Police Extort Twenty Thousand Yuan from an Elderly Couple in Yushu City, Jilin Province
2006-02-15"Just as we were feeling extremely fortunate that Falun Dafa had saved my life, the township police arrived at our door. It was March 7th, 2002. They searched the house looking for Falun Dafa books and DVDs. I was taken to Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. The year of illegal detention cost my family more than 7,800 yuan. Later I was detained again. This time, my husband figured out a way to pay someone 11,600 yuan and bailed me out. The two detentions combined cost us 19,400 yuan, all of which my husband had to borrow."
Corrupt Officials and Unscrupulous Merchants of Bo'ai County, Henan Province Extort Money from Local Residents and Transfer Blame to Falun Dafa
2006-02-14Corrupt officials colluded with unscrupulous merchants to sell television cable boxes to local residents, requiring every home to buy the boxes. They forced each homeowner to buy separate boxes for each television in the same house. Those who refused to buy the boxes but installed outdoor antenna on their own were threatened by the police department. Local residents compalined. Recently, the television station has been displaying a so-called "explanation" saying that some television stations were interrupted by Falun Dafa television programmes and that the reason for making every house buy the boxes was to prevent this from happening. They are trying to direct the complaints from the local residents towards Falun Dafa.
National Security Team of Muleng City Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Extorts Money at Will
2006-02-08Li Shuzhi and Xiao Gao have been sent to Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Forced Labour Camp and Lao Peng to Mudanjiang City Forced Labour Camp. None of their families were notified at the time they were sent. All these practitioners who were "illegally arrested" were cruelly tortured while held in detention. For example, Sun Shiwei, who is over 50, lost two teeth when he was force-fed. The guards smashed his mouth and teeth in the process and blood flew all over his clothes and stained his bedding.
Those Who are Persecuting Practitioners in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, Should be Placed on the Official "List of Perpetrators"
2006-02-06Bai Shuwen is the prison director at Shuangyashan Detention Centre. He has tortured practitioners with instruments such as the "small white dragon." He also ruthlessly force-fed practitioners and tortured them while they were handcuffed. He forced practitioners to sit on an iron chair continuously for at least five days. He tortured practitioner Liu Jinshan to death through force-feeding.
Police Force Victim to Sign Falsified Document in Guangdong Province
2005-11-30On June 16th, 2005, officers from the Poxin Town Police Station, intending to avoid responsibility for their devious conduct, forced Dafa practitioner Zheng Meiquan to sign falsified documents. The papers stated that their police station had nothing to do with extorting more than 6,000 yuan from Zheng, and instead blamed the extortion on the Maoming 610 Office. They denied all responsibility for taking the money.
Qingdao Police Break into Ms. Cui Luning's Home and Ransack it (Photos)
2005-10-19On September 22nd, a group of policemen arrested the 33-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Cui at her workplace.They then went to her home, ransacked it and removed many items of value. The police used Cui's mobile phone to send out short messages: "Cui in trouble. Please come to her home immediately. Details later." Their apparent intention was to lure other practitioners to come over and then arrest them.
Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005
2005-09-14Li Jun, head of the National Security Division at the Huanan County Police Station in Heilongjiang Province, and his subordinates have been constantly and illegally arresting and sending Falun Gong practitioners to prisons and forced labour camps for several years. Between January and August 2005, eleven Dafa practitioners and their family members were arrested and subjected to extortion.
Financial Persecution of Practitioners in Panjin City
2005-07-31Since the persecution began on July 20th 1999 Falun Gong practitioners in Panjin City, Liaoning Province have suffered severe financial persecution in addition to physical and spiritual persecution. According to the statistics from Xinglongtai District and Dawa County, Falun Gong practitioners in these two areas suffered a direct loss of 1,343,000 yuan, 443,000 yuan of which were in the form of illegal fines, 320,000 in the form of money extorted by police, and 580,000 in the form of suspended salaries.
Greed of the Xinji Police
2005-07-31Officers ransacked homes of Falun Gong practitioners, confiscated valuables, and kept the cash found on the premises without issuing legal papers. When confronted about the articles taken, they simply deny taking them. "We don't issue receipts on anything confiscated from Falun Gong practitioners. It's no use asking us. The money will not be returned anyway. If we had given you a receipt, what would happen if you exposed us on the Internet?".
After Repeated Arrests and Heavy Fines, Ms. Su Baoli Sent to a Forced Labour Camp
2005-05-21Ms. Su Baoli, 28, is a Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. The police recently arrested her and her parents again following searches of their homes. Although the police extorted 10,000 yuan from the family, Ms. Su was still kept in the police detention centre for one month. The family had to borrow the money from friends and relatives in order to pay it to the police. On April 15, 2005, she was transferred to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp for continued persecution. Her pre-school child was left at home without a mother's care.
Zhangjiakou City Police Persecute Ms. Cai Jinhua and Extort Money from Her Family
2005-04-09On December 15, 2001, practitioner Ms. Cai Jinhua went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Dafa. Police arrested her and placed her in the Haidian District prison. Local officials forced her husband to pay 3,000 yuan for her release. Her husband could only borrow 1,000 "yuan" from his work place to pay them. On December 18, police again arrested Ms. Cai and put her in the county jail. The 610 Office threatened her husband, saying that she would be put into a forced labour camp. He was so afraid for her that he borrowed 5,200 yuan to pay the authorities.
Wuchang "610 Office" Extorted Several Hundred Thousand Yuan from 100 Arrested Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-03-11Wuchang's "610 Office" personnel used various methods to detain more practitioners to reach their goal of extorting money. The officials' average monthly salary is about 1,000 Yuan, however, they would receive a monetary reward if they could make a practitioner give up his/her belief, and they took advantage of it. If a practitioner is sent to the 610 Office for brainwashing, his workplace has to pay 2,000 Yuan per month for the practitioner's stay there. In order to obtain the highest profit, they would keep them there for a longer time so that they could extort more money.
The Persecution of Ms. Zhao Fengxian and Her Family
2005-02-22On November 19, 2004, about a dozen people barged into the home of Ms Zhao Fengxian, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province. Police officers took away 2 computers, 3 mobile phones, as well as 3,600 yuan in cash. They handcuffed Ms. Zhao and her daughter, her younger son and his fiancee and forced them into a van, not giving them time to put on something proper. The police also imposed a fine of 10,000 yuan on her son's workplace for having employed someone that was involved with Falun Gong.
Jilin Prison's Condition for Medical Parole: One Has to Be within Days of Death before Returning Home
2005-02-16Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Changde was not able to take care of himself after extensive torture and abuse at the Jilin No. 2 Prison. His weight dropped from 200 pounds to around 140 pounds. His family had asked the prison officials to release him on a medical parole. Zhang Yong, a prison officer, said, "There are only two ways to obtain a medical parole. One is that you have a lot of money. We can do it even if there is no illness. The other is that the prisoner has only a few days to live. These are the prerequisites for a medical parole."
Torture Leaves Shandong Province Practitioner Ma Zhixin Disabled - His Wife Is Unjustly Jailed
2004-11-13Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Zhixin from Anqiu City lost the ability to take care of himself due to persecution. His wife, Zhang Zhenfang, was sentenced to five years in prison in 2002, because she practises Falun Gong. Currently she is being detained in Jinan Women's Prison. On top of that, in the past five years of persecution, Ma Zhixin and his family have had a total of 69,842 yuan extorted from them, by officials and police.