Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Two Cases of Becoming Healthy after Practising Falun Gong, Then Dying Due to Persecution
2006-09-2970-year-old Mr. Bai Ruyi had many diseases before he practised Falun Gong. He had hypertension, heart disease and liver dysfunction. In 1998 he started reading a Falun Dafa book. After one month, he stopped taking all his medications. After July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong, Bai Ruyi suffered from harassment, and police searches of his home. The police forced him to write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. The resulting guilt along with the policemen's harassment and threats caused Bai Ruyi to lose his environment for studying Dafa, and thus he became weaker and weaker. His liver diseases recurred; he vomited blood, and passed away on September 2nd, 2004.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhao Xin, 56, Persecuted for Seven Years in Jilin City
2006-09-29Li Zhuang, head of the Organisation Department of the Party Committee at the Jilin City Water Company, was in charge of persecuting Falun Gong. She actively cooperated with the Jilin City 610 Office to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. By October 2000 she had suspended my salary of a total amount of 16,355 yuan, and still hasn't paid me yet as of today. On November 7th, 2002, she cooperated with the Dongjuzi street committee of the Changyi District in Jilin City and deducted 2,000 yuan from my salary, and has not paid it back.
Harbin City Women's Prison Authorities Reward Inmates for Torturing Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-09-28Harbin City Women's Prison authorities in Heilongjiang Province use inmates to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Deputy prison warden Liu Zhiqiang incites inmates to monitor and torture practitioners. He rewards each inmate with five points a month that apply toward sentence reductions. Inmates who do heavy manual labour in the workshops only receive three or four points a month. Accordingly, the inmates unscrupulously torture and abuse the practitioners.
Exposing the Brainwashing Methods Used by Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-28I just came out of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. The camp had tried all means to persecute me and make me give up Falun Dafa. When I was initially sent to the labour camp, the guards and the collaborators were very "nice" to me. They showed their particular "care" in their attitude of talking and how they treated me in daily life. Never be deceived by them. After a while, their true intentions were revealed. Each air particle in Masanjia is soaked with evil, and it makes people feel suffocated.
Stories of Slave Labour and Psychological Torture at Xin'an Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-28Some practitioners were made to knit sweaters while the rest had to wrap disposable chopsticks and skewer bait fish. Wrapping disposable chopsticks is also hard work. The chopsticks came in large burlap bags. Practitioners had to carry the burlap bags to the third floor, about 100 metres. Each day over 100 burlap bags of chopsticks would arrive. Each bag of chopsticks weighed over 60 lbs. on average. Sometimes there was a shortage of people, and even an elderly practitioner near 60 years old had to carry these heavy sacks to the third floor. Every day practitioners had to wake up before 6:00 a.m. Immediately after they made their beds and washed, they were made to start the day's slave labour.
Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province Extends Prison Terms for Those Who Learned Falun Dafa in Prison
2006-09-28Authorities at the Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province have extended the prison terms of more than a dozen inmates who became Falun Dafa practitioners while in prison. These inmates learned Falun Dafa after they came into contact with the practitioners who were imprisoned there since July 20th, 1999. Nevertheless, the authorities at the prison have not spared this special group of practitioners. One of the tactics the authorities use is to forgo the reduction of their prison terms. The second tactic used to persecute them is to extend their prison terms. The excuse for the extension is straight forward: "Because you practise Falun Gong!"
Medical Doctor Li Aijun Lost Her Freedom for Four and a Half Years
2006-09-28Ms Li Aijun was a doctor at the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing City. In late 2000, Li Aijun was forced to leave her job and become homeless for more than one year because of the persecution. Unfortunately, she was arrested by the police in early 2002, and was then dismissed by her employer. Under such high pressure, she was "transformed" by brainwashing. However, she soon realised that the transformation was wrong. So she declared that her deeds done under pressure were null and void, and chose to continue to practise Falun Gong. As a result, she was sentenced to nine years imprisonment and has been detained in the Beijing City Tiantanghe Women's Jail for four and a half years.
Four Falun Dafa Practitioners from Xinjiang, Hebei, and Henan Provinces Were Persecuted to Death
2006-09-2736-year-old Niu Dehui went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities in January 2001. He was arrested by the police in Beijing and returned to his home town on October 16th. He'd only been home for an hour when he was arrested and detained again. Finally Niu's family found someone who helped them, and they were then allowed to visit him after he'd been detained for a month. When they went to the police station a few months later, someone told them, "I heard that he was sentenced to two years at the Daquangou Forced Labour Camp where he was tortured to death on April 27th, 2002."
Information about Three Dafa Practitioners in Hebei, Shandong and Shaanxi Provinces Who Died Recently Due to the Persecution
2006-09-27Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Ying was arrested, detained, and sent to a labour camp for a two-year term in May 2006. She continued to suffer persecution at Wangcun Labour Camp. To achieve the goal of "transforming" her, the persecutors at the labour camp did not allow Wang Ying to sleep, and forced her to write articles against Dafa. An old illness that she had developed before starting cultivation re-emerged, and Ms. Wang died on August 7th.
The Persecution of Two Disabled People and Their Young Son
2006-09-27Since the Chinese Communist Party launched the persecution in July 1999, Ms. Zou Cairong, her partially sighted husband and their nine-year old son have also been persecuted. Ms. Zou went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong with other practitioners. She was detained several times. The boy had to take care of his father and do the housework when his mother was in prison. He never complained, because he knows there is nothing wrong with cultivating Falun Gong. His mother was arrested for being a good person. A teenager is enduring hardships that are difficult even for an adult to endure.
Practitioner Mr. Du Maomin's Whereabouts Unknown; Was Arrested and Later Held in Weibei Prison
2006-09-27Mr. Du Maomin is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. He was arrested at the end of 2001 and was later sentenced to five years in Weibei Prison. Recently, the police from the Yan County police station went to Mr. Du's home and told his family that he had been released. The police asked whether his family members had seen him but they said that they had not. The police then said Mr. Du might have gone to work somewhere else. Mr. Du's wife then travelled a thousand miles to Weibei Prison and asked where he was. The prison officers claimed that they had released Mr. Du three years ago.
An Appeal from Family and Friends: Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Jincui, 64, of Daqing City Has Been Sentenced
2006-09-26On July 25th, 2006, Ms. Wang Jincui, a Falun Dafa practitioner was tried by the court. She was then sentenced to a four-year prison term by the Honggang District Court. Sources say that 64-year-old Ms. Wang began a hunger strike following her unlawful arrest on June 9th. Her two front teeth were knocked out by a vicious officer of the First Detention Centre of Daqing City. The villains handcuffed her and barbarically force-fed her. In an appeal made several days ago, the family and friends of Wang Jincui requested that Ms. Wang be released immediately and that her good reputation be restored
Mr. Hou Zhiqiang's Wife Died as a Result of Persecution, and He Has Been Brutally Tortured
2006-09-26Mr. Hou Zhiqiang, 44 years old, started practising Falun Dafa in 1998. After the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, he was repeatedly arrested by the local 610 Office and police, interrogated, harassed, injured by violence, and made to do forced labour. Both his body and mind were severely hurt, and his family was torn to pieces. His wife, Ms. Men Xiaohua, was sentenced to forced labour and suffered severe mental and physical persecution. She died in the summer of 2003. Mr. Hou was twice sent to serve forced labour, for a total of four and a half years.
The Persecution of Ms. Lei Xiuhua in Inner Mongolia
2006-09-26Practitioner Ms. Lei Xiuhua is from Inner Mongolia. During the past several years, she was detained multiple times, and her family was fined a great deal of money. As a result, her son was forced to quit school. Her daughter was admitted to a university, but couldn't go since they couldn't afford the tuition. Ms. Lie was sent to forced labour camps twice and detained for a total of two years. She suffered various tortures. She was whipped with power cords and pinched on the upper portion of her thighs.
Dong Jiahe from Sichuan Province Detained, Viciously Beaten and Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-26On August 3rd, 2006, police arrested Dong Jiahe and his brother-in-law and took them to the Public Security Bureau. That night, the police in the Huili Custodial Station instigated the inmates to savagely beat Dong Jiahe and Li Tianhua. Mr. Dong's right leg became swollen and turned black and blue, and he had difficulty walking. The right side of his chest was swollen as well and he felt pain in his back. The greed of getting an eight hundred yuan bonus for sentencing every Falun Dafa practitioner to forced labour camp made the officials from the Public Security Bureau fabricate a case against Dong Jiahe and he was sentenced to forced labour on August 29th.