Intervention Magazine: A Trial In Hong Kong Puts China On Trial
2002-08-09With Falun Gong supporters arrested and jailed in Hong Kong, Beijing's "two systems one country" is now on trial.
Reuters: Lawyer says Falun Gong has right to protest in Hong Kong
2002-08-09 -
AP: Defence makes final arguments in Falun Gong obstruction trial
2002-08-09 -
Reuters: CHINA: Falun Gong floods HK officials with protest paper
2002-08-09 -
BBC Monitoring: Hong Kong lawyer says detained Falun Gong members feel persecuted
2002-08-09 -
A Personal Story: My Arrest in China
2002-08-08 -
Edinburgh Evening News:Report on the Festival Fringe Cavalcade
2002-08-07 -
Tamworth Herald (UK): Town woman refused entry to Iceland
2002-08-07 -
Mocalili (Italy): A Professor of Turin University Spreads Falun Gong
2002-08-02 -
AP : China Plans To Resume Rights Talks
2002-08-02 -
Australian Financial Review: Backsliding On Civil Liberties
2002-07-31 -
Japan Today: Lawmakers seek release of Falun Gong-related Chinese resident
2002-07-31 -
Dow Jones: China Criticizes Britain for Questioning HK's Freedoms
2002-07-30 -
Reuters: China sentences Catholic priests to labour camp
2002-07-30 -
Space Daily: Exposing the Propaganda against Falun Gong