Illegal Detention and Imprisonment
Mr. Shen Jian, His Wife Ms. Zhu Xunqing, and His Brother Shen Xiangjun Arrested in Zibo City, Shandong Province
2008-06-09Mr. Shen Jian, 45, and his wife Ms. Zhu Xunqing, 43, were arrested on the night of May 18th, 2008 by agents from the National Security Division of the Zichuan Police Department, under the orders of the 610 Office. The couple drove to drop off their child at school. As soon as they got back and were about to walk through their front door, they were surrounded by a group of people who identified themselves as police officers from the Zichuan District Department. Mr. Shen and his wife were pushed into the police vehicle without seeing any paperwork. Currently, Ms. Zhu Xunqing is detained at the Zibo City Detention Centre in Fujia Town, Zhangdian District and four others are detained at the Zichuan Detention Centre.
Former Teacher from Police Management College in Guangzhou Arrested
2008-06-09It was reported that on April 15th, 2008, the police arrested over 20 Falun Gong practitioners in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, and searched their homes. Ms. Zhao Ping is a former award-wining teacher from Police Management College in Guangzhou City. On April 15th, Guangzhou police officers arrested her and took her to Tianhe Detention Centre. When the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, Ms. Zhao was fired. Since losing her job, she has been detained several times and forced to attend brainwashing sessions. She has been sentenced to a forced labour camp for 3 years. Seeing his kind daughter suffering from persecution caused her father great pain. He passed away with sadness for the persecution of his daughter weighing heavily on his heart.
Blind, Elderly Man Arrested and Tortured by Police Officers from the National Security Team in Huaiyang County, Henan Province
2008-06-08On May 18th, 2008, a group of police officers climbed over a wall and broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Xinheng, who is over 60 years old and blind. They didn't showed any warrants and ransacked Mr. Yu's home and confiscated valuables. Mr. Yu and his wife were taken to the county police department, where police officers physically abused and interrogated them. Mr. Yu refused to say anything. A young police officer said, "This guy does not obey us and refuses to cooperate with us. Watch how I slap him in the face." Mr. Yu said to him, "I am 63 years old and blind. You also have parents. How would you feel if somebody hits your father even though he breaks no laws and just wants to be a kind person?"
Zhucheng City Police Arrested More than Twenty Falun Gong Practitioners in April and May 2008
2008-06-08We have collected information about the unjust arrests of more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners by police officers in Zhucheng City in April and May 2008. The information is incomplete, and in reality, many more practitioners were harassed. It has been reported that Zhang Xingye (male), director of the Zhucheng City Police Department, went to the Weifang Area for a meeting before this recent round of persecution started. He was rebuked because he had arrested fewer Falun Gong practitioners than the police in Shouguang City and other cities. After Zhang returned, he ordered all police stations under his command to escalate the persecution. Under the excuse of the upcoming Olympic Games, the Zhucheng City police have created an atmosphere of terror, harassing and terrorizing innocent people.
Elderly Mr. Yang Xiyao from Yanshan County, Hebei Province Detained in Prison
2008-06-08In 2000, 68-year-old Mr. Yang was arrested while he was appealing for the end to the persecution. He was sentenced to ten years of imprisonment in Baoding Prison, Hebei Province. Mr. Yang was tortured so severely by the National Security Team at the Yanshan County Police Department and at Baoding Prison that he began to experience heart palpitations and vomit blood and he developed high blood pressure. Only when he was close to death in January 2006 was he released on bail for medical treatment. After Mr. Yang returned home, he again began to practise Falun Gong. As a result, he became healthy again very quickly. On April 21st, 2008, police arrested Mr. Yang again and sent him back to Baoding Prison.
Ms. Zhang Mengxia Sentenced to Five Years of Imprisonment After Suffering Multiple Arrests, Brainwashing and Torture
2008-06-07Because Ms. Zhang Mengxia refused to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong in May 2002, officials at her workplace escorted her to a brainwashing centre to "reform" her. She suffered many other detainments and torture. On October 1st, 2007, Ms. Zhang, accompanied by other practitioners went to a popular tourist site in Zunhua City to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution. Local police officers arrested her and detained her in Zunhua Detention Centre, where she is still being held. She has been brutally force-fed, causing her hands and face to be covered with blood. It was too miserable to look at. On April 17th, 2008, six other practitioners together with Ms. Zhang were sentenced at the Zunhua Municipal Court. She was sentenced to a five-year term.
Please Help Rescue My Daughter, Ma Duo--A Letter of Appeal to People of Goodwill
2008-06-07My daughter, Ma Duo, has been held in Jiamusi Detention Centre in Heilongjiang Province for more than five months for practising Falun Gong. She might be sentenced now. I miss my daughter and worry about her. My daughter was about to leave for work on February 13th, 2007, when a group of police officers barged into our home. They ransacked our home, confiscating my computer and other personal belongings. Three police officers dragged me to their car and took me to the suburban Changhong Police Station. Then they went to Ma Duo's place of employment to abduct her. She was taken to Changhong Police Station. She has since been held in Jiamusi Detention Centre. I was released from detention because of my poor health.
Police in Shouguang City, Shandong Province, Arrest and Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners to Forced Labour Camps Without Any Constraint
2008-06-06On May 1st, practitioner Guo Guangjun was reported when distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong, arrested by police officers and forced into making confessions by means of torture. The following day, Li Xiue was also arrested by officers of Yangkou Police Department. Her home was ransacked, and her computers and other personal belongings were confiscated. Policemen beat up Li Xiue, extorted confessions from her through torture, and did not allow her to sleep for four or five days.
The Despicable Conduct of the Police in Kouqian Town, Yongji County, Jilin Province
2008-06-06As the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is intensifying its persecution of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners. The Party claims this is necessary to ensure "a successful Olympics." Party officials such as the director of the 610 Office of Yongji County closely follow orders from the Central Committee of the CCP. In the beginning of March 2008, they arrested two teachers from Beidahu Town Primary School, Ms. Wang Jing and Xu Qing. They deceived Ms. Wang Jing by telling her that they would pay her salary while she was detained in a forced labour camp and then arrested her. She has been detained for more than two months, and family visits are not allowed.
Zhou Yongkang Secretly Ordered the Arrests of 50 Practitioners in Shenyang City
2008-06-04Around May 24th-26th, many practitioners went missing in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Among these, twenty-four were arrested in one night in Dongling District. Another practitioner was also missing and her paralysed mother has been left at home without anyone to care for her. An internal source revealed that when Party Political and Judiciary Committee Chief Zhou Yongkang arrived in Shenyang City, he secretly ordered the arrests of 50 practitioners. Now we have confirmed at least 30 that were arrested, with many more suffering brutal treatment, and many families living in terror. Mr. Miao Qisheng, has been tortured to death by police officers in Shenyang City. His wife Zu Liming was also arrested on May 24th, 2008. Their son Miao Yumeng (nicknamed Mengmeng), once again lives alone.
Practitioners Unjustly Tried by Suizhong County Court, Liaoning Province
2008-06-03On May 12th and 13th, 2008, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents from Suizhong County in Huludao City of Liaoning Province manipulated court staff to carry out an illegal trial against nine Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Zhou Yingchun and Ms.Yang Zhaoying were tried while they were confined to their beds at Suizhong County Hospital with IVs and on oxygen. During the process of the so-called trial, Ms. Yang had a heart attack, her hands and legs were shaking non-stop and doctors and nurses in the hospital had to resuscitate her. When this happened, court staff Guan Shulin and people from the procuratorate read the bureaucratic documents very fast and then just a few minutes later, they quickly left.
More Than a Dozen Practitioners Arrested in Benxi City, Liaoning Province
2008-05-28On April 23rd, 2008, police officers from the Benxi City Police Department in Liaoning Province arrested local practitioners during a well-coordinated operation. Some officers said that the operation and the list of practitioners were from the Liaoning Provincial government. A dozen officers from Jinshan Police Station knocked on the door of practitioner Mr. Zi Lidong, who is in his 30s, and pretended to be plumbers. Mr. Zi's family told them to wait until the following day. The officers started to pound on the door until they broke it. Mr. Zi jumped from the third floor to escape. Unfortunately he injured his chest, hip, and leg, and was sent to the hospital for an operation.
Mr. Wang Zengwu Arrested in Siping City, Jilin Province
2008-05-28At about 9:00 pm, on April 23rd, 2008, police officers along with agents from the National Security, 10 individuals turned off the power switch located in the hallway outside Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zengwu's apartment. He opened his door to see if he could fix the problem by turning the power switch on. They took advantage of the open door to enter, ransacked his home, and took his computer. Mr. Wang Zengwu was arrested and detained for 15 days. Now he is detained in the Shuangliao City Detention Centre. He was sentenced to prison in 2002 and was fired from his job, only because he practised Falun Gong.
Ms. Xu Shuqin Sentenced to Four and a Half Years by the Zunhua City Court, Hebei Province
2008-05-28On April 17th, 2008, six Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Xu Shuqin, were unjustly tried by the Zunhua City Court in Hebei Province. The court appointed one lawyer for each practitioner for a mock defence. On April 24th, 2008, after the court session, the Zunhua City Court sentenced the six practitioners, including Ms. Xu, who was sentenced to four and a half years. She has already appealed to the Tangshan City Intermediate People's Court. She was previously detained, tortured and suffered brainwashing. Her family was ordered to take her home and pay five thousand yuan.
Weifang Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officials Detain and Monitor Practitioners in Intensified Round of Persecution
2008-05-26Ms. Liang Li is a practitioner from a broadcast bureau. Since she continued to practise Falun Gong, she was dismissed and has not been paid a salary for eight years. The police often went to her home to harass her and try to "transform" her. Her husband could not bear the intense pressure and jumped off a tall building to commit suicide. Recently, 610 Office agents looked for Ms. Liang everywhere. They could not find her at home, so the broadcast centre dispatched a vehicle to Beijing to look for her, but in vain.