Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Illegal Agencies Established to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners in the Shengli Oilfield, Shandong Province (Photos)
2004-05-16The "610 Office" directed Shengli Oilfield to hold three brainwashing classes. Since 2000, these classes have been used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners on a large scale. Dafa practitioners are abducted and held for long periods of time at these classes, and forced to watch and listen to Dafa-defaming materials. They are forced to write the "Three Statements" to renounce their belief in Dafa, their salary is reduced or withheld from them, they are beaten, some are sent to mental hospitals, some are force-fed, sent to additional brainwashing classes in Wangcun, sent to forced labour camps, and the authorities assert pressure on their families.
Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Shuchun Beaten to Death in Shandong Province Labour Camp in 2001
2004-05-15Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Shuchun was beaten to death because he refused to give up his belief in "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance" After Liu Shuchun was beaten to death, in order to keep news of their crime from being leaked, the police wrapped up his head and entire body with a cloth and carried his corpse out of the labour camp the next day. However, staff members of the People's Hospital accidentally disclosed information to the news station that the dead body from the labour camp had obviously been beaten to death. The labour camp then requested that the hospital announce his cause of death to be from disease. A few days later, the labour camp told Liu Shuchun's family members that he died from diseases.
Death of Elderly Henan Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Jingrong as a Result of Gross Abuse
2004-05-15Ms. Wang Jingrong was 60 years old. On December 30, 2001, police detained her because they found Falun Dafa materials at her home. In early February 2002, the police forced the family members to pay a "deposit" of 3,000 Yuan, and forced them to sign a "guarantee statement." (to declare that she would stop practising Falun Gong) During her detention she suffered a recurrence of her old illness, brought on by maltreatment from the police. She died soon after she was released.
Additional Facts Regarding Practitioner Xu Weiwen's Death by Brutal Torture
2004-05-15When Ms. Xu Weiwen's completed her term in Banqiao Women's Labour Camp, instead of being released she was sent for further violent brainwashing. Under the direct order from the team chief officer, Jiao Mohua, cellmates were instructed to torture her. They often bragged about how they tortured her and enjoyed undertaking those inhuman acts. After being on a hunger strike and suffering forced-feeding, she decided to eat as her health was very poor. The cellmates told Xu, "How come whenever you refused to eat, you wouldn't eat, and whenever you wanted to eat, you can eat? This time even though you want to eat, we'll not let you eat!" In fact, Xu Weiwen died from forced starvation.
A Beijing Dafa Practitioner's Three Years of Abuse, Mistreatment, and Persecution in the Qianjin Prison
2004-05-15"In August 2003, at the end of my term, I was released from prison. That ended the difficult and nightmarish experiences I suffered in Qianjin Prison. That was the end of three years of my life of hell in this world. Carrying the entrusted legacy, wishes and expectations from many practitioners, I left the place that I'll never forget, and left my painful experience there.
Inner Mongolia Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhao Yanxia Force-Fed to Death in Chifeng City
2004-05-14In April 2004, Qiu Xuedong (head of the detention centre) ordered practitioner Ms Zhao Yanxia to be viciously force-fed, as she had gone on a hunger strike to protest her unjust detention. In the end, it was found that she had died. Her body was hastily transported to the hospital. The head of the Chifeng City "610 Office," Yang Chunyue, told other people in person, "If the practitioners were persecuted to death or near-death, they will be sent to a prison, a forced labour camp or a hospital. Once there, the death will be announced and we will have no responsibility. If they die at the detention centre, we will have to bear the responsibility."
Additional Information about the Unjust Death of Shandong Province Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sun Xiucai in 2001
2004-05-1450 year old Ms. Sun Xiucai from Shandong Province was reported by a local resident when she went to a village to distribute truth-clarifying materials about the persecution. Ms. Sun was taken to a police station where she was brutally beaten by policemen Li Shaolin and Guo Yugui and suffered all manner of unspeakable tortures. She was sent to a detention centre where health worsened every day. The police hastily ordered her family to take her home. Sun Xiucai died on January 4, 2001.
An Account of the Atrocities at a Detention Centre in Liaoning Province
2004-05-14The Yingkou City No. 1 Detention Centre in Liaoning Province has been illegally detaining Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) practitioners for quite a few years, and is carrying out inhumane tortures against them. Many Dafa practitioners were maimed as a result of torture, including 38-year-old Li Wei. The common criminal inmates used tin-snips to cut both of his nipples off. Falun Gong practitioners were routinely tortured and beaten. Their physical and mental health was constantly under threat. They were also forced to perform prolonged hard labour. Sometimes they were not allowed to sleep in order to work overtime through the night.
Deputy Director of Police Department Sent to Forced Labour Camp for Practising Falun Dafa
2004-05-14Mr. Zou Zhengming, 62 years old, was the Deputy Director of the Urumqi Police Department, Xinjiang Province. In August of 2002, policemen from the local "610 Office", forcibly took Mr. Zou away from his home for a three-day-long interrogation. The policemen didn't care that Mr. Zou was a senior cadre in the police department. They tortured him with electric batons and confiscated his home without informing any of his family members. He was forced to do heavy physical labour. Mr. Zou is now very thin, and his hair has turned all white.
Couple from Qinhuangdao City Suffer Severe Persecution -- The Experience Leaves Their Young Child Traumatized
2004-05-13Mr. Dong Junming and his wife Ms. Wang Shumei, are both Falun Gong practitioners. They were both imprisoned and tortured because they held fast to their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Ms. Wang's 3-year old girl witnessed her mum's violent arrest, causing her severe emotional trauma. She screamed in her sleep and awoke from nightmares for more than three weeks. Every time she saw a car, she thought someone was coming to arrest her, and she was so frightened that she cried for her grandparents. She became afraid of strangers. Even when relatives from other cities came to visit her, she was frightened and screamed for grandma.
Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Enslaves Practitioners, Forcing Them To Produce Traffic Control Batons and Toothpicks
2004-05-13In Changlinzi Labour Camp, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, the Dafa practitioners who have better eyesight are forced to weld together traffic control batons used by traffic police. The batons are exported to South Korea. Practitioners with worse eyesight are forced to make toothpicks. The labour camp forces them to work 16-17 hours a day. Those who can't work as fast end up having to work day and night.
An Account of How Wang Dayuan was Tortured to Death by Police in Harbin City No. 1 Prison
2004-05-13Mr. Wang Dayuan, thirty-six years old, a resident of Harbin, was a lecturer and faculty member in computer studies at Harbin Institute of Technology. On April 2, in order to compel him to write a statement criticizing Falun Gong, the prison police took turns to beat him up and punish him by making him stand in painful postures for a whole day. He was not given any food. On April 3, Wang Dayuan was forced to write a self-criticism statement under undue pressure from the violent beatings. On April 5, Wang Dayuan was in a very bad condition but the police still forced him to work. They also violently beat him in the afternoon. Wang Dayuan stopped breathing that same day.
Hebei Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuzhen Dies as a Result of Torture in Brainwashing School
2004-05-12On the night of February 17, 2004, Zhang Yuzhen was arrested at home and sent to a Detention Centre. She went on a hunger strike to protest the unlawful detention. Then she was sent to Shalingzipiandi Legal School (an illegal brainwashing class) to be tortured. In mid-April, when her family went to visit her, they found she was not clear-headed and seemed to be in a state of mental disorder. However, the police refused to release her or provide any treatment for her. As a result, she died on May 4, 2004. The Dajingmen Police Station didn't inform her family until after her death.
Ms. Pei Xiuyan Died Due to Delayed Treatment by Detention Centre in 2001
2004-05-12On January 21, 2001, her cellmates saw that she was on the verge of death and called the guards for help. Only then did captain Yang Shunqing and prison doctor Lu Yushu come to her cell to take a look. A little after 10:00 that morning, they sent her to the hospital. After the checkup, they took her back to the detention centre. Several hours later her cellmates had to call for help again since she again was in critical condition. When the guards came in, they saw she was dying. In order to shirk the responsibility, they sent her again to the hospital around 2:00 in the afternoon. At 9:00 that night she passed away.
Policewoman Takes Revenge on a Dafa Practitioner Who Spoke in Accordance with Justice in Shenzhen City Detention Centre
2004-05-12On the morning of February 18, 2004, the Shenzhen City Women's Association brought gifts in honour of Women's Day (March 8) to the women imprisoned in the Futian Detention Centre in Shenzhen City. Zheng Yuyan, a Falun Gong practitioner spoke to the leader of the Women's Association and the reporters about the true situation of Falun Gong and the persecution. She said, "I have a grievance! Falun Gong is falsely accused! The accusations and persecution against Falun Gong violate our constitution, and all the rumours and accusations against us are fabricated lies! After the visitors left, policewoman prison guard Zhou Li stormed into Zheng Yuyan's cell, harshly shouted "You, Zheng Yuyan, have to be punished severely for your behaviour." She continued, "We'll see if you can shout out grievances now!"