Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Practitioner's Daughter Abducted and Held Hostage Over a Month by Wuhan City Police
2008-07-18On the evening of May 26th, 2008, a group of policemen from the Domestic Security Division in Wuhan City barged into the residence of Ms. Gu Yuelian. They were using the excuse of "cleaning up" for the Olympics Torch Relay as the reason to arrest her, but Ms. Gu managed to find a chance to escape and got away. Because they could not catch Ms. Gu, the police waited in ambush on the stairway of the dormitory of the No. 3 Postal Company on May 28th. That night around 10:20 p.m., they arrested her daughter, Ms. Qiu Xueming, in order to hold her as a hostage.
Seven Female Practitioners Arrested by Police in Wei County, Hebei Province in June 2008
2008-07-18Three Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on June 22nd and 27th, 2008 by officers from the Yali Town Police Station in Wei County, Hebei Province. The police broke into the homes of two women from Pu Village, Ms. Zhao Qingshe, aged 52 and Ms. Li Xiujun, aged 60. They also invaded the home of Ms. Rong Yunqing, a 44 year-old farmer from Yabei Village in Yali Town. The police beat these three practitioners prior to the arrests, and they are currently detained at the Wei County Detention Centre.
Mr. Xin Baodong and Ms. Gao Shuying, His Wife, Persecuted Again
2008-07-18Mr. Xin Baodong and Ms. Gao Shuying are husband and wife. Around 10 a.m. on June 27th, 2008, officers from Sanhe City Domestic Security Division and Juyang Town Police Station in Hebei Province broke into the couple's house. The police took them away and ransacked their house that afternoon. The police took some of the couple's private property, including a computer, printer, satellite receiver, television, and bank deposit book. Mr. Xin is being held in the Sanhe City Detention Centre, while Ms. Gao Shuying is in Langfang Brainwashing Centre. Their two children, who are both in school, now have to fend for themselves.
More about the Recent Arrests and Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Laiyang, Shandong Province
2008-07-17Officers from the police station in Muyudian Township, Laiyang City have a reputation for unreservedly extorting money from people. In the last few years they have made a fortune confiscating personal belongings from the families of Falun Gong practitioners. It is thought that the police have resorted to doing this because most people now know the truth about the goodness of Falun Gong, and are no longer willing to report practitioners to the authorities. The police have resorted to monitoring, following, harassing, and confiscating the property of practitioners. After arresting the practitioners, the family members are coerced into submitting at least 4000 yuan in fines, for which no receipts are provided. Otherwise the practitioners will be sent to forced labour camps.
Lianshan District Court Sentences Mr. Huang Lizhong and Mr. Zhao Liang to Long Prison Terms for Practising Falun Gong
2008-07-17Around May 10th, 2008, the Lianshan District Court sentenced two practitioners from Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Mr. Huang Lizhong was handed a nine-year prison term, and Mr. Zhao Liang was given a ten-year term. On May 10th both practitioners lodged an appeal with the Huludao Intermediate Court in an effort to overturn the court's decision. On June 12th, however, the court upheld the original verdict. On the afternoon of June 12th, Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhao's families visited the detention centre where the two were being held. What they saw really shocked them. Not only had Mr. Huang been badly tortured and the hair on his head shaved off, but he also looked very emaciated and spoke in a very weak voice. He was in such an awful state that his family hardly recognized him.
Ms. Li Xiumin from Fuyu County, Jilin Province, Arrested in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-07-17On June 25th, 2008, when Ms. Li Xiumin was visiting her in-laws, police arrested her and took her to the Sanchahe Detention Centre. In 2003, Ms. Li was sentenced to forced labour and taken to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp where she was tortured. Every day, Ms. Li was forced to write materials defaming Falun Gong. When she refused, she was punched and kicked. The camp guards beat her and shocked her with electric batons. When Ms. Li started a hunger strike to protest the severe persecution, the camp guards inserted a tube through her nose to force feed her, which caused her nose to bleed profusely. She was not able to work for two years after her release because she had been so badly injured both physically and mentally.
Police Arrest Dozens of Practitioners in Advance of the Olympic Torch Relay in Huaihua City, Hunan Province
2008-07-16The Huaihua City government, 610 Office, and other departments use the excuse of ensuring "safety" during the Olympics and the Olympic torch coming to Hunan Province in order to implement increased persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Acts of persecution have included arrests, ransacking of homes and harassment in cities, counties, and villages. Around May 27th, 2008, dozens of practitioners were arrested and detained. Some are in the No. 2 Detention Centre in Huaihua City. Some are detained in brainwashing centres, and their families are not allowed to visit them.
The Police in Bailong Township, Mancheng County, Baoding City, Have Been Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-07-15At 4:00 a.m. on July 1st, 2008, all the policemen from the Bailong Township Police Station, from Mancheng County Police Department, and from Shenxing Town in Mancheng County set off in more than a dozen police cars. They went to Dakangxia Village in Bailong Township. It was estimated that there were at least 60 to 70 police officers involved. They split themselves into eight teams and carried out the arrests of eight Falun Gong practitioners simultaneously. They tried to arrest Ms. Liu Lan, a Falun Gong practitioner. A few powerfully built police officers dragged her from her bed. They grabbed her by her thighs and dragged her on the ground. Due to the resistance from Liu Lan's family members and the villagers who had gathered to watch, the attempted arrest was a failure.
Two Women Arrested and Locked Up in a Brainwashing Centre in Funing County, Hebei Province
2008-07-13On May 22nd, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Xuemei and Ms. Liu Zhiling were arrested by police. Ms. Wang and Ms. Liu were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in a street market in Shimenzhai Town. After the arrests they were detained in the county detention centre. Fifteen days later, they were detained in a so-called "Law Education School" in Funing County, where they were forced to attend brainwashing sessions. During a visit to Ms. Wang a while ago, her family found visible marks of violent abuse on her neck. They are still investigating the specifics of her condition.
Zhao Guoliang Arrested and Detained at Huanggu Detention Centre
2008-07-12Mr. Zhao Guoliang was arrested by a group of police near his home on June 16th, 2008. At present, Zhao Guoliang is being detained at the Huanggu Detention Centre. On the night of June 16th, Zhao was beaten terribly in the Yamin Police Station. When Zhao shouted "Falun Gong is good", the policemen shoved him into a cage. The cage was encased by thick bubble wrap, with only a small hole in it for minimal ventilation. It was very hot while Zhao was detained in the small cage. The next day, Zhao was drenched in sweat, and the handcuffs had dug deeply into his flesh.
Ms. Liang Wende Tortured and Sentenced to Four and a Half Years of Imprisonment
2008-07-11Ms. Liang Wende was twice imprisoned and tortured in the Sichuan Women's Forced Labour Camp. On May 8th, 2008, the Longmatan District Court in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province sentenced Ms. Liang to four and a half years in prison. In October 2001, labour camp guards put her in a strict-management room on the top floor. She slept, ate, bathed, and went to the toilet all in the same room all day. She had to to sit still from morning until 8 p.m. without talking to anyone. Everyone in the room shared the same bucket of water and, as a result, diseases such as scabies spread to everyone. The room was always filled with a terrible odour and the smell of excrement and urine. Ms. Liang had scabies all over body, and she constantly felt unbearably itchy. Her buttocks festered with sores due to her sitting still in the same position at all times. This lasted for three months.
Arrests of Practitioners Skyrocket in Hefei City at the End of June
2008-07-11On the evening of June 20th, 2008, the Hefei City, Anhui Province local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dispatched a large number of police officers to arrest nearly ten Falun Gong practitioners. Hefei police recently received orders from CCP officials to arrest practitioners and were given arrest quotas. At the same time, throughout Hefei, the regional community residential committees started visiting each dwelling asking for personal information about the registered inhabitants there. Some practitioners have been missing for nearly 2 weeks now, and it is still unknown whether they have been arrested. Furthermore, several practitioners have been forced into homelessness, unable to return to their residences. When Ms. Qiu Xiufen was arrested, the police repeatedly beat her on the head, causing fractures in her skull, and then forcibly took her away.
Practitioners Legally Registered as Beijing Residents Are Being Arrested Prior to the Olympic Games
2008-07-10All hotels in Beijing, whether they be large or small, require a scan of their customers' ID cards at check-in. The scanned information is then entered into a database and forwarded electronically to the Beijing Public Security Branch. There, the customers' names are compared with the list of Falun Gong practitioners they have collected, and shared with other police departments, so that the practitioners staying in the hotels can be arrested. If the hotel accepts people who do not have ID cards, the police will levy a heavy fine on the hotel owner.
Using Safety of the Beijing Olympic Games as an Excuse, Police in Gaobeidian, Baoding City Arrest Over Twenty Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-07-10Since June 2008, under orders from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials and under the pretext of ensuring the "safety" of the Beijing Olympic Games, many more Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted. Directed by the National Security Team of Gaobeidian Police Department and 610 Office staff members, police stations were ordered to arrest more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners and ransack their homes. More than ten practitioners are currently detained in a detention centre, and several practitioners were forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution.
Practitioner Ms. Li Jinlian Tried in Daqing City
2008-07-10At around 10:00 a.m. on June 12th, 2008, a hearing for practitioner Ms. Li Jinlian's case was held in the Honggang Court in Daqing City. When it was Ms. Li's turn to speak she remained calm, and when she was asked what crime she had committed, she replied loudly, "I am innocent." During the deliberation, Ms. Li exposed how she was persecuted. She said that on the second day of her detention, officers from the Babaixiang Police Department sealed her mouth with tape and beat her. They wiped mustard oil on her and she lost consciousness. She was sent to emergency for treatment, then woke up. The court asked her, "Do you have any proof?"