Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
New Crimes Committed Against Dafa Practitioners by Police in Dandong City
2006-10-02On March 10th, 2006, Dafa practitioner Kong Liwei was giving out fliers to people when she was caught by two police officers. One of them struck Kong's head several times in the police station. Liu Zuoxin, the police officer in charge there, took Kong Liwei by force to her work unit, searched her desk and confiscated several Dafa books. They then raided her home and confiscated Dafa books and some leaflets exposing the persecution, including copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party .
Persecution in the Gaoyang Detention Centre and Baoding Forced Labour Camp
2006-10-02At Gaoyang Detention Centre, Ms. Yan had to listen to the sounds of police beating and verbally abusing people. Police officers tried to force her to give up the practice of Falun Gong by subjecting her to brainwashing, but she refused to cooperate. The police tied her to a "Tiger Bench" for four days and nights. When tied to the "Tiger Bench", your hands and feet are shackled so tightly to a big metal chair that you can't move at all. You sit on two iron bars, with the weight of your whole body pressing on your buttocks. It is extremely painful. During four very hot days when she was tied to a "Tiger Bench," she wasn't given any food or fluids and was not allowed to use the toilet or sleep.
Cases of Persecution against Falun Dafa Practitioners in Li County, Hebei Province
2006-10-02Dafa practitioners Xiaoge and her mother-in-law were arrested and abused at the police station. Zhu Quan ordered Li Junjiang to beat Xiaoge with her husband's belt and humiliate her by groping her breasts. He said, "Do you know your husband's belt? Now I am using it to beat you. We have orders that it is OK for us to beat you to death." Xiaoge managed to escape after being tortured for a night. Her elderly mother-in-law was not released until the police extorted ten thousand yuan from them.
Deaths of Another 18 Falun Gong Practitioners as a Result of Persecution Confirmed in August 2006 (Photos)
2006-10-01Sources confirmed in August 2006 that another 18 Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China died as a result of persecution. Ten of these practitioners were women, which accounts for 56% of the total deaths. Nine practitioners were above the age of 50, making up 50% of the total deaths. The youngest practitioner was 30-year-old Mr. Lei Ming, while the oldest was 72-year-old Ms. Liu Baorong. Falun Gong practitioners have endured more than seven years of genocidal persecution by the CCP in order to bring the wonders of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the world's people.
Torture in Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp
2006-10-01Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp is responsible for the torture of many practitioners. Mr. Li Wanyun was tortured to the point that it left him with festering wounds all over his body. He was not able to wear clothes. In March staff at the forced labour camp carried out an "Attack the Fort" campaign to torture Falun Gong practitioners who remained firm in their belief.
Suffered Ten Rounds of Kidnapping and Persecution Before He Died
2006-10-01Mr. Wang Guibin was arrested and tortured ten times before he died. To escape the persecution, he once had to flee from home and sleep overnight in a shack next to a melon paddy and in a tomb. On September 1st, 2006, the police arrested Mr. Wang Guibin and took him to Shisanli Detention Centre. At around 4:00 p.m., September 15th, the police from Wanquan State Security Team took Mrs. Wang to the morgue and told her that Mr. Wang had passed away.
Ms. Li Yuxiang Suffered All Kinds of Torture and Died at 49
2006-10-01Ms. Li Yuxiang was a practitioner from Shandong Province. Since July 20th, 1999 the police frequently went to her home to ransack her house, detain and fine her. She was sent to forced labour camps twice. After a severe beating, her face was bruised and swollen. Her mouth was bleeding, there were two big lumps on her head, her body was covered with cuts and bruises, and her hair had been yanked out. She died on January 25th, 2005.
Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Sichuan and Hubei Provinces Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-10-01On January 22nd, 2005, eight policemen broke in to the house of Mr. Zhang Hongwei and Ms. Shang Zhongxian and ransacked the premise, leaving nothing unturned. They took away the two practitioners, who were only wearing their underwear, by force. The practitioners were taken to a police car and then to a brainwashing centre. Their two-year-old child was left alone unattended at home, crying and screaming, with the front door wide open. Ms. Shang Zhongxian succumbed to the torture at the forced brainwashing centre and renounced Falun Gong in writing. She passed away on August 5th, 2005.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiaogeng, 42, Dies as a Result of Torture in Jiamusi City
2006-09-3042-year-old Ms. Zhang Xiaogeng was arrested three times and suffered much persecution and torture. While imprisoned in Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp, she was beaten, handcuffed with her arms behind her back and she was in so much pain that she could hardly breathe and thought she would die. She forced to do slave labour. Several doctors and guards also forcibly drew blood from her. Ms. Zhang Xiaogeng was released after three years and one week of imprisonment. However, she never recovered from the abuse she suffered in detention, and passed away on September 13th, 2006.
Mr. Yin Anbang, 38, a Practitioner from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Persecuted to Death at Tailai Prison
2006-09-30Mr. Yin Anbang, a former teacher and practitioner from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, was persecuted cruelly and repeatedly. On February 5th, 2006, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) court in the Daoli District secretly tried Mr. Yin. He was sentenced to four years of imprisonment in Hulan Prison. On the afternoon of August 15th 2006, he was persecuted to death at the age of 38 at Tailai Prison in Qiqihar City.
Persecution Details of Falun Gong Practitioners in Xinjin County, Sichuan Province
2006-09-30On March 17th, 2000, two female practitioners who were college students were imprisoned in Chengdu City's Beijing Office. They were locked in two separate rooms where they were gang-raped by three policemen. Practitioners overheard one of the college students saying in the room, "Only my mother has touched my body." Next she was heard sobbing continuously for about 30 minutes in the room. Then the three policemen left the room laughing aloud. Sixteen Falun Gong practitioners witnessed the crime and saw that one of the rapists wore a name tag that said Wang Tao.
The Persecution I Witnessed at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-30Ms. Song Wenjuan called out, "Falun Dafa is great! Falun Dafa is a righteous way!" Guard Wang Na immediately dragged her off to be tortured. I later learned that the guards had tortured her with electric shocks to the point of unconsciousness. Ms. Sun Yanfang refused to renounce Falun Dafa. Guard Liu Baibing summoned her and brutally tortured her until she could not move her wrists. In spite of this, they still forced her to work. Because of the repeated torture, she has rows of scars behind her knees to this day.
The Situation of Mr. Zhang Bofeng and Ms. Xu Qunyuan, Falun Gong Practitioners from Guangxi Province
2006-09-30Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Bofeng was sentenced to a labour camp on December 20th, 2004. Since Mr. Zhang was sentenced, the camp staff have continuously refused to grant his family access to him. They come up with a different excuse each time the family tries to see him, such as that the camp leaders are on a meeting, etc. It has been almost two years since his family members have seen Mr. Zhang, and they are very anxious. They don't even know if he is still alive. The camp staff have never given them a clear explanation of Mr. Zhang's situation.
I Was Arrested and Taken to Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp to Be Persecuted for My Spiritual Belief
2006-09-29"Most of the people imprisoned in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp were Falun Gong practitioners. There are also some non-practitioner detainees there, but not many. The atmosphere is especially intense. As soon as a person enters the camp, he/she feels it is ghastly and fearful, causing one to gasp for breath. I lived on the first floor. Five people live in each room. The window was nailed shut and the room was not ventilated. The smell was very strong from the toilets. We often heard guards beating and abusing people on the second floor. There were also the pitiful cries as the practitioners were beaten."
Practitioners Tortured at the Fourth Division of Jilin Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-29Guard Zhang Guimei and Wang Zhufeng (warden) once tied practitioner Yuan Shufang (over fifty years old) to an execution bed for many days. They used the excuse of treating her illness to insert over ten electric needles into her face, head, hands and soles of her feet and then applied electricity, causing Yuan Shufang to foam from the mouth. Wang Shufeng and Feng Xiaochun (warden) shocked practitioner Ma Guirong (over fifty years old) with electric batons, causing her to be unable to walk or take care of herself. She could only lay on the ground after the beating.