Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting
Two More Practitioners Killed by Police in Weifang City
2002-05-23A female Falun Gong practitioner died after being tortured to the point of barely being able to breathe after being detained by Weifang Police Department for five and a half months.
Female Dafa Practitioners Bai Aixiang and Li Yuhua Tortured to Death
2002-05-21Dafa practitioner Bai Aixiang was a 42-year-old woman from Jiaozuo City. On April 22, 2002, she was arrested for distributing truth-clarifying materials and taken to the Police Station. On April 30, she died suddenly.
Practitioner Sun Jianhua from Shulan City, Jilin Province Tortured to Death
2002-05-20 -
64 Year-Old Female Practitioner Dies After Brutal Force-Feeding
2002-05-18A week after being brutally force-fed, Yu Qiushi's stomach began to swell, causing her tremendous pain. Several days later her legs and feet also began to swell. During this time the police constantly went to her home and harassed her. Two months later, she passed away in her sleep.
Without Human Nature - Changchun Police Viciously Abuse Falun Dafa Practitioners
2002-05-18" The basement is the perfect place to torture Falun Gong practitioners, it' no big deal if we beat them to death!"
2 More Practitioners Tortured to Death: Known Death Toll at 409
2002-05-11 -
A Firm Belief in the Truth is Unshakable: A Practitioners Experience In Detention
2002-05-10In those 18 days, they failed to make me give up my belief. About half of those whom they had brainwashed and sent to persuade me were re-awakened to the truth, and started to practise again. This caused the vicious people to be so scared that they did not know what to do.
Drug Addicts in Mental Rehabilitation Centre Encouraged to Beat Practitioners
2002-05-10"Female practitioners were brutally beaten by a group of male drug addicts under orders from Zhang Dazi. The addicts divided into groups, with three males beating each female practitioner using thick iron batons. They beat with all their might until the women lost consciousness."
Wujiabao Forced Labour Camp Tortures Practitioner Ms. Zou Guirong to Death
2002-05-09They took turns torturing Ms. Zou and didn't allow her to sleep for several days and nights....This is yet another Falun Gong practitioner who has been tortured to death in Fushun City's forced labour camp.
Incidents Relating to Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Yonglai's Death in Dalian City's Labour Camp
2002-05-09 -
Female Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death for Attending an Experience Sharing Meeting
2002-05-08According to insiders, the experience sharing meeting shocked and frightened the Police Department of Shaanxi Province, which formed a special group and mobilized over 1,000 police to handle the case and brutally torture the practitioners. As of today, besides Sun Guilan's death and some practitioners being illegally sent to forced labour camps, seven practitioners regarded as leaders and organizers are still jailed and suffering inhuman torture.
Police Murder Practitioner, Mutilate his Body Beyond Recognition and Steal his Internal Organs for Profit
2002-05-08Zhang's family members and fellow villagers were all astonished when they saw his body, which had been brutalized beyond recognition and was too disfigured to look at. His skull had apparently been opened and later closed again. One of his eyeballs was missing and the socket was caved in, leaving a gaping hole. There was virtually no skin on his head and many parts of his face, and there was not a single tooth left in his lower jaw. Zhang's heart, liver, lungs and part of his brain were taken away.
Torture Methods Used on Falun Dafa Practitioners in Detention Centres and Forced Labour Camps in China
2002-05-07 -
Changchun Authorities Establish a Special Taskforce Committee to Escalate the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-05-06Experts say that the TV broadcast was a heavy blow to Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong, since nearly 1 million viewers watched the programme that exposed the truth of the staged "self-immolation" incident and showed how Falun Dafa is well received in over 50 countries.
Falun Gong Practitioner Tortured to Death in Ziyang City