Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Wangchun Brainwashing Class: Authorities Force Practitioners to Give up Their Belief
2002-07-03The guards in this particular brainwashing class usually asked, "What kind of person do you want to be after you go back?" If the answer is "to be a good person," they would classify this person as having further need of brainwashing.
Changchun Police Department's Extensive Use of Torture on Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-07-03 -
Beijing: A Retired Female Engineer is Murdered; Authorities Impose a Tight Information Blockade
2002-07-02 -
How Falun Dafa Practitioner Sun Lianxia in Dalian, Liaoning Province Was Tortured to Death
2002-07-01"The police harassed us while the practitioners cried out in pain and vomited. The scenes were too painful to watch. One female policewoman with some compassion went to a corner to cry because she could not bear to watch anymore..."
Falun Dafa Practitioner from Wuhan City Tortured to Death at the Hanyang Forced Labour Camp in Hubei Province
2002-06-30 -
Police at Fuyu Labour Camp in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province Brutally Torture Practitioner Gao Deyong
2002-06-30 -
Police Guards Insert an Electric Baton into a Practitioner's Mouth and Shocks Him/Her
2002-06-29 -
"Area 115" Haiyang City
2002-06-28"After kidnapping Yang Fengbin and putting him into a labour camp in April 2002, he was tortured severely. Officials injured him all over his body and damaged his internal organs. He died on May 23. A sign identified the area where the torture took place as "Area 115." Here we want to expose the methods of torture used on the practitioners in "Area 115."
Changchun City Officials Employ Horrific Torture Methods Against Practitioners
2002-06-26Each practitioner was asked to write a statement renouncing Falun Dafa. If he refused this unreasonable demand, the police would chain him up, make him bend over and use a timber rod to beat him on the legs, buttocks and back. Then, using a rubber club, they would hit him on the head until it became swollen. If the practitioner still refused to sign the statement, they would use an electric baton on his neck, behind his ears, and on other sensitive areas of the body. They would then make him stand in a pool of water on the ground and apply high voltage electricity to it.
Accountant Tortured to Death by Police for Believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance
2002-06-25Several vicious officers beat him in broad daylight, with many people watching. Gui Xunhua's wife, who is also a practitioner, tried her best to resist the police and was also brutally beaten. The police kidnapped Gui Xunhua and sent him to the Jiujiang City Police Department where they illegally interrogated and detained him. Gui Xunhua was tortured to death on June 1, 2002.
Man Unable to Recognise his Wife after she is Beaten to Death for Practising Falun Dafa
2002-06-25Upon seeing his wife's body, because her features had changed from the severe torture and beatings, he could not recognize her. He did not believe that this was his wife and took his 20-month-old son for a maternity test. When the result showed that the body was indeed that of his wife, he burst into tears in front of everyone. Twenty-two days earlier she was still a healthy person, and now she was dead from torture and her facial features were completely unrecognisable.
Changchun Police Create a Torture Chamber to Persecute Practitioners
2002-06-24Most Dafa practitioners who had been abducted were harshly beaten with wounds that covered their bodies before they were sent to the detention centre. Their bodies were covered with bluish-purple bruises on their buttocks, lower legs and eyes. There were needle marks from injections on their arms. Some of them were sent by the Luyuan Police Substation to the detention centre and had stapler marks covering their arms and feet. Some practitioners sent to the detention centre had internal injuries and could not eat anything.
Illegal Police Break-in Causes Practitioner's Death
2002-06-24Geng still refused to let them in. The police then forcefully broke down the door, causing Geng to fall from the sixth floor. The police did not care that her life was in danger and came down to take her keys, which allowed them to enter another room, where they stole two deposit certificates, rings, jewellery, and some cash.
Practitioner Rui Xiaolin Tortured to Death in Nanhu Forced Labour Camp
2002-06-22 -
Dafa Practitioner from Hebei Province Tortured to Death