Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Beijing's Liulitun Street Office in Beijing Responsible for Two Deaths and One Case of Severe Disability
2006-01-26The persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners during the past six years at the Liulitun Street Office, in conjunction with personnel from the 610 Office, resulted in two cases of abnormal death and one of severe disability. Dozens of people were unjustly detained, sent to forced labour camps, sentenced to prison terms, or sent to brainwashing classes or mental hospitals for torture. One such practitioner, Ms. Han Jingui was tied to chair and tortured, then sent to a mental hospital, where she was again tortured. Due to torture she suffered a brain hemorrhage and is now paralysed and bedridden.
The Police Robbed Me on the Street and Hit Me on the Head with A Shovel, Almost Blinding Me
2006-01-26"I was born in Hebei Province. Because of my belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, the local officials and the police have persecuted me over the past few years. I was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp many times. I was beaten so severely that I almost lost my eyesight. The police stole eight thousand yuan from me in broad daylight. The village head poured petrol on me and threatened, "We will burn you with petrol and call it self-immolation."
Mr. Xing Guangjun, Tortured to Paralysis in Jail in Hubei Province, Dies as a Result
2006-01-2549-year-old Mr. Xing Guangjun was arrested and sentenced to five years imprisonment. In July 2002, he was sent to the Fanjiatai Jail in Hubei Province. He was brutally tortured and injected with an unknown oral liquid drug, which caused a disorder in his nervous system and paralysis. After he was released on bail for medical treatment in April 2005, he was confined to bed. His mental condition was unstable, and he could not take care of himself. He was completely dependent on his family. He passed away in January 16th, 2006.
Urgent: Rescue Practitioner Mr. Li Gang Whose Life is in Danger
2006-01-25Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Gang and others from Hebei Province were arrested on their way to an electronics market in Beijing. He was deprived of the right to sleep, handcuffed, and shocked with electric batons until he became incontinent. He passed out for several hours. One State Security agent from Baoding City shouted at him, "Killing one of you is like killing an ant!" Mr. Li Gang has been on hunger strike for 11 days and has been sent to Ankang Hospital Emergency Room to be force-fed many times. He is now very weak despite his previous strength.
Practitioner Mr. Zhou Jingcheng from Hunan Province Brutally Force-Fed Until Life in Danger
2006-01-25On January 4th, 2006, the County State Security agents and police arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Jingcheng, 42, at his family-owned shop without just cause. They detained him in the Shaoshan City State Security Division. On January 5th, 2006, he was locked in Jin City Prison. He has been on hunger strike without water to protest the persecution. He has been brutally force-fed, causing four of his front teeth to break off. His life is in danger.
Guards in the Huludao Forced Labour Camp Gang-Beat Practitioners During a Brainwashing Session
2006-01-25On November 9th, 2005, captain Yang Yanguo and others severely beat Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Xu Baotian because he refused to take notes during a brainwashing session held in the Fourth Brigade of the Huludao Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province. They struck his face, chest, and head. Both his face and head were bleeding and swollen from the beatings.
Authorities Viciously Torture Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Province No. 1 Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-01-24"I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Shandong Province. I have been unjustly imprisoned and seriously tortured by the guards. As soon as I arrived in the fifth group, Wang Suzhen hit my head with his fist, said angrily, "I really want to kick you to death," and threw all my belongings out the door, including my clothing, bed cover, toothbrush, and basin. It was in the summer and very hot. Wang Suzhen imprisoned several fellow practitioners and me in a small confined compartment. We were not allowed to wash our faces, brush our teeth, or change clothes. We were slapped if we talked. The dead skin of my emaciated body peeled off layer by layer."
Practitioners Forced to Sit Motionless for 15 Hours Daily in Tianjin City Women's Prison
2006-01-24In order to compel Falun Gong practitioners to give up their faith, the Tianjin Women's Prison used all kinds of cruel torture methods against them. One of the methods they used was to force Falun Gong practitioners to sit motionless on a small stool for 15 to 16 hours nonstop each day. The plastic stools were small, hard and waterproof. After sitting on them for extended periods of time, blisters started to fester on the practitioners' thighs and buttocks. In the areas where the blisters had burst, it was extremely painful. The skin around the buttocks area was festering with blisters formed on new skin after the old skin had been rubbed off.
Three Practitioners from Shandong Province, Heilongjiang Province, and Tianjin City Who Died as a Result of the Persecution
2006-01-24Ms. Yao Qingyu, 63 years old, started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. Shortly after that, her diseases all disappeared. After the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong in July 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Unfortunately, she was arrested, fined 11,100 yuan, and detained for 45 days. In January 2000, she went to Beijing for the second time. She was arrested, transferred back to her hometown, fined 1,800 yuan, and tortured in a mental hospital for one month. In 2001, she was arrested again. She was transferred to and persecuted in the Tian'erhu brainwashing centre. Her previous diseases reappeared and she passed away on March 3rd, 2003.
The Despicable Conduct of the Police in Qinghe Town, Jilin Province
2006-01-24On December 16th, 2002, police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Cui Weidong. They searched his house, and confiscated his personal property. After that, they took Mr. Cui to the police station and brutally tortured him. The police stamped "Falun Dafa is Good" on his face and head, and laughed, ridiculed him, and swore at him. Afterwards, they sentenced him to a jail term, and imprisoned him in Jiangbei Prison in Jilin Province. Mr. Cui was tortured so severely that he got tuberculosis, and was in critical condition. His family members tried every means to get him out of prison and have him put on medical probation, but the Jiangbei Prison still would not release him. Consequently, a fine young man eventually lost his life.
Practitioner Yu Yimin from Wuhan City Lost Her Family and Was Reduced to Begging on the Streets Due to the Persecution
2006-01-2342-year-old Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yu Yimin used to have a happy family. After Jiang Zemin's regime started using the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Gong, Ms. Yu was arrested several times and has suffered from much inhuman treatment. In the end, her family was torn apart, her husband divorced her and ran off with Ms Yu's sister. Ms Yu thus suffered a mental collapse.
Hunan 610 Office Responsible for Poisoning a Family and Arresting the Daughter to Prevent UN Special Rapporteur on Torture from Investigating Their Case as Planned
2006-01-23The persecution Ms. Tan's parents had suffered was reported on The 610 Office also knew that the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture would be arriving in China to investigate the family's case. To cover up their crimes, the 610 Office instigated someone to spray deadly poison onto the garlic that her parents had planted. On September 17th, 2005, while cooking scrambled eggs with garlic, both Tan Xiaolan and her mother noticed that the smell was strange; hence they did not eat it. But her father did not want to waste food, and ate it all. As soon as he finished, his face immediately turned blue, and he started to vomit and had diarrhoea.
Exposure of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp's "Reform" Methods
2006-01-23"Guards at the camp forbade us from doing the exercises; two criminals monitored us and beat us when we practised or recited Dafa. The guards also beat us using electric batons. When their electric batons did not work, they would replace them with high-voltage ones. We were forced to sit barefoot on the ground while two criminals stepped on our legs. The guards shocked us in the middle of the feet, face and neck. The smell of burned skin filled the air. After the beatings, my neck and half of my face looked like rhubarb from the shocks and dripped yellow fluid for days. Sometimes they shocked us and then asked if we would still practise."
Three Dafa Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Anhui, and Hebei Provinces Persecuted to Death
2006-01-23Mr. Yue Baoxue, 39, was very determined in cultivating Falun Dafa. Since the persecution started on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Yue had been imprisoned three times. In 2001, Yue Baoxue went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. He was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp for two years, where Mr. Yue was beaten mercilessly many times. He was hung up by handcuffs for six days and six nights. This caused severe damage to his muscles, something he never could recover from. After he went back home, the police frequently went to his home to harass him. Mr. Yue's health deteriorated and he died on January 5th, 2005.
1641 Deaths of Practitioners by Torture or Murder Confirmed in 2005 (Photos)
2006-01-22During 2005, the Clearwisdom website posted 1,641 reports of Falun Gong practitioners in China being persecuted to death. The reports came from 29 provinces, cities and several "autonomous regions." Jiang Zemin, his regime, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong practitioners on July 20th, 1999. From then through December 31st, 2005, at least 2,805 practitioners have died due to the persecution. Of these deaths, 392 occurred in 2005. These are only the known deaths. Because the persecutors try to hide their crimes, the true death toll is certain to be higher.