AP: United Kingdom Voices Concerns about Hong Kong Government's Stance On Protests
2002-07-26 -
Dow Jones Newswires: UK Voices Concerns about HK Govt's Stance on Protests
2002-07-26 -
AFP: No need for Hong Kong subversion law: Bar Association
2002-07-26"Pure expression of opinion should not be criminalized," the Bar Association said.
AP: Hong Kong Practitioners Commemorate Third Anniversary of [Persecution of] Falun Gong
2002-07-23 -
Far Eastern Economic Review: "They Will Not Go Away"
2002-07-23 -
Taipei Times: US Tech Firms Help Repress Chinese
2002-07-22"It is regrettable that those US multinationals, considering only their own profits, happily help the Chinese dictators to suppress China's democracy movement."
Calgary Herald (Canada) : Calgary Falun Gong mark ban's third year
2002-07-22 -
Taipei Times: Beijing turns Falun Gong into must-see TV
2002-07-22 -
Sankei News, (Japan): Falun Gong Practitioners Parade and Launch Petition Drive to Rescue Kaneko Yuko from Detention in China
2002-07-21 -
Manchester Metro News: Acupuncturist is Banned - Frozen Out in Iceland
2002-07-19Manchester Metro News interviewed and published the incident of England Falun Gong practitioner being banned from entering Iceland. Manchester Evening News also published the same report. These two newspapers have around 700,000 readers.
West German Media Report: Chinese Workers in Germany threatened - they don't have freedom to accept information
2002-07-19This article discusses a West German media report on 6 June 2002. The title read: Readings Forbidden: the Workers Protected by Unit Supervisors.
Time Magazine: Living It Up in the Illicit Internet Underground
2002-07-19As officials crack down on cyber culture in China, devotees scheme to stay online
Reuters: Press Freedom Group Bemoans New Internet Rules
2002-07-19 -
Los Angeles Times: The Different Faces of 21st Century China
2002-07-17 -
AP: Falun Gong Lawyer Accuses HK Judge Of Bias In Court