Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Song Weijuan Became Very Weak from Brutal Persecution in Nanjing Women's Prison in Jiangsu Province

    Ms. Song Weijuan was sentenced to ten and a half years in prison because she continued practising Falun Gong. Now detained at the Nanjing Women's Prison, she is extremely weak from the long-term slave labour and mental torture, and she hasn't received any rest or medical treatment at all. In late 2005, Ms. Song's father could no longer stand the suppression and died of illness. Before his death, he was not able to see his daughter. Now Ms. Song's mother, who is over 80 years old is left at home and she cries because she doesn't know if she will be able to see her daughter again before she dies.
  • Persecution Facts Regarding Practitioner Ms. Zhao Jihua in Dalian City, Liaoning Province

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Jihua, 40, was sent to Wangcun Labour Camp for two years of forced labour. In late 2005, Ms. Zhao was arrested when she was explaining the facts about Falun Dafa. She held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was brutally force-fed, losing her front tooth as a result. She was detained for eight months, all the while refusing to accept the brainwashing. She was sentenced to six years in prison, and she is now locked in the Jinan Women's Prison. She is forced to perform heavy labour every day and endure mental and physical hardships.
  • How the 202nd Squadron at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province Persecutes Practitioners

    The 202nd Squadron was the centre for detaining and torturing practitioners. Those primarily responsible were: Bian Shuqiang, Zhang Li, and Dong Guoxin. They utilized various methods to fiendishly torture us, such as repeatedly airing anti-Falun Gong propaganda forcing us to view drawings slandering Falun Gong, using sleep-deprivation, forcing us to squat for long periods of time, shocking us with electric batons, hitting us with sticks, barbarically force feeding us, and forcing us to overwork so as to damage our health.
  • How Ms. Li Guiqin from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province Was Persecuted Before Her Death

    Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Guiqin was taken away by policemen from the Zhengyang Police Station on September 4th, 2006. On September 9th, the police compelled her to provide information about other practitioners, and when they came to an area of buildings in Jiefangmen, Ms. Li fell out of a building. She died immediately. The detailed information needs further investigation.
  • Four Practitioners from Shandong and Hunan Provinces Die Due to Persecution

    Ms. Sun Yuling, a practitioner was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp in December 2002. When she was released from the camp in August 2005, she had been so severely persecuted that she was emaciated and suffering from cancer. Four months later, she passed away. Her fellow villagers are all vocal in exclaiming that justice was not served: "Such a nice person died so unfairly! Those vile Communist Party villains have no human nature at all."
  • Stop the Brutal Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at the Masanjia No. 2 Women's Forced Labour Camp

    On August 30th of 2006, a group of Masanjia No. 2 Women's Labour Camp guards moved into the labour camp. They began using various torture methods on steadfast practitioners in order to try to turn them against Dafa. The most unbearable method is "the big hang-up", with one hand cuffed to the upper rung of a bunk bed ladder, and the other hand cuffed to the lower end of the bed head. Both arms are stretched out, one high and one low. The person cannot stand up or sit. Both legs are bound. It is excruciating. During this time, one is forbidden to eat or go to the toilet. Some have no choice but to defecate in their trousers. Practitioner Wang Guiping was hung like this for 30 hours.
  • Four Practitioners from Tianjin, Jiangsu, Hubei and Liaoning Provinces Missing for Years

    Practitioner Mr. Song Zhishan, 63, was from Tianjin City. In October 1999, on a trip to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, he was captured and detained in Ninghe County Detention Centre for over a month. He was again arrested in December 2000 when he went to Beijing to speak out for justice and was subsequently sentenced to three years in prison, where he suffered brutal torture because of his refusal to "transform." In November 2004, he was detained in the Ninghe County Detention Centre and was forbidden any visits from his family. There is no news on his current situation.
  • "Reform" Through Violence at the Jilin Province Women's Prison (Illustration)

    For steadfast practitioners, the guards order inmates to torture them with a method called "the Big Hang-up" while also brainwashing the practitioners. The practitioner's hands and feet are tied to four poles of a double-bunk bed, making the practitioner hang in the air in a U shape, between the upper and lower bunk, and her body weight rests completely on her wrists and ankles. Her buttocks don't reach the lower bunk, and her hands and feet cannot reach the upper bunk. She is only untied for eating. Many practitioners can barely hold a spoon after the blood circulation to their hands are cut off for so long.
  • The Brutal Persecution of Mr. Li Yansheng at Baoding Prison in Hebei Province

    In October 2002 in Baoding Prison, Mr Li Yansheng was hung up by handcuffs and was punched and kicked to try to force him to give up his belief in Falun Dafa. In March 2003, his cell mates took turns hitting him on his thighs. Mr. Li then had difficulty walking. Wang used a cigarette butt to burn Li Yansheng's toenail. Sun Quanyou used a live 2000-volt electric wire to shock his neck and face many times. In April 2004, inmate Luo Xuepei violently pressed on Mr. Li's knee joints until they were dislocated and his ligaments were torn.
  • Practitioner Zhang Guodong Repeatedly Arrested and Tortured, Now Sent to Wanjia Forced Labour Camp

    On September 28th, 2006, police arrested Zhang Guodong while he was at work. On November 3rd, angry police officers forced him to sit in a torture-chair for 48 consecutive hours. They told Zhang Guodong: "Two people who practise Falun Gong have already died in this torture chair." This was in retaliation for his reporting the abuse and torture he endured during his previous arrest to the Procuratorate.On November 16th, Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Guodong was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp for an eighteen-month-sentence.
  • The Persecution Other Practitioners and I Experienced at Yushu City Detention Centre and Heizuizi Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and sent back to Yushu City Detention Centre. Director Wei Fucheng and his guards forced us to recite prison rules, sit on benches, do physical exercises and perform hard labour. When we refused to follow orders, they beat us with plastic tubes. Later, they transferred us to a jail, where we were kept in damp, cold and dark cells. I was tortured constantly. Director Guo once put shackles on me. I was also hung up and beaten. Guard Li slapped me repeatedly, causing my nose to bleed and I saw stars. My ears were also deaf for a short time.
  • Seven Falun Dafa Practitioners Die from Persecution in Beijing, Anhui Province, and Jilin Province

    65-year-old Ms. Feng Guiqin was from Liaoning Province. She first started to practise Falun Dafa in 1997. After she began her practice, the bronchitis that had bothered her for many years disappeared without a trace. Following the events of July 20th, 1999, Feng Guiqing went to Beijing to appeal for the rights of Falun Gong and was brutalised by the local policemen who shocked her with electric batons, slapped her in the face, and punched and kicked her. Later, she was sent to a detention centre, where she was detained for over 40 days and had 1,800 yuan extorted from her. Policemen came to her house many times to intimidate and threaten her. She died on September 4th, 2006 in her home.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gao Yaxian from Shenyang Tortured to Paralysis at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp

    Due to persisting in cultivating Falun Dafa, practitioner Gao Yaxian was detained at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. After being tortured for nine months she eventually became paralysed. She was locked in a small cell six times, for as long as three months at a time. The police forced Gao Yaxian to wear only an undershirt at minus thirty degrees in the winter, and stay in the "sardine can" (the solitary confinement cell with four-inch-thick foam covering all four walls). She was repeatedly beaten brutall. To avoid any responsibility, the guards at the camp sent the dying Gao Yaxian to her family members on January 8th, 2005.
  • The Persecution of Four Female Teachers in Changchun City, Jilin Province

    After Falun Gong practitioners broadcast the video, "Self-Immolation or Staged Act?" on the Changchun Cable TV network, Jiang Zemin issued an arrest quota for 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners. He said that law administrators would be demoted or fired if they didn't finish their "assignment." The police tortured every arrested practitioner to get more names. When the police officer interrogating teacher Ms Ma Yanfang heard she didn't know anyone, he struck her in the temple. She took a few steps back and nearly fell down, could not stand steadily, and her body shook. The police officer forced her to kneel and then kicked her until he grew tired.
  • Ms. Zhao Wei, 25, Force-Fed Water Laced With Hot Chilli Pepper in Jilin City Detention Centre in Jilin Province

    On November 4th, 2006, Zhao Wei, 25, was arrested by police. They handcuffed Ms. Zhao and ransacked her home. It happened when a neighbour of Ms. Zhao's was passing by her residence and saw that the lights were on. The neighbour wanted to see who was inside. But before the neighbour even knew it, the policemen dragged her inside Zhao Wei's home and started to interrogate her. They took possessions worth over 10,000 yuan. At the detention centre she held a hunger strike to protest against the imprisonment. The guards and the doctors of the centre brutally force-fed her with hot pepper-laced water.