Publications, Press Releases
Statement from German Human Rights Organisation IGFM
2001-11-23 -
ABC News Online: "China deports Falun Gong supporters"
2001-11-22"Authorities in China have begun deporting dozens of foreign nationals caught protesting against an official ban on the Falun Gong spiritual movement."
South China Morning Post: "China tells 35 to go."
2001-11-22A group of 35 overseas Falun Gong followers were told to leave the mainland after staging a protest in Tiananmen Square yesterday.
South China Morning Post Reports on Hong Kong Polices Harrassment of Falun Gong Practitioners
2001-11-22Democrat legislator James To Kun-sun said: "This is an abuse of police power by inciting complaints and hatred against a minority. It's shameful."
Asian Wall Street Journal Reports on the Political Pressure Being Put on Hong Kong Police to Curtail the Freedoms of Falun Gong Practitioners
2001-11-22"In other words, the right to dissent is now secondary to the sensitivities of mainland officials like the ones who work in the Liaison Office. It's hard to have much sympathy for the police if they bend easily to the desires of their political masters to limit the civil liberties of the Hong Kong people."
The Jerusalem Post:Israeli arrested in Tiananmen Square Falun Gong protest
2001-11-21In a statement formulated before his arrest, Lemish described the persecution of the Falun Gong as a direct assault on human morality. "The persecution of Falun Gong directly concerns each and every one of us," he said. Leeshai described the issue as a confrontation between those who promote violent oppression and those who seek to become more peaceful and kind, between a government which lies to its people and those who refuse to lie, even if it means being tortured. "Neutrality does not exist. If you are being silent, you are siding with the perpetrators," he said.
33 Western Falun Gong Practitioners Stage a Peaceful Appeal on Tiananmen Square and Are Currently Being Detained
2001-11-20( November 20, 2001 -- About 2pm Beijing Time, 33 Western Falun Gong practitioners displayed a banner stating "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and staged a peaceful appeal for Falun Gong on Tiananmen Square. A few minutes later, they were all arrested by Chinese police.
2001-11-20 -
Western Falun Gong Practitioners' Statement From Beijing
2001-11-20 -
FREE PRESS [German media report]: Under Way in Saxonia for Human rights
2001-11-19The young Chinese hope to create awareness about this situation with their walk. Human rights abuses include torture, incarceration in mental facilities and brutal abuse in re-education-through-forced-labour-camps. Up until now the persecution has cost 309 Falun Gong members their lives.
Leipzig People’s News: On foot from the City of Borna to the City of Chemnitz, Germany
2001-11-18At their arrival in Borna, the young Chinese became even more aware of the differences between their home country and Germany. While they would prudently avoid contact with any security personnel in their land, they turned to the police in Grimmaer Street for information and assistance. The police officers referred them to a pastor couple, Elisabeth and Martin Roth, who arranged for an overnight stay for the walkers with young people of their congregation.
Times of Central Asia Reports on Zhao Mings Case Being Raised by Mary Robinson in Human Rights Talks in China
2001-11-16Another case highlighted was Zhao Ming, 31, a jailed follower of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement who once studied at Dublin University in Ireland, Robinson's alma mater. China's crackdown on Falun Gong ..had led to widespread violations of freedoms of speech and association, Robinson said.
2001-11-16[Police officers] seized material from the Falun Gong supporters, including banners, billboards and photographs. These photos showed atrocities committed against Falun Gong practitioners on the mainland. Some Falun Gong followers were hurt in the ensuing scuffles.
Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt Chronicle newspaper): The [German] government’s China policies meet with criticism
2001-11-16 -
Graduate of "China's MIT" Tortured to Death for His Beliefs
2001-11-15According to reliable sources inside China, any deaths due to abuse in custody are to be "counted as suicide," the bodies are to "cremated immediately" and the persecutors will not be penalized.