Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Death of Dafa Practitioner Zhang Tao in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp
2002-09-30Zhang Tao held a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was force-fed an unknown drug, which caused vomiting and diarrhoea. He experienced a severe rise in body temperature. Even under such circumstances, Zhang Tao was still sent to a solitary compartment, where he was handcuffed and hung up in the air until he lost consciousness. He was finally sent to the Wanjia Hospital, where he passed away the next day.
Practitioner Zhou Yuling from Fushun City Dies From Torture in "610 Office" Custody
2002-09-30When her husband asked for her cause of death, police told him it was a heart attack, even though she had never had any problems with her heart. Her family members knew that she never had heart problems before, so they asked for the real cause. The police told them not to continue seeking answers and threatened to arrest her brother if they did.
The Horrific Torture in Jiutai Labour Camp Defies Humanity
2002-09-29They used the sharp, broken ends of thick PVC pipes to tear open the flesh and skin of practitioners. One man had a large chunk of his flesh cut away by the PVC pipes leaving a big gaping hole with the bones exposed. The police then used a toothbrush to work salt into the wounds, and shocked him with electric batons. This sight was terrifying for all who saw. Even in this state, the practitioner did not give in to the police.
Falun Dafa Practitioner of Qionglai City Is Brutally Beaten to Death
2002-09-29When the police came to arrest Xue Yuzhen and forced their way into her home, her husband, who does not practise Falun Gong, told the police, "You cannot do these things. This is totally disregarding the law!" Both of them were assaulted and arrested before being taken to Linqiong Police Station, where they were severely beaten for a long time. Xue Yuzhen was beaten to death. Her husband was beaten until his blood pressure became dangerously high and is still in a hospital emergency room.
The Brutal System Devised to Torture Female Practitioners in Pingantai Labour Camp
2002-09-29They first tie practitioners hands behind their back with a rope in such a way that the rope cuts into their flesh. They then use the rope to hang the practitioner on a doorframe. The practitioner is put down every five minutes in order to prevent her from losing consciousness.
Confused, Disoriented, and Completely Devastated by Torture at the Panjin City Labour Camp, Ms Liu Wenping Jumps to her Death
2002-09-29We can imagine how Liu Wenping, suffering extreme pain from the wounds all over her body, cried for help while shackled inside the dark cell, accompanied only by the howling, freezing wind, until she eventually lost the ability to think clearly.
63 Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Daqing City Detention Centre
2002-09-28On July 24, 2002, Wang Shuqin and her husband were arrested again by police from the Wolitun Station. They were tried and sent to the Daqing City Detention Centre. On September 21, this healthy, open-minded, well-respected woman was tortured to death.
Female Dafa Practitioner Zhao Yuezhen Tortured to Death
2002-09-27The torture was beyond people's imagination. Some practitioners were beaten to the point that they could not move and had to crawl slowly to the restroom if they wanted to relieve themselves.
Tianjin Falun Dafa Practitioner Beaten to Death
2002-09-25 -
Dafa Practitioner Beaten to Death by Police in Jiangxi Province
2002-09-21On the morning of August 29, some high-ranking officials, including the president of the Peoples Congress and Jiujiang Area Medical Examiner, met with Chen Jianning's family. They offered 15,000 Yuan if his family began the funeral arrangement immediately. They lied and threatened Chen Jianning's family members - if they appealed or sued, then they would pay no compensation at all.
Retired Teacher from Heilongjiang Province Tortured to Death in Harbin Women's Prison
2002-09-21Harbin Women's Prison made a request to the authorities in Jidong County to issue a temporary parole for Liu to obtain medical treatment. However, the authorities of the Jidong County Police Department refused to grant permission for her parole.
Police in Hewan Labour Camp Torture Practitioners With Brutal Force-feeding
2002-09-21Policeman Gao ordered inmates to push the practitioners down onto the ground and he himself would barbarically force the feeding tubes into their stomachs from their noses. His brutal acts resulted in bleeding and infections that severely damaged the practitioners' health.
Torture Death of Female Dafa Practitioner Zhang Li in Anshan City's Detention Centre
2002-09-19They also handcuffed and shackled her after throwing her into the lobby. She was dying and many people went to look at her, out of curiosity.
Photos: A Shandong Practitioner, Ms. Zhao Fengying's Face Burned by a Policeman with His Cigarette
2002-09-19Song Shuling grasped Ms. Zhao Fengying's hair and used his cigarette to burn Ms. Zhao's face about 30 times.
How Practitioner Lu Zhaofeng Was Tortured to Death
2002-09-18In Handan labour camp, police asked him to wear a helmet and then severely tortured him by kicking him with leather boots, beating him with a rubber baton, and depriving him of sleep. They also held criticizing meetings in an attempt to shake his righteous faith.