Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Fourteen Practitioners in Hubei, Jiangsu, Henan, Jilin, Sichuan, and Gansu Provinces Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-06-21Ms. Wang Yajie was in her 50s. She was from Jilin Province. After July 20, 1999, she went to the provincial government to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. In September 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal but was detained and persecuted in the local detention centre. In June of 2001, she was detained again but managed to walk out of the detention centre with dignity after a hunger strike. The local police often harassed her at home and threatened to arrest her. She was forced to leave her home and live an extremely poor life. She died on May 31, 2005.
More Facts about the Persecution and Death of 76 Year Old Mr. Yang Shaoyun from Sichuan Province
2005-06-20Mr. Yang Shaoyun was a 76 year old Falun Dafa practitioner. After he learned Falun Dafa in 1998, his prior illnesses were eliminated, and he looked much younger. He firmly cultivated Falun Dafa even after July 20, 1999, when the horrific persecution started and massive arrests were underway. His home was ransacked, his books were stolen from him, and Mr. Yang was more than once abducted and sent to brainwashing classes, where he was brutally tortured and finally released when he was near death. He died in October 2004.
Practitioners Beaten and Forced to Give Blood in Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison
2005-06-20Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison guards gathered six practitioners then let loose several prisoners, who suddenly dragged out these six practitioners. One prisoner threw a 51 year old practitioner to the ground, dragged her to the office by her hair, kicked and beat her, stomped on her belly, and then attempted to draw blood from her arms and legs. This lady had high blood pressure. They tried eight times but could not get any blood from her veins and in the end gave up.
Ms. Jiang Hong from Hubei Province Was Arrested for the Seventh Time
2005-06-20On April 25, 2005 Gongan County policemen broke into the home of Falun Dafa practitioner Jiang Hong and confiscated her personal property. They took her to the county detention centre to be persecuted. It has been reported that because of practising Falun Dafa and telling the truth of the persecution to the public, Jiang Hong has already been arrested and imprisoned seven times.
Nine Practitioners from Beijing, Henan Province, Hebei Province and Sichuan Province Pass Away Due to Persecution
2005-06-20Mrs. Xu Xiuling, over 50 years old, had to undergo brainwashing sessions to force her to give up Falun Dafa. During more than ten days of cruel and intense brainwashing sessions, Mrs. Xu always insisted on her firm belief in "Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance." After Mrs. Xu was released and returned to Beijing Industrial University, she was not only monitored by the police for a long time but also was demoted to the position of receptionist at her workplace. She made several appeals, all of which were rejected. Stressed by the mental and physical discrimination and cruel persecution, Mrs. Xu died on April 30, 2005.
50 Year Old Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Wang Hainiu from Hebei Province Was Persecuted to Death in 2003
2005-06-1950 year old practitioner Mr. Wang Hainiu had suffered under the persecution many times. The police broke at times into his home in the middle of the night and arrested him. If Mr. Wang was not there, they would arrest his wife. Mr. Wang Hainiu was forced to become homeless. After being homeless for three years, Mr. Wang was extremely exhausted and suffered both physically and mentally. He came home at the end of April 2003, and died at the end of the same month.
Elderly Falun Gong Practitioner Mr Li Fengwen of Heilongjiang Province Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-06-19Mr. Li Fengwen was over 60 years old. After practising Falun Gong, he became healthy in mind and body. During the six years of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), he was imprisoned at Shuangyashan City Detention Centre, was tortured until close to death, and only released after money had been extorted. Following an injury at work he died on June 6 2005.
Family Members Appeal for Practitioner Ms. Li Baojie, Who was Persecuted to Death
2005-06-19Thirty-two-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Baojie was imprisoned at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for practising Falun Gong. Her family members had tried legal appeals on her behalf, but on April 8, 2005, Ms. Li died as a result of persecution. On April 12, 2005, four days after Li Baojie passed away, her family members went to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp to meet with a male director whose last name is Xie. They requested financial compensation for Li Baojie's death. At first Xie offered them 8,000 to 10,000 yuan as compensation. However the family only received 4,000 yuan. The family have now decided to appeal.
Death of Seven Falun Gong Practitioners in Inner Mongolia, Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, and Elsewhere
2005-06-19Ms. Pang Fengzhi, 56, went to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa in Beijing. During the second appeal, she was arrested in Beijing and sent back for over a month's detention in the local jail. Later Ms. Pang was jailed for 3 months and developed oesophageal cancer in prison. National Security agents persecuted her for a long time and harmed her health. She died on August 18, 2002, after being released.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Xu Jishan Tortured to Death at the Daqing Prison
2005-06-17In 2004, Dafa practitioner Mr. Xu Jishan was sentenced to three years in prison for distributing leaflets about Falun Gong and was incarcerated at the Daqing Prison. According to a reliable source, in the afternoon of June 7, 2005, Mr. Xu was choked to death with water by five inmates under the order of prison guards.
The Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners in Qinduankou Prison
2005-06-17Since July 20, 1999 when the Chinese government started persecuting Falun Gong, many Falun Gong practitioners have been detained at the Qinduankou Prison in Hubei Province. In March 2004, when practitioner Mr. Wan Jixiang was detained at the Qinduankou Prison he was tortured until he was in critical condition. Upon medical examination, Mr. Wan was found to have cancer of the nose as well injuries directly related to being beaten. But the police at the prison administrative office still dragged their feet, delaying the paperwork required to release him on bail for medical treatment. Under the extreme torment and having to labour intensively, Mr. Wan's hair turned grey and a pain in his left ear became unbearable. Wan Jixiang passed away on May 24, 2005 after he was released on medical bail.
Ms. Zhao Zhaoquan from Sichuan Province Tells of Her Own Persecution Experience
2005-06-17Ms. Zhao Zhaoquan, 65, is a retired teacher living in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province. She started practising Falun Gong in May 1996. After July 20, 1999, when the persecution began, Zhao was detained four times, imprisoned three times, sent to a drug rehabilitation centre twice, sent to brainwashing sessions once, placed under house arrest once, and sent to a forced labour camp for two years. Zhao was fined 15,800 yuan and had 295 yuan stolen from her. Since November 2000, Zhao has only received 200 yuan a month from her retirement pension, allowing her only minimum daily expenses. The rest of her retirement pension was taken to pay off her "fines."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Xianjun Died As a Result of Persecution in 2004
2005-06-1747 year old Ms. Jiang Xianjun previously had breast cancer, which was cured by practising Falun Dafa. In April 2003, Ms. Jiang was arrested and sent to the Second Detention Centre. Ms. Jiang was bailed out on medical parole after her family paid a large sum of extortion money. Under huge pressure, her family would not allow her to contact people or practise Falun Dafa anymore. The Procuratorate, police, state security agents and neighbourhood administration all harassed her by phone, monitored her home, threatened her and interrogated her. She developed a cough, which progressively worsened and was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer in November 2003. Ms Jiang died on January 23, 2004.
Practitioner Mr. Wen Cunfu and His Family Members Arrested in Liaoning Province
2005-06-16Police broke into the home of Mr. Wen Cunfu and arrested Mr. Wen's practitioner son, Mr. Wen Jingsong, and took him to the Hongqi Town Police Station. The next morning, Mr. Wen took his three-year-old granddaughter, his wife, second daughter and daughter-in-law to the police station to ask for the release of his son. The head policeman responded by ordering other police to violently handcuff Mr. Wen. However he had his granddaughter in his arms and she was crying and screaming. The police grabbed the little girl's feet and forcefully pulled her away from Mr. Wen. The little girl's ankles and chest was injured, and she was in pain for many days. Mr. Wen, his son (Wen Jingsong), his daughter-in-law, and his second daughter were all sent to prison.
Seventeen Falun Dafa Practitioners from Xinjiang, Henan, Sichuan, and Jilin Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-06-16Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shen Baoping, 28, was from Xinjiang Province. The persecutors savagely tortured him in the Changji Detention Centre simply because he remained firm in his belief in Falun Gong. The police stripped him of all his clothes and tied him onto a narrow plank. He was not allowed to get up even while eating or relieving himself. He suffered severe bodily and mental harm from this torture. Because Mr. Shen was steadfast in Falun Dafa, the lawless officials sentenced him to a prison term. While in prison, he remained firm in his belief and therefore suffered long-term torture. Shen Baoping was formerly a strong and healthy person, but was tortured so severely that he looked like a skeleton and was covered with wounds all over his body prior to his tragic and untimely death.