Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Kind-hearted Grocery Store Owner Tried
2012-01-05Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Peichen was tried by the Tonghua County Court, Jilin Province, on December 14th. He was arrested by the police on July 17th, and then detained at the Tonghua Detention Centre for five months, where he was subjected to severe torture by agents and police officers from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong).
Claiming That They're Just Following Orders, Police in Shuangcheng Continue Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-01-03Between November 13th and December 12th, Shuangcheng officers arrested more than 70 Falun Gong practitioners. On December 14th and 17th, officers from all police stations in the Shuangcheng area arrested even more practitioners. Furthermore, 15 practitioners who were arrested earlier were sentenced to forced labour. One officer claimed during an arrest that, “We're just following orders.”
Police in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province Carry Out Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-01-01On November 13th, several police officers arrested 56 Falun Gong practitioners. They arrested five more practitioners on December 7th and 9th. The perpetrators also went to practitioners' homes in Shuangcheng City many times to harass them. If the practitioners weren't at home, they arrested the practitioners' non-practitioner family members. On December 9th, about six officers from the Wujia Town Police Station arrested Ms. Cang Jinxiu and two elderly practitioners from Nuanquan Village: Mr. Zheng Shining, 71, and Ms. Du Guilian, 64. They took computers, tape recorders, Falun Gong books, and other personal belongings from the practitioners' homes.
About Twenty Practitioners Including Ms. Wen Yuhong from the Huairou District in Beijing Arrested
2012-01-01On the evening of November 17th, Ms. Wen Yuhong, in her 50s, was arrested with her three-year-old granddaughter by officers from the local domestic security division. Ms. Wen was taken to the Shunyi District Detention Centre. About 20 practitioners from the same area were also arrested that day. Huairou Domestic Security Division and 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) proceeded to ransack Ms. Wen's home and took many personal belongings, worth more than 10,000 yuan.
After Ten Years of Imprisonment, Mr. Zheng Deming Tried Again
2012-01-01Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zheng Deming, 66, was tried by the Luyang District Court on December 13th. In the past, Mr. Zheng was sentenced twice and detained in prison for ten years. Because he remains steadfast in his belief, Mr. Zheng was sentenced to three years in prison at the beginning of 2000 because he did the Falun Gong exercises in a park. In 2002, he was once again arrested and he was sentenced to seven years at the Chaohu Prison.
Mr. Feng Kui Sentenced to Life in Prison after Being Shot
2011-12-31On June 5th, the four practitioners were distributing Falun Gong DVDs in the Shuangchengbao Town Market. Mr. Feng broke free from the officers from the Shuangchengbao Town Police Station, but found himself in a dead-end alley. During the ensuing chase, police shot him as he ran, and he lost consciousness. A stab wound in his right cheek bled profusely, and his head, neck, and right hand were covered in blood. Mr. Feng was taken to the Gongzhuling Detention Centre and given a life prison sentence.
Three Practitioners from Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province Arrested
2011-12-31Three practitioners—Ms. Lin Xiaoling, Mr. Jin Bangjian and Mr. Wen Wenyi—from Wencheng County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, were arrested on December 11th. Ms. Lin, 45, was arrested at her store. The police also took her computer, printer, and other personal belongings. About midnight that same day, the police arrested 53-year-old Mr. Jin at home, and took his computer, printer and other personal belongings.
Xuchang City Court in Henan Province Tried Mr. Bai Hongmin
2011-12-31On November 22nd, Xuchang City Court in Henan Province tried Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Bai Hongmin secretly in a small room in the Yan’an Road Intermediate Courthouse. Mr. Bai’s wife and son did not learn about the trial until that morning. When they hurried to the courthouse, the trial was already well underway. Mr. Bai pleaded not guilty and defended himself. He also told everyone present the truth about Falun Gong. The trial was adjourned hastily. Mr. Bai is still being detained at the Xuchang City Detention Centre.
Nine Practitioners Arrested Within Five Days
2011-12-30Police arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Yang Jie, Ms. Yang Min, Ms. Liu Shourong, Ms. Hui Shujuan, and Ms. Wang Aihua on December 2nd, 2011, and arrested Ms. Niu Fengqin, Ms. Shen Guirong, Ms. Li Peixian, and Ms. Li Xiangrong on December 7th, 2011. Ms. Yang Jie and Ms. Wang Aihua were beaten. The police extorted 4,000 yuan from Ms. Yang's family. As a result of persecution, Ms. Yang is currently very weak and has difficulty walking. Ms. Wang still has blood in her urine and excruciating stomach pain.
Ms. Shen Huafeng Sentenced to Four-Year Term in Tianjin
2011-12-30Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Huafeng was sentenced to four years detention on September 19th, 2011. Her appeal was rejected by a written statement issued on November 2nd, and she was not given a chance to appear in court to argue her case.
Three Female Falun Gong Practitioners Sentenced in Yitong County, Jilin Province
2011-12-29Recently, Ms. Lin Liyan, Ms. Zhao Fenglan, and Ms. Wang Guizhen from Yitong County, Jilin Province, were sentenced. On March 22nd, 2011, the practitioners put up Falun Gong posters. They were reported by a villager and policde took them away and detained them in the Siping City Detention Centre, where they remain. The police colluded with personnel from the Yitong Procuratorate and the Yitong Court to fabricate evidence and create unsubstantiated charges. Recently, Mrs. Lin was sentenced to four years in prison, and Ms. Zhao and Ms. Wang to three and a half years each.
Seventy-Three-Year-Old Ms. Wang Minghui from the Wanzhou District, Chongqing Arrested
2011-12-28Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Minghui, 73, went to the Yanjiadun Neighbourhood Committee with her daughter on November 4th. She wanted to inquire about the withholding of her pension. Committee head Liu Dinghong reported her to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. Shortly afterward, Pailou Office head Ran Ruiying arrived along with several people in a van, and took Ms. Wang to the Bayi Hotel Brainwashing Centre in Zhoujiaba against her will. It was reported that Ms. Wang refused to get into the van, so Ran Ruiying pretended to have a conversation with Ms. Wang's daughter at the other side, while other perpetrators shoved Ms. Wang into the van. Ms. Wang's skin was abraded.
Linquan County Trial of Four Practitioners a Farce
2011-12-27The Linquan County Court in Anhui Province recently put Mr. Wang Shengli, Ms. Ma Yuling, Ms. Yu Zuzhi, and Ms. Yuan Xiaoqiong on trial. All five attorneys, including the one assigned by the court, thought the four Falun Gong practitioners were innocent. The presiding judge could not find evidence to support the accusation in the case documents. Tao Jingwen, the public prosecutor, did not dare to raise her head once during the entire proceedings. The proceedings were a farce. The court still has not announced its decision.
Mr. Shang Dexing Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for Hiring a Lawyer
2011-12-26On the afternoon of May 3rd, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shang Dexing was arrested and subsequently tried in court. His family engaged two lawyers to defend him. In the process of engaging a lawyer, as well as when the lawyers requested to see Mr. Shang, officials threatened and made trouble for both the family and lawyers. The judge in the Laoshan Court said, “Because you hired a lawyer, I sentence you to three years of imprisonment.”
Domestic Security Division of Pingyuan County, Shandong Province Conducts Three Operations to Arrest Practitioners
2011-12-25The Domestic Security Division along with the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) of Pingyuan County, Shandong Province arrested six Falun Gong practitioners during three separate operations from July 6th to September 6th. The corrupt officials threatened the families of the practitioners with forced labour camp sentences for the arrested practitioners, unless an extortion fee was paid. The families were subsequently extorted of a total of 78,000 yuan.