Publications, Press Releases
DPA: German Falung Gong members deported from China arrive in Frankfurt
2002-02-17 -
CP: Falun Gong followers expelled from China recount police brutality
2002-02-17"They smashed my glasses and I was brought down forcibly and they walked all over me," Sturdza said after arriving back in Canada on Friday. "I think I have some broken ribs. I have trouble breathing."
AFP: British Falungong Member 'brutally' Arrested in China
2002-02-15 -
IGFM: Germans arrested again – China must end the persecution of Falun Gong;
2002-02-15 -
FDI: Deported North American Falun Gong Practitioners call for Swift Return of 50+ Detained in Beijing Today
2002-02-15The two North Americans recounted the abuses they had faced by authorities earlier this week. "I was choked and punched repeatedly. One police officer grabbed my hair and through me into a chair while another officer twisted my arm backwards," said Loftus. "I thought he was going to break his arm," Browde said who witnessed the assault.
AFP: Bush "concerned" over Falungong Arrests
2002-02-15 -
AP: China expels Germans, Britons after Falun Gong protest
2002-02-15Chinese police said more than 40 foreigners were detained during Thursday's protest in central Beijing, making it the square's biggest foreign protest yet against a 2½-year-old Chinese crackdown on Falun Gong.
The Press and Journal, Aberdeen: Scot Interrogated by Chinese Police Over Planned Human Rights Protest
2002-02-15 -
AFP: China deports foreign Falungong protestors
2002-02-15 -
Four British Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Beijing Return to UK today
2002-02-14 -
Falun Gong Practitioners Stage Large International Appeal on Tiananmen Square to End Persecution in China
2002-02-14"As Western practitioners we go to Tiananmen Square in the hopes that our peaceful appeal will bring an end to the torture and murder of innocent people and help to awaken a society that is being torn apart by lies and deceit"
Reuters: China Detains 20 Western Falun Gong Protesters
2002-02-14 -
Responding to The Violent Arrests of 40 Western Practitioners in China
2002-02-14"Falun Gong is not a China issue. Falun Gong is an international issue, we won't stop until the killing stops."
FALUN GONG INFORMATION CENTRE (UK) PRESS RELEASE: 4 British Practitioners Amongst 14 Westerners Arrested in Beijing
2002-02-13 -
THE WASHINGTON POST: China deepens assault on faith