten.
Kidney Transplant Patient Believes He Received a Falun Gong Practitioner's Organ
2013-08-06A reliable source in China reported the following story to the Minghui website. A Falun Gong practitioner's husband's friend received a kidney transplant in 2004. He lives in a town near Beijing. When news of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners became public, the practitioner asked her husband's friend, “Do you know where your kidney came from?” He said, “Yes, I know. It was from a Falun Gong practitioner, a twenty three year-old young man.”
Ms. Xing Limin Poisoned in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2013-08-06Ms. Xing Limin was poisoned at the Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp in April 2013. She lost her ability to walk the same day. In the labour camp, Ms. Xing was locked in a small cell for not cooperating with the guards in being “transformed” [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. In retaliation, the guards put unknown drugs in her meal. Soon afterward, Ms. Xing experienced a lot of pain. The labour camp authorities released Ms. Xing in May 2013 to avoid responsibility. She is still feeble and unable to walk.