Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
A 76-Year-Old Practitioner Sentenced to Eight Years and Forced to Do Hard Labour
2008-05-13Mr. Yin Yucai is 76 years old. He started to practise Falun Gong after retirement and became very healthy, both physically and psychologically. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, Mr. Yin was detained many times. He was put in a forced labour camp for three years. In 2005, he was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and is currently in Yuzhang Prison in Jiangxi Province. Due to prolonged persecution, his health has deteriorated. Lately, he is suffering from severe oedema.
Using the Olympics as an Excuse, Officials Arrest Two 70-Year-Old Ladies in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province
2008-05-13With the excuse of "preparing for the Olympics," two Falun Gong practitioners in their 70s were taken to a brainwashing centre in March 2008 by police officers in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Ms. Liu Jing, 75, was a doctor at Xidian University Hospital before retirement. On her way home on the afternoon of March 17th, 2008, she was arrested and taken to the Xi'an City Chang'an District Brainwashing Centre, where she was tortured.
Father Died in the Midst of Persecution--Son Also Arrested
2008-05-1226-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Wang Lihui has been held for nearly twenty days. The National Security Team of the Nangang District Police Department denied his family their right to visit him. His 60-year-old mother is so worried, that her heart attacks frequently recur, and she suffers from extremely painful headaches. Over the past several years, she has witnessed her husband Mr. Wang Shixue being arrested and tortured to near death several times. He died recently, and now her son has also been arrested. She is very worried about her son.
Instead of Being Released After Serving 3 Year Prison Term, Practitioner is Transferred to Brainwashing Centre
2008-05-11Ms. Shang Yuping was detained several times because she practises Falun Gong. In April 2005, she was sentenced to prison for three years. On April 6th, 2008, when she was scheduled to be released, authorities sent her to Erdaopeng brainwashing centre in Jianghan District instead of releasing her. In April 2005, she and five other practitioners were found producing Falun Gong material. They were arrested by police and were sent to Wuhan No. 1 Women's Detention Centre. Ms. Shang Yuping was sentenced to three years in Wuhan Women's Prison.
Over a Dozen Practitioners Arrested in the Guangzhou Metropolitan Area
2008-05-10On April 15th, a gang of policemen from Tianhe Police Department arrested practitioners Mr. Chen Yongtao, and Ms. Zou Danyu, husband and wife. The policemen also searched their residence and took many of their personal belongings. The next day, policemen from Tianhe Police Department, along with a local policeman from the Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals and individuals from the neighbourhood committee that didn't know any better arrested Ms. Zou's parents and searched their residence. These thugs took their computer, and other personal belongings. Mr. Chen and Ms. Zou's whereabouts are unknown.
Nursery School Director, Ms. Jing Fei, Jailed Again in Liaoning Province
2008-05-09On February 24th, 2008, Ms. Jing took a taxi to Shenyang City to visit her relatives and friends who were imprisoned at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Police arrested Ms. Jing, the practitioners who were with her, and the taxi driver and jailed Ms. Jing at the Chaoyang City No. 1 Detention Centre. The taxi driver was tortured to death. The first time Ms. Jing Fei was imprisoned was July 1999. She was arrested in Beijing while appealing for the right to practise Falun Gong and was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in November 1999. Ms. Jing lost her beloved job in the government-owned nursery school because of her beliefs.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin City, Jilin Province Arrested After Inspection of Their TV Reception
2008-05-08At around 9 a.m. on April 9th, 2008, four Falun Gong practitioners from Caojia Village in Jilin Province, were arrested. They are Li Yanwei and his wife Ding Qin, You Zuozai and his wife Kan Xuxiang. Police searched their homes and first inspected how the residents received TV signals. Then the police found and removed several CDs exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, Falun Gong books and a TV signal receiver. On the next day, the police searched You Zuozai's home twice. You's mother said to her neighbours, "They came four or five times in the two days, which really frightened me." The police police tortured Li Yanwei to try and extort a confession. The police beat him and force-fed him with horseradish concentrate.
Songyuan City Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee Calls for Arrest of Falun Gong Practitioners in Run-up to Olympic Games
2008-05-07As Songyuan City is one of the Olympic Torch relay cities, in order to guarantee having no protests during the torch relay and the Olympic Games, the Songyuan City Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee and its government administration held a general assembly that included representatives from the police department and other law enforcement agencies of the city. The head of the city Chinese Communist Party Committee, Lan Jun, member of the Municipal Party Committee, the Deputy Mayor, Secretary of the City Politics and Law Committee, Wu Xinghong, and others, issued an order demanding that the police units give full play to their so-called "function." For a period of 100 days, they carried out an intense round of arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. Prior to that, Communist officials had also issued a secret order to "strike hard" on Falun Gong.
Mr. Zeng Shugang from Guangdong Province Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment
2008-05-07After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime launched a campaign to "eradicate" Falun Gong in July 1999, Mr. Zeng Shugang went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and related his own experiences to the government authorities, asserting that Falun Gong was being defamed by the media's false propaganda. On February 26th, 2008, Zeng Shugang was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. Mr. Zeng has been widely praised for his upstanding character and kind-heartedness. His steadfast belief and his relentless crusade to tell people the truth about Falun Gong was met with brutal persecution by the CCP regime.
Cousins Ms. Cai Junxia and Ms. Chuai Cuijun Are Given Heavy Sentences, Their Whole Family Persecuted Repeatedly
2008-05-06Ms. Cai Junxia and her mother-in-law were forcibly taken away by police on July 18th, 2007. On January 7th, 2008, the Communist Party-controlled Qianxi County Court sentenced Ms. Cai Junxia, who had been already been detained for almost six months, to up to four years of imprisonment. That sentence was confirmed on March 10th. This is the second member of this family subjected to a heavy sentence. Over a year ago, Ms. Chuai Cuijun was sentenced to five years.
Practitioner Mr. Li Zhenning Abducted in Hebei Province
2008-05-05On March 12th, 2008, Mr. Li Zhenning, a 22-year-old practitioner, walked out of Minghua Computer Store on Lianchi South Street in Baoding City. Just when he was about to unlock his bicycle, he was surrounded by a group of people and forcibly taken to Yuhualu Police Station. At Yuhualu Police Station, the head of the station interrogated Mr. Li using various methods to threaten and deceive him into a "confession." When Mr. Li protested their actions, the head of the police station forced him into a room and brutally beat him. As a result, Mr. Li had a black eye and some blood around his right eye. The next day the perpetrators claimed that they had all the paper work ready to send Mr. Li to the Mancheng County Detention Centre. Upon hearing this, Mr. Li's uncle who does not practise Falun Gong, gave the police 2,000 yuan to have Mr. Li finally released.
Husband and Wife Mr. Xia Maoshu and Ms. Li Zhonghua Detained at Dehui Detention Centre
2008-04-30Mr. Xia Maoshu and Ms. Li Zhonghua, husband and wife, live in a village in Jilin Province. On March 6th, 2008, village head Chen Jibin of Weizuizi Village and officers from the Xiajiadian Police Station ransacked the couple's home and confiscated many of their personal belongings, including all of their Falun Gong books and a satellite receiver. Both husband and wife are currently detained at the Dehui Detention Centre. According to an inside source, Mr. Xia Maoshu was physically assaulted while in custody.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa Sentenced to a Forced Labour Camp--His Wife and Daughter Are Monitored and His Father is Seriously Ill
2008-04-30Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongfa was taken into custody on July 16th, 2007. On August 20th, 2007, he was sentenced to a one-and-a-half year forced labour term at the Huadu Forced Labour Camp in Guangzhou City. Mr. Wang's wife, Ms. Deng Yi, has tried to visit him four times, but was refused by the forced labour camp officials each time. Mr. Wang's father is 70 years old and was diagnosed with liver cancer. Since he is critically ill, Ms. Deng asked the labour camp officials to allow Mr. Wang to see his father for one last time. The labour camp officials, however, refused her request and also threatened her.
Three Family Members Arrested by the Xilian Police Department in Danzhou City, Hainan Province
2008-04-28Xian Rumei is a Falun Gong practitioner from the Xiliu Farm in Danzhou City, Hainan Province. On March 10th, 2008, her younger brother (also a practitioner) was arrested by police. On March 11th, Xian Rumei, her husband, practitioner Xue Zhaoshun, and her mother, all went to the local police station and requested to see her brother. The police officer in charge agreed and had them sent to the Xilian Police Department in a police vehicle. Yet instead of being allowed to see her brother, Ms. Xian and her husband were held at the Xilian Police Department and only her mother was able to go home.
Xianghe County Practitioner Wang Guixiang Sent to Labour Camp Again
2008-04-28After going to Beijing in April 2000 to appeal for justice for Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square, 46-year-old Ms. Wang Guixiang was arrested and detained in Banqiao Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. Ms. Wang was severely tortured at the labour camp. She was shocked with three or four high-voltage electric batons simultaneously all over her body, brutally force-fed, and put in solitary confinement. One of her teeth was knocked out during a beating. Later she was forced to stay away from home for nearly three years to avoid further persecution. Her husband could not bear the persecution any more, and divorced Ms. Wang in 2001. In March 2008, police took Wang Guixiang into custody off the street. She has been sentenced to forced labour for two years and is detained in Shijiazhuang Women's Labour Camp.