Publications, Press Releases
EFGIC: 48 Falun Gong Deaths Reported in June and July
2004-08-21'The deaths of 48 Falun Gong practitioners in China were verified during June and July. Most were tortured or beaten to death. Information about the torture or killing of Falun Gong practitioners is officially classified as ‘state secrets’ in China, and therefore, people who uncover and publicize such evidence do so at great risk to themselves. Many have been killed simply for publicizing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.'
Epoch Times: "Red China" Minister Sued in Former Red Capital
2004-08-21On the 9th of August, a Russian resident filed a lawsuit in Moscow against top Chinese official Bo Xilai for persecuting Falun Gong in China. This is the fourth time the Minister of Commerce has been singled-out for crimes against humanity.
Article in Russian Weekly Newspaper: "Chinese Art in Magnitogorsk City"
2004-08-19"Falun Dafa is one of the forms of Qigong, requiring practitioners to assimilate themselves to the highest universal characteristic of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance'. It clearly points out that cultivating one’s moral character is the key to the practise, practitioners need to improve their moral standard while doing the exercises. Moreover, it also has the facility of refining one’s body, which requires exercise to strengthen the functions of the body."
United Kingdom: UK Media Report Positively on Falun Gong Practitioners' Activities in Edinburgh
2004-08-18UK Falun Gong practitioners held a series of activities before and after the Edinburgh Arts Festival Opening Cavalcade on the 8th of August, exposing the Jiang Regime’s persecution of Falun Gong. The Scottish media enthusiastically reported on Falun Gong practitioners’ activities.
Article in Spanish Newspaper "El Mundo": Chen - Another Martyr for Falun Gong
2004-08-15“El Mundo”, one of the two major Spanish newspapers and well-known for its analytical reports, interviewed Falun Gong practitioner Ms Dai Zhizhen in early July. On Sunday, July 18th, 2004, when the newspaper had the largest volume of circulation, “El Mundo” used an entire page to report the miserable story of how Ms Dai’s family was ruined.
EFGIC: Young Woman Suffers Mental Breakdown Following Untold Torture and Rape
2004-08-14'Thirty-two-year-old Ms. Zhu Xia cries, laughs, and often bangs on doors and windows madly. She soils her clothing uncontrollably, and has frequent hallucinations, tossing and turning restlessly amidst unseen enemies...This is not the young woman her family members described as “healthy and vibrant” before the police took her away because she practised Falun Gong.'
The Epoch Times: Chinese Media Magnate Sued for Genocide Makes Appearance in Connecticut Court
2004-08-14According to the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), in June 1999, under Zhao's supervision, staff from Wuhan TV Station went to Changchun, the hometown of Falun Gong's founder Li Hongzhi, and produced a film about Mr. Li. The film was later used as a tool to convince CCP leaders to persecute Falun Gong. The film has been the main propaganda tool used repeatedly by state-owned media to brainwash the Chinese people.
Associated Press Worldstream Reports on Falun Gong Practitioners' March Through Central Athens to Call for Attention to the Persecution in China
2004-08-14On the 11th of August, The Associated Press reported on Falun Gong practitioners' parade through central Athens to call for attention from international society regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. One Falun Gong practitioner pointed out that although Beijing has been approved to hold the 2008 Olympics, its current human rights situation opposes the values which the Olympics are founded upon.
EFGIC: Criminal Lawsuit Filed against Chinese Officials in Athens
2004-08-13ATHENS (EFGIC) – One week prior to the opening of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, three Falun Gong practitioners, including 37 year-old Australian citizen Chris Cominos, jointly submitted a criminal lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, former Vice-Premier Li Lanqing, and Politburo Standing Committee member Luo Gan for genocide and torture.
Epoch Times: Manhattan Falun Gong Exhibit Depicts Torture in China
2004-08-13A battered woman with large gashes in her leg crouches inside a small cage on the corner of 8th Avenue and 42nd Street. The woman's name is Nelly Au who is a practitioner of Falun Gong, or Falun Dafa, a meditation practice that was outlawed in China in 1999. She is one of four people in an exhibit demonstrating the tortures used on practitioners of Falun Gong in China.
Spanish Newspaper Report about the Fifth Anniversary of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2004-08-12'I suppose that deep down inside we fear China. No so much because of its enormous military might, but also for what it would mean to loose 1 billion potential consumers. I can’t think of any other reason to explain how it can be possible that we don’t move a finger when faced with what is happening over there in the matter of human rights.'
Report from Spain's El Mundo Newspaper
2004-08-11On July the 22nd 2004, one of the two leading newspapers in Spain, El Mundo, published an editorial presenting the repression against Falun Gong as the most evident example of why China’s “economic freedom” is an illusion that will clearly fail without human rights and the rule of law.
The Chinese Embassy in Vienna Illegally Refuses Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Yong a Passport Extension
2004-08-09A passport extension application made by Falun Gong practitioner Mr Wang Yong was refused by the Chinese Consulate in Vienna on July the 21st 2004. The reason for the refusal is that Mr Wang practises Falun Dafa and regularly participates in peaceful appeal activities at the Chinese Consulate in Vienna.
EFGIC: State Councillor Could Face Criminal Trial for Using China’s School System as Indoctrination and Persecution Centres
2004-08-07'LONDON [EFGIC]– State Councillor and former Minister of Education Ms. Chen Zhili will face criminal proceedings before a Tanzanian High Court where she has been sued for torture and extra judicial killings. The suit was filed on July 19 2004 against Chen while she was visiting several African nations. On Aug. 3, a Tanzanian judge gave the green light for a criminal trial to proceed against her.'
Epoch Times: Trial of China's Former Education Minister Can Go Forward, Tanzanian Judge Rules
2004-08-07On August 3, 2004, a preliminary judgement by a judge in Tanzania's capital, Dar Es Salaam, cleared the way for a criminal trial of Chen Zhili, China's former Minister of Education. The affidavit, brought forward by Falun Gong practitioners in Ethiopia and supported by practitioners in many other countries, charges Chen Zhili with murder and torture of Chinese teachers and students who practice Falun Gong.